The Poetry Syte
Out in the Dark


It's a pity
The idealist never wanted to be a leader
Instead, she bled a black ink soul
Onto the thin lined paper
Locked self-willingly
Behind her door.
I couldn't see the light
From where I lay
And that voided emptiness
Burnt like heavy black molten wax
Star Man
You're the only one who knows the stars
They've made you an outcast in our time, man
Star man, dream
You're the human god flying to the edge
Fast-flying super-human of the skies
Up beyond the clouds
Star man
You map the universe in your glassy eyes
Outcast, they distrust you, misunderstand you man
Star man, dream
You're the theory of existence
In search of something
Want to meet yourself on the otherside
The wind in your hair
Galactic homo sapien
Star man,
Stellar Adam on a mission
Up, up, and up you go
Ain't no telling when you'll come down
Or if you'll be back again
'Cause you're the star man
And you're outta this world

I feel it down in my ribs,
In my being,
This tiredness that never goes away
Home don't feel like home
No more.
Love, yeah, that's a
Faded newspaper clip
Stuck to my bedside table,
And the sun's just one more
Phantom in my sky.
I think I'm gonna lose my mind
If I have to live one more time.
That old shroud's gonna fall
One of these days... or nights
I'm a dark sinner, a dark old crow
Worn thin by my own fate...
Maybe it's too late,
Maybe I'm already gone.
Well, are you gonna remember me?
I  work all day
And sleep all night
Worn thin by my own fate,
What kind of awake
Is that, anyway?

Out in the Dark
Out in the dark,
I cried myself to sleep
And all the while,
Shadows lurked
Lounging beyond my pillow
Out in the cold
I cried myself to sleep
And all the while,
Snowflakes fell
Settling on my pillow

Rickie's Shadow
I thought you gone, once
The rainy day forbearer
Whose soul could deny itself life?
Black clouded, insensitive
Only silence befriended
Your loneliest of lonely hearts.
Sullen stranger...
Darkness had its drooling hanker
Toward what will it would
But just as casually,
You cast it away...
I saw your last silhouette
Did you disappear that day?
Anything and Nothing
Darkness is rising in the back of my mind
I look for that someplace
I realize I need to rewind
It was carefree I'm looking for
But somehow... seems I've found something more
Here we are, we are what we make us
There's no plan, really, no matter how hard you look
Life just sort of takes us along
We just become who we are
Because we're only human; we live for a while
Then we all have to die

Angel's Message
The little girl ran
To the soldier man
And embraced him in her arms
Then she looked to his face
With tear-laden grace
And whispered her message
Like a soft lullaby:
"More often than not,
Peace is better than war
When you look at me, see me
I'm a human; not a whore
Know that it's all right
For a grown man to cry
And always realize
All one can do is try."
She stroked the hair
Of the soldier boy
As he wept in her lap,
A stranger to joy

Out in the Cold
Out in the cold,
Destitute for a friend
Gone to the system and left to die
All alone on the street,
Child prostitute
Your cries are good only to the night
Whose cold breath eats away at you
There are men who will buy you
For their pleasure
But where is yours?
All alone on the street
Wishing for a warm bed of your own
In a permanent home
And a parent's love
Child prostitute,
Your body is all you have left
But youthful beauty is so fleeting
Soon, that will be gone too.
Then all you'll have
Is your mountain of troubles.
Is there no one to pity you?

Across the Keys
The boy at the piano plays
The melodies of a modern life,
And while he plays, he cries
The boy at the piano plays
There are flowers pressed between the pages
They bled into the black spots,
Across the meters and the scales
The boy at the piano plays
Those are not piano keys,
Those are heartstings, plucked and naked
In our ears, they sound
For the boy at the piano plays

Lonesome Soul
I could see fragmented words
Upon the pillow where I lay my head
To sleep, clear mind, rest soul in bed
But rest comes not too easy,
As the sore of heart have known
The hours become morning before I am ready
I may just want to stay at home
But day calls to the weary
As the heavy of heart have known.
Trudge, trudge, trudge along until my shoulders droop
Back off home again, to rest, to call
(Friends help with one's own pain)
But friends have lives to lead besides,
As the lonely ones may find.
Another lonely day goes by,
Another and another and another
Until one cannot remember
Their "before the lonely" time
As only poor lonesome souls can know

Poems copyright Jacinta A. Meyers, 2002.  DO NOT STEAL!!  More coming soon...