The Poetry Syte
Other assorted poems!


Winged Horse
The sun is blotted out for a few moments
A flayed shadow cast upon the ground
As a pegasus flies through the mountain pass
He swoops and soars, then dips and circles around
Whinnying to the sky, snorting, tumbling
His hooves shine golden in the light,
Mane flows long down bowing neck
Just like the snow, so imperial white
Then he's gone, flown far beyond
The mountains claim their domain once more
The sky is no longer so seemingly wide,
Void, empty, lost of the lore
How can it ever be the same
After such a show?
The Ice Fields
A crystalline rain floats and flowers in the air
Stretching into the bleak darkness,
Frozen field of shameless sparkle
The ice and snow casting back
Chilled laughter, the dancing of the stars
I walk
The crushing blows of solitary steps
Echo distance far, fragmenting the ice
When I reach the path,
I am hesitant, reluctant to go
Behind me, my temporary immortality
Is manifested in a shadowy line:
Hungry, sunken footprints collected in the night


Night Byes
Oh what skies
The melancholy dreamers
Do look upon,
Caressed velvetine
Dappled diamonds
And sleep draws the shroud
Oh, ever to dream
Once more
Buddha sits
Upon a rock
Nature flowing
Through his meditative veins
The wind at his back
May have tried to knock him down
Had he been another man
But Buddha made of stone
Is Buddha still
At one with nature,
Sitting on a mountain

My Calling
I've gone to the edge of the world
To seek  a quiet place
In which to do my particular work,
Far from the maddening crowd...

the bridge

tree over water

Strange Fire
Hello stranger,
Can I rest by your fire?
It's so late and I'm tired
A long way from home
It's cold and I'm tired
Can I share the fire's burn with you?
We can sit here
Under the icy stars
So far from home
The flames chasing away the cold
Together, we won't be alone
Hello stranger,
Can I rest by your fire?
We can share compassionate intimacies
Under the icy stars
We can chase the cold
From each other's hearts
Hello stranger,
May I share your fire with you?

One Afternoon
Late one lonely, boring afternoon,
I stood at my window
It overlooked a pond.
And, gazing out that way, I saw
The setting sun cast rosy gold
On snow to gleam and ice to glow
Then blue's soft hand subdued,
Before me, blistery white...
Ah!  Gentle, winter's slumber!
At once so filling, so true...
I quite forgot my solemn solitude

Mountain Whispers
The mountains are our elders, old
They've seen men come and go
From cloudy distance, they've seen ages pass
No matter what has come to change them,
Still they stand, enduring
Casting shadows upon the fishing boats
In placid, silver lakes.
The mountains, our grandfathers,
They mimic time
Watching us with crinkled, amused eyes
Whispering advice to emperors and peasants
Listen, the mountain winds...
Listen to the mountains
On the Sculpture Floor of the Art Museum
A cast of a female
Stands beside the broad door
She's trapped in the bronze
Struggling to be
Her arm is raised in silent horror
It tries to break free
Her sculpted torso is twisted
Like a knarled tree
And is echoed
In her contorted face
But her parted lips betray a calm
There is no scream
I move on.
There are horses
Captured mid-gallop
They shine smooth under the light
There is no dust to stir
The bewildered riders' heads
Permanently caught in the whir
Their mouths are frozen
Crying out to one another
The silence is eerie, unsettling
The air fills and suffocates the scene
It's as if things aren't
Really as they seem
I move on.
Here is a bust
It's a man of white marble
No body attached,
Just a head
It could look as though in pain,
But he stares instead
With beady, blank white eyes.
Only in the dead
Can you find that sort of paleness
His cold expression
Never changing, but oh so real...
Perhaps in the dark, he comes to life
Perhaps they all do

black river snow

Poetry copyright by Jacinta A. Meyers, 2002.  DO NOT STEAL!  More coming soon...