Dream Street's Everytime Gurls


~Frankie Galasso~
~Matt Ballinger~
~Greg Raposo~
~Chris Trousdale~
~Jesse McCartney~
~Frankie Pictures~
~Matt Pictures~
~Greg Pictures~
~Chris Pictures~
~Jesse Pictures~
~Group Pictures~
~Concert Pictures~
~Signing Pictures~
~Magazine Pictures~
~Mollie Mae pictures~
~Dream Street and their Fans~
~Fan of the Month~
~Fan Encounters~
~Fan Fiction~
~Obessed Signs~
~AIM Icons~
~Away Messages~
~Sister Sites~
~Birthday Countdown~
~Truth or Rumor~
~Message Board~
~About us~
~Our Thanks~

Hey everyone I know I haven't updated in so long and I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! I've been so busy! 10th grade makes you reallly really busy and then acting on top of that makes you even busier! Plus I'm trying to do good in everything I can do right now because I'm going to NYC in April with performing arts from my school so its like I gotta do my best in everything! Plus a week ago today I broke my big toe and I haven't been to school for 2 and a half days because of the pain so I thought today would be the best day to update this site! If you have any questions at all you are welcome to email them to EverytimeGurls@aol.com I'll be happy to answer any of your questions! Well below you will see what I have updated today and I hope to be able to update some tomorrow maybe also but I have a parade to go to with some fam and friends so I guess maybe Sunday but I have no clue! This site isn't on hatius I just might not update very much! Thanks for your time and continued support towards this site!