The Gremlin Himself...
No, I'm not outside in this picture. This is really my room. Serious. My room. Lets see what can I tell you about myself... Hmmmmm... O.K. I've spent two and a half years at WVU and now I'm going to GCCC back home for a while. After some careful thought I have decided to return to WVU next fall. 'Bout time, I've been doing the Community College thing for a year and a half now. I'm also a native of the state. I guess that means that some of you all out there will call me a redneck. I'm not really but I'm still not that far away from one. I kinda like being considered one anyway. My Schedule this semester isn't as easy as I would like, mostly cause of Calculus II. It sucks. Bad. I'm twenty-one years old right now. Soon to be twenty-two, March 23rd of this year. I've been surfing for about six years now, but this is only my second web page. I only had the first one for about a month. One of my friends talked me into it. This stuff will only get updated occationally though so don't come here expecting alot of new stuff everyday. That said here's another pic.
That's a picture of my dog if anybody couldn't figure that out. Well kinda sad to say but she died in early november of 1998. I miss her real bad. She was old but that didn't matter, I still wish she would have lived. She had a real bad stroke and couldn't walk anymore and had stopped creating either red or white blood cells. So we did the only thing we could do. We took her to the vet and had her put to sleep. I miss her.