Florence, 5:40
pm. A cold and wet afternoon is the background that awaits my encounter with this
Tuscan band's guitar virtuoso, John Cordoni Kerioth. The new single "Chrysalis'
Gold" has been published a few months ago and it's the pure quintessence of class and
evill melancholy. But Necromass' reality begins long time ago, exactly in '92 when they
debuted with a brutal Death Metal promo "Connected Body Pentagram". The band is
eager of obscurity and esotericism and in '93 releases the 7 inch "His
Eyes", an infernal Black Metal anthem, a music gender yet far from being a
trend in our country. The full consecration of the band that guided the whole italian
Black Metal scene is in '94 with "Bhoma", second 7 inch now a
collectors item. Finally an important indipendant label of extreme music, Unisound,
notices this Tuscan band and in the same year releases Necromass' first full lenght
"Mysteria, Mystica
Zotheriana", a milestone of the whole international Black scene. But they
aren't satisfied yet and wont sit and cradle themselves in fan's and critic's
admirement; they push their musical research to the limit. The result is a new contract,
this time with Dracma and a masterpiece album "Abyss Calls Life". The pure
destructive violence is set aside and taken place by a lucid madness, by leaden
atmospheres sature of oppression; traks like "Unpure" and "A Serpent
Is Screaming In The Abyss" become the new band's anthems. An italian mini-tour
an important line-up change follow. In September '96 the band sets to conqueer Europe with
a 16 mega date tour in company of Dark Funeral. It's a success, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam
.... On their come back in Italy, they're invited at the Italian Assault festival sharing
the showcase with Sadist and Detestor, roaming from one part of the country to the other.
The band suddenly sets aside Dracma and in fall '97 enters in studio writing new tracks.
For now the result is this promo CD untill they find a new conract for their third
full length. Surely some tasteful surprises will be coming soon, let's see what I can get
out from J.C. Kerioth .....
(Evil S.): Two years after Abyss Calls Life release
you devorced from your label Dracma; how come since that album sold pretty good ?
(J.C.K): After Abyss' release Dracma did everything
they could to promote us and they set us on a fantastic European tour that recieved a
great response and a very professionally organized Italian tour; we were really happy on
what the company had done for us reguarding our live acts, but this superb promotion
wasn't followed by an intelligent distribution of our CD in all Europe, besides Italy of
course, so "Abyss ..." most of the time was really hard to find in record
stores. Never the less our album had been Dracma's best selling set ever. Anyway, we
kept on our musical journey (that was enriching itself with female backing vocals and the
introduction of new factors such as keyboards and samples....) demanding a decent
distribution in all Europe this time from our label and a little more time in studio for
the "construction" of our new material. Dracma's responce was that they
couldn't asure us these two simple things so we had to look elsewhere.
(Evil S.): And where ? Did you sign
a new contract?
(J.C.K): We've recieved many proposals, but none of
them so far seem to asure our demands.
(Evil S.): Let's talk about the new material, your single Chrysalis' Gold; once again your music has sensibly evolved since your previous album. (J.C.K): Chrysalis' is characterized by a more instinctive and intense approach; it also reveals an important evolution after Abyss since we've changed our singer. Ain Soph Aour's voice (also the bands bassist, ndr), now at vocals too, is much more obscure and dark sounding so this was reflected in our songwriting and attitude blending in our music ethereal and esoteric sounds.
(Evil S.):
How do you think your fans will accept the band's new musical attitude ?
(J.C.K): We've never worried too much on how our music
could have been accepted by others. We started playing Black Metal not only when it wasn't
a trend as it is since a few years ago, but back then many people didn't even know the
meaning of what those words meant; then we started evolving our songwriting adding some
mellifluous and introspective tunes because we realized that all of a sudden the music
scene was getting crowded by a bunch of kids whose only intent was to look as much EVIL as
possible smothering their face with greasepaint. Our next purpouse is to complete the
construction of a new and inimitable music entity, tearing down all those fences and
obsticles within obscure music proposals. We finally got rid of all those metal clichè's
and restrictions that generally oppress bands of this genre, evolving the points of
distinction in our music and increasing it's emotivity ending up with a much more direct
and inner approach.
(Evil S.): The Abyss European tour reached
7 countries and 16 important cities of the old continent; which gigs do you mostly
remember of ?
(J.C.K): Surely our first one in Paris for two reasons,
fisrt because it was our absolute debute outside Italy and second because the french kids
had a great response towards our music even though our cd hadn't even reached the stores
there yet. They liked our show so much that our merchandise stand had completely tilted.
Anyway every gig had something special coming. As for example in Berlin they were eagerly
waiting for the show and the whole act had been taped and played by one of the most
important indipendant German tv channels.
(Evil S.):
I had the possibility to hear all of your new songs in studio, besides the new single Chrysalis' Gold and I was impressed. You have become so versatile and
enriched your sound with such a noir taste, that I think you have reached the most
complete songwriting maturity ever. Waiting to hear the new gems on platter is the
single "Chrysalis' Gold" distributed throughout all the country ?
(J.C.K): Since it is self-produced (in Sadist
Tommy Talamanca's Nadir Studio, that plays keyboards on the single too) and since we are
still evaluating some record companies proposals, we've decided tu distrubute it
ourselves; anyway if the fans should have any trouble finding it in the shops they can
order it directly from the band at : Necromass c.p. 18263 - 50142 Firenze.
Visit Necromass Home Page ( www.necromass.com )