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Welcome to the Woodland
welcomes you to the edge of the woodland...
Who knows what lurks beyond the sun-dappled trees?

I am a frumious bandersnatch
A-whiffling through the wood.
You never know what I’ll do next
But you know that it won’t be good.
And if you wonder what I like
To munch on hungrily,
Your skin, your bones, your heretic heart
Are just the thing for me.

I heard you come galumphing up
From a mile or two away.
I hid awhile ’cause I hate to eat
So early in the day.
Now as in uffish thought you stand
Beneath the tum-tum tree,
Your skin, your bones, your heretic heart
Are just the thing for me.

The leaves that grow in the tulgy wood
Are mimsy and hard to chew.
The fruits that fall and roll away
Aren’t as easy to catch as you.
And if there are but four food groups,
In you alone are three:
Your skin, your bones, your heretic heart
Are just the thing for me.

If you outrun the Bandersnatch,
the Woodland Jamboree awaits!..
Woodland Jamboree
but wherever you go, remember....
have fun! it's all magic...

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