My Beliefs
Ok..I am gonna tell you all what I believe in.. who I worship and why I worship that particular
Deity! But.. these are for those who are not on the paths that agrees with mine:
This is the path I follow.. I myself have chosen this.. I do not want
any one to tell me I am wrong... to tell me I am going to hell.. or try to convert me! If you feel I have chosen the wrong path and feel that there will be consequences for it.. then fine so be it.. I am ready
to accept them! I am completely happy with my choice as most of you are with yours! If you can not accept my life or my choices then that is fine, but I do ask for respect as I respect all other religions.. no matter if I agree with them. Maybe this sounds harsh, but most of us pagans know what it is like to be constantly harassed for our choices, so I am just forewarning any that may stumble onto my page that harassing me will not change my beliefs! OK now on to the who and why!
I believe in the god and the goddess! The masculine and feminine divine! To me there are the same as the Christian god to my god, and the Christian Holy Sprit to my goddess! They are one and the same as far as I am concerned! Why do I believe in the God and the Goddess? Well don't every thing living in this world have to have a male and a female? (with a few exceptions) The knowledge originated some where right? My guess is would be from the divine! Pretty simple huh? Well I believe that every thing is so simple that we make it hard!
So now you know who I worship and why! Next question is.. I made the analogy about the god and the goddess and the Christian God and the Holy Spirit so where do I place Jesus at in my faith? Well Jesus was a great teacher as a matter of fact I don't consider him to be of the Christian faith at all tied in yes..but not originated! Most other pagans and I believe that he was a pagan like us! The way I see it is that he went around using energies, prayers, herbs, oils, incense just like most pagans use (and most other faiths) to do miracles (our spells)... and even the miracles required faith .. there is not much more that witches do that is different from him. *One last note.. I believe that Jesus has come back time and time again as different religious teachers like Budda and such!*
Ok so now we know some of what I believe. Now in some other pages I am gonna tell you about some things that I have learned. It some of it might not be what some of you want to hear.. and that is cool, cause after all.. Religion is all about theories right?