Terrence George Thomas
Beryl Price
Born: 28th February 1934
At: Forge Side, Blaenafon, Wales
Born: 12th January 1943
At: 2, Lime Kiln Terrace, Blaenafon, Wales
More details... Married: 5th August 1961
At: St. Peters Church, Blaenafon, Wales
More details... Occupation: Sergeant, Royal Air Force
29th September 1955 to 28th September 1977
Occupation: Housewife
Children: Michael, Andrew, Gillian
Parents: Leslie and Gwyneth Thomas
Parents: Caleb and Ada Price
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Wedding Photographs

Here is a couple of Terrence and Beryl's wedding photos.

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Service Record

During his 22 years with the RAF, Terrence 'Taff' Thomas's postings were to:

103 Squadron
  • RAF Celle, Germany.
  • RAF Wahn, Germany.
  • RAF Butzweilerhof, Germany.
  • RAF Pucklechurch, Bristol, England. No 2 Ground Radio Serving Squadron.
  • RAAF Butterworth, Malaya. Special Air Servicing Squadron.
  • RAF Gaydon, England. Ground Support. ( 2 tours.)
  • RAF West Raynam, Norfolk, England. 41 Squadron.
  • RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus. 103 Squadron. Maintenance Unit.
  • RAF Odiham, Reading, England. Ground Support.
  • RAF Aberporth, Cardigan, West Wales. Royal Aircraft Establishment Unit.
XLI Squadron

Long Service and Good Conduct

Due to his long and faithful service he was awarded the 'Long Service and Good Conduct Medal'. This is awarded for those who served for 18 years.

Wing Commander D.T. McCann,
Commanding Officer RAF Aberporth,
presenting the Medal.
LSGC Medal Obverse
Medal Presentation
LSGC Medal Reverse

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