Dodie Elizabeth Browning is your
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Curry School, Verdunville, WV. circa 1935 or 1936
Submitted & annotated by Daisy Irene (Mullins) Thiel
First row seated on the ground left to right.
1. Enslow (Buddy) Mullins, In white coat. This is my brother.
Next to last, in front row, may be Johnny Adkins
Second row, 3rd boy with white color and blond hair is Seaburn Clark and
standing beside him on the right in a white sweater is Jimmy Adkins. (brother
to Johnny) In the next to last row 3rd from left, in a white dress and dark
hair is a Ferrell. Don't know her first name. The 7th student R to L,
standing against the wall is either a Naomi Ruth or a Thelma Ruth. Don't
know the last name.
Seaburn Clark was an orphan. I don't know the details of why, but he came to
live with my family for a while. I was very young and do not remember him.
Anyone looking for a little lost orphan boy named Clark, may have found him
right here.
We really did walk a mile in the snow to get to Curry School. We would warm
ourselves by the pot belly stove in the back of the room. School was fun but
it was always a joy when spring rolled around again; school would let out, we
would be promoted and we could go barefoot again.
Two of my grandchildren, ages four and five, were having dinner with us and
in order to keep them entertained at the table, I told them stories about
when I was a little girl in WVa. They listened in dead silence. When I
finished, my grandson looked at me with big brown eyes and said,"I want to go
there." I replied with tear filled eyes, "I do too."
Curry School, Verdunville, WV. circa 1937 or 1938
Submitted & annotated by Daisy Irene (Mullins) Thiel
To the best of my memory the students are, left to right, with two rows
standing on the ground and there being only 4 students in the first row.
1st. row (1) Hattie Kirk (2.) ? (3) Ray Meade (4) May Frances Napier
2nd. row - still standing on the ground (1) ? (2) Billy Binyon or Binion (3) I do no
know the rest of that row.
3rd. row -standing on the first step(1) Minnie (Penny) Workman (2)Daisy Irene Mullins
(me) (3) Floyd Workman, Jr. (4) ? (5)? (6) Ursel Adkins (7) Orpha Lucas (8) ? This girl might
be a Zelda. Can't say for sure.
4th row. (1) ? (2) T.F. Mathis (3) ? (4) ? (5 ) Jimmy Duncan (he is standing between
two rows on the end.
5th row (1) James Conley (2) ? (3) Evelyn Mullins (4) ? (5) Violet Belcher
6th row (1) ? (2) Enslow (Buddy) Mullins This is my brother. (3) Inda May Workman
(4) Taylor Workman (5) ? (6) Joyce Fay Browning
Top row- counting only three people as the top row
(1) ? (2) Ivan Baisden (3) Arkie Tomblin
There are about 3 classes in the Curry School picture. The year should be
1937-38. I think the teacher is Miss or Mrs. Thompson (one of our relatives).
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