*Mike Baron:  Script
*Erik Larsen:  Pencils
*Scott Williams:  Inks
*Ken Bruzenak:  Letters
*John Wellington:  Colors
*Carl Potts:  Editor
*Tom DeFalco:  Chief

*Frank Castle AKA The Punisher:  Star of the book.  One time cop who watched as his family was gunned down by the mafia.  Has since claimed a one-man war against crime using whatever means necessary.
*Microchip:  Punisher's right-hand man.  Best hacker he knows.  He's in it for the same reason as Frank.  His family was murdered.
*Shadowmasters:  Manzo, Phillip, and Yuriko.  One time neighbors of Frank Castle's.  Now students under Yakamoto's training.
*The Eternal Sun:  Rival ninja clan of the Yakamoto clan.  Want to bring Japan back to it's old Imperial glory days.
*Hatsu Yakamoto:  Old ninja master of the Yakamoto clan.
*Kathryn Yakamoto:  Daughter of Hatsu Yakamoto.
*Isis Green:  Lester Daniel's one-time secretary, now B.J. Johnson's girlfriend.  Now revealed to be a mercenary who works for an unknown source.  Currently eluding Punisher's grasp...



    After losing Isis Green's trail, Frank Castle decides to take Kathryn Yakamoto's offer to go and meet with her father, Hatsu.  When he arrives, he's told to go up onto the mountain by an old lady in the village.  When he goes, he's ambushed by a member of the Eternal Sun, but Hatsu intervenes, giving Frank the upper hand.  The assassin is quickly thwarted, and Hatsu and Frank go back to the Yakamoto house to talk over tea.
    When they arrive, Hatsu drops the bomb, he wants Frank to represent him in America.  Frank is honored, but has to decline because he's an outlaw, and wouldn't feel comfortable with students.  Hatsu says its quite alright and wishes him to stay in case he might change his mind.
    Then, Hatsu's own students arrive, the Shadowmasters.  Hatsu tells them of the Eternal Sun assassin, and then the group go out for training on the mountain.  Not too long after, Hatsu senses a helicopter.  Yuriko, one of the Shadowmasters, busts out with a rocket launcher and takes it out while the rest engage in combat with the Eternal Sun foot soldiers.  The fight is brutal, and Hatsu's house is burned to the ground, but luckily no one on Hatsu's side was killed.  After the fighting, the old lady from the village arrives, and reveals herself to actually be Kathryn Yakamoto in disguise.  With the whole Yakamoto crew together, they plan on raiding the Eternal Sun headquarters, for they are trying to move in on the Yakamoto's mountain.
    The group, minus Hatsu, head out to Kansas, where the Eternal Sun have a Congressman in their pocket, and the Shadowmasters pretend to be sent by the Congressman.  The Eternal Sun security goes to get the head of the Eternal Sun.  Frank and Kathryn watch from afar.  The leader comes out and is revealed to be Isis Green...

To be continued...