How to's

This is our first article on how to's, as we go along doing some modifications on our car we will be passing them along to you. Working on cars is not only practical, economical but it is also lots' of fun.
This article is on how to make your own fresh air kit. I put it in my '93 Mustang. Its job is to bring in cool air from the front of the engine to the air filter.
I've seen people removing the air box all together and putting in a free flow air filter, I believe that especially in the summer when the engine gets hot, it will hurt performance.
Therefore, a bit of fresh air is the answer to the summer heat !

The Ford Mustang (possibly other brands/makes too) has a silencer box that quiets the rush of air into the engine. That is reason to take it off already, but it also restricts the flow of air causing a reduction of around 6 Hp.
This is a simple modification that will give your engine a bit more air to breathe !

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