These Trumps are included in all of the Trump decks that Liam has created.
- Oberon and his Queens
- Oberon's Children
- Oberon's Children by Rea
- Oberon's Children by Cassia
- Oberon's Children by Siduri
- Alwyne, Oberon's Child by Brigitte of the Skyrealms
- Oberon's Children by Ellevana
- Liam, Oberon's Child by Glitterrose of Underhill
- Ohngenriki (Gen), General of Arden's Forest Patrol, Oberon's Child by Turl
- Malcolm, Ambassador from Meru
- Kel, "Oberon's Right Hand"
- (Unacknowledged Siblings)
- The Royal Court
- Dworkin Barimen, Master of the Pattern
- (one for each additional person in the Royal Court)
- Castle Amber
The Front Gates
- The City of Amber
- Amber and the Vicinity
- Near Amber
- Tir-Na Nog'th
- The Phantasmal "Great Hall" of "Castle Amber"
- Arden
- Rebma
- Poe, King of Rebma
- Faiella-Bionin
- The Golden Circle
- (Begma, et al.; places referenced in Darell's write-up of Begma)
- The Great Tower of Chengis, in Begma
- The Begman Embassy in the Protectorate of Eregnor
- The Royal Castle of Kashfa
- The Royal Palace of Fauvel
- The Royal Palace of Cadeaul
- (Shadow Qarasat)
- (one for the Royal Palace of each Golden Circle kingdom not listed above)
- Beyond, Into Shadow
- (various locations in Shadow, to be specified at a later date)
Oberon, King of Amber
Depicted is a stern, regal man, with wavy, black hair with moustache and beard, standing in front of a throne, with his right hand resting on the guard of the greatsword on his right, point downward. His robes of state are so encrusted with gold brocade that the underlying green velvet is barely noticeable.Oberon has been married several times, but only those wives of his that Liam has met are included in these Trumps.
Ellevana, Elf-Queen of Oscordis, former Queen of Amber (deceased)
Depicted is an achingly beautiful Elf-Lady, tall and slender, with perfect, delicate features and long silver tresses. Her golden-irised, tilted eyes seem to be looking at the viewer, and the hint of a smile caresses her lips. She is garbed in robes of green and wears a tiara beaded with amber.
Turl, late Queen of Amber (deceased)
Depicted is a delicate, melancholy woman with strawberry blonde hair and an achingly sad smile.Turl was the mother of Ohngenriki (Gen). She died while giving birth to him.
Cymnea, future Queen of Amber (not yet included)
xxx(Once Liam has met Cymnea, he will be able to make Trumps of her. Once this happens, these Trumps of Cymnea will eventually be incorporated into Liam's Trumps decks.)
Oberon's Children
(Info on all of the player characters can be found here.)
Standing at the bar of his favorite pub is a mountain of a man with curly brown hair, a moustache, and a two day's growth of razor stubble, garbed in gold-bordered crimson, and facing the viewer. He is saluting the viewer with a beer stein in his right hand, and his left hand rests casually on the pommel of his monstrous sabre.Errol is the second child born of Oberon and Rea. Errol is also the Sheriff of the city of Amber.
Marcus, Admiral of Amber's Navy
xxxMarcus is the youngest child born of Oberon and Rea. Marcus is also the Admiral of Amber's Navy.
Depicted is a tall, elegant, smiling woman with wavy black hair and dark eyes, dressed in blue and white, and carrying the enchanted sword Aramwir, standing to the left of and slightly behind the seashell-motif throne of Rebma.Jordan is the eldest child born of Oberon and Rea. Jordan also holds a special position in Rebma, called the "First Sword". Jordan is known to have the sword Aramwir.
(Click here for more info on Jordan, Rebma, and/or Aramwir.)
xxxDominic is the elder child born of Oberon's marriage to Cassia.
Arric, Captain of the Castle Guard
Depicted is a smiling, grey-eyed brunette sitting at a card table across from the viewer. Her right hand holds a fan of several trumps or playing cards, and her left hand rests next to both a stack of coins and a glass of wine. She is looking directly at the viewer with an amused, expectant expression, as though waiting for the viewer to call . . . or fold.Arric is the younger child born of Oberon's marriage to Cassia. Arric is also the Captain of the Castle Guard.
In this black-and-white image, a man dressed in a double-breasted, tweed suit and a short, wide tie, with a flower stuck haphazardly through one wide-bottomed lapel, is seated on a swivel-stool behind a counter. His fedora is angled rakishly over his slicked back hair, and his pencil-thin moustache frames his thin, hard smile. In one hand, he cradles a cup of steaming, black liquid. The other holds a cigarette between two ring-studded fingers, with the smoke wafting up to join the thick, impenetrable cloud just above his head. Behind him is a large, greasy window looking onto a deserted street where the reflections of countless neon signs fight each other on the cold, wet pavement. Beyond the dancing lights, nondescript buildings serve as a depressing backdrop for an already gloomy, rainy night.Giles is the elder son born of Oberon's marriage to Siduri, the late Empress of Begma. Giles is also the reigning Emperor of Begma.
(Click here for more info on Giles and/or Begma.)
Depicted against the midnight background of countless stars is a handsome, smiling young man with long black hair and amber eyes, dressed in dark crimson robes, who is offering to the viewer the magical glow cupped in his hands.Jorrel is the younger son born of Oberon's marriage to Siduri, the late Empress of Begma. Jorrel is also a Duke in the Empire of Begma.
Depicted is a sun-bronzed young man with light brown hair and strange, silvery eyes, wearing a sky blue shirt and dark blue pants, and supporting a magnificent grey eagle with blue-banded wings on the azure gauntlet he's wearing over his right hand and forearm. On the left breast of the man's shirt is the blue-black silhouette of a pheonix over a silver moon, and around his neck rests a diamond pendant. The man is looking at the eagle and is smiling.Alwyne is the only child born of Oberon's union with Brigitte of the Skyrealms.
Depicted is a lean, dark-haired and mustachioed man, garbed in black and purple, sitting across fromand apparently playing chess againstthe viewer. His hands and forearms have the numerous small scars of a master swordsman. His left hand supports his chin (and only partially conceals his grin) and his right hand hovers over the board (as if preparing to make his move), but his grey eyes are focused on the viewer, as though reading his opponent's reaction to his impending move.Kyle is the elder twin brother of Neville, born of Oberon's marriage to Ellevana.
(Click here for more info on Kyle.)
Depicted in this "head and shoulders" image is a lean, dark-haired, dark-eyed man, wearing a black cloak or robe with a deep hood and lined in purple. He is looking directly at the viewer, and his hands are either lowering his hood or raising ityou cannot tell. Behind him, a violent storm is chasing away the last vestiges of a polychromatic sunset. . . or is it the sunrise which is chasing away the storm?again, you cannot tell.Neville is the younger twin brother of Kyle, born of Oberon's marriage to Ellevana. Neville is currently banished from Amber.
Depicted is a slender, athletic, young man of medium height, with wavy, dark red hair and sparkling green eyes. He is wearing a grey doublet over a shirt of blue and green, grey trousers tucked into black, knee-high boots, an ankle-length, grey cloak pinned at his right shoulder, and a grey cap, trimmed with blue and green, pinned with a feather of blue and green, and he is armed with a rapier and main-gauche. He is standing at the peak of Mount Kolvir at night, in a relaxed pose facing the viewer, with his arms crossed, and he is smiling or laughing.Liam is the only child born of Oberon's marriage to Glitterrose, a Faerie of the Shadow Underhill. (Click here for more info on Liam.)
Ohngenriki, General of Arden's Forest Patrol
Depicted in this image, standing at the edge of the forest Arden and facing to the viewer's left, is a slightly gangly (yet confident), very young man with a hesitant, shy smile and the colorless white skin and hair of an albino, attired in sturdy huntsman's clothing of charcoal grey trimmed in plum, and with the enchanted sword Werewindle belted at his side.Ohngenriki is the only child born of Oberon's marriage to Turl. Gen is also the General of the Forest Patrol of Arden. Gen is known to have the sword Werewindle.
Depicted is a smiling, wiry man, clad all in white, with neat, blond hair and a trim, yellow beard. To his left is a silver palm tree with a clear river behind it, and to his right is a tall, stone monolith. It is evening, but the light of a thousand stars are shining brighter than the light of any moon.Malcolm is the Ambassador from the island kingdom (theocracy?) of Meru.
Depicted is a tall, well-built young man having reddish-blond hair and blue eyes, and garbed in red, standing at the foot of the throne of Amber, off to the throne's right. He is facing the viewer with an expectant, wary expression, and his left hand rests casually on the pommel of the long, slender sword belted at his hip.Kel is often called "Oberon's right hand." He has been appointed to the Royal Court and serves as the Secretary of State (the foreign minister).
Magenta, High Priestess of the Unicorn
Standing in front of the altar in the Grand Cathedral of the Unicorn is a tall, raven-tressed, silver-eyed Amazon in black robes, with a reserved smile, and facing towards the viewer.Magenta Fairbane is the High Priestess of the Unicorn.
Depicted is a slender, youthful man with tousled, thick reddish hair, garbed in burgundy and forest green, sitting in front of a hearth and playing a ______. The enchanted sword Grayswandir is propped against the wall besides him.Jack is a ward of Oberon's. Jack is known to have the sword Grayswandir.
(Click here for more info on Jack.)
Dworkin Barimen, Master of the Pattern
Depicted in this hauntingly strange illustration is a wizened, hunchbacked gnome with a long, scraggly, grey beard and wrinkled robes of an indeterminate color. When this Trump is viewed from one angle, the hunchback appears to be looking towards the viewer, when viewed from another angle, the hunchback appears to be looking through the viewer. . . but when viewed from one particular angle, the hunchback is looking directly into your soul. . . Do you really want to use this Trump? . . .This Trump depicts Dworkin.
Castle Amber
The Front Gates
xxxThis Trump depicts the front gates of Castle Amber.
The Bazaar
xxxAnyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the Bazaar in the City of Amber.
(Note: Virtually every medieval city had an open-air market/bazaar. Since Amber is the "One True City (Of Which All Others Are But Shadow)" TM :-) I figure that Amber probably has such a place. However, I've not yet received confirmation of this from Alessandro, so this Trump may have to be changed.)
The Grand Cathedral of the Unicorn
xxxThis Trump depicts the Grand Cathedral of the Unicorn, in the city of Amber. Anyone using this Trump will transport themself to just outside the main entrance of the Grand Cathedral.
xxxAnyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the wharfs in Amber's harbor (near the Customs Office? if not, where specifically? memo to self - ask Richard).
The Stairway to Tir-Na Nog'th
xxxAnyone using this Trump will transport themself to the three steps on Mount Kolvir that, when the full moon shines upon them, become the stairway leading up to Tir-Na Nog'th.
Depicted is bare patch of rock at the top of a great mountain, facing over the waters of endless ocean, with the final dying embers of twilight glistening on the far horizon, and the crowning panoply of a thousand stars reflected on the wine-dark waters below.Anyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the very peak of Mount Kolvir.
The Phantasmal "Great Hall" of "Castle Amber"
xxxThis Trump depicts the phantasmal counterpart in Tir-Na Nog'th of the Great Hall in Castle Amber.
The Grove of the Unicorn
xxxAnyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the Grove of the Unicorn, just inside the forest Arden.
xxxAnyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the Ranger Station #1, just inside the forest Arden.
Near Amber Rebma
(Click here for more info on Rebma.)
Depicted in this underwater scene is a stern, regal, bare-chested, green-skinned man, having wavy white hair with moustache and long, flowing beard, standing in front of the seashell-motif throne of Rebma, with his right hand gripping an ornamental (yet surviceable) trident.This is a Trump of King Poe of Rebma.
Depicted in this cleverly executed Escher-like image in various shades of blue and green is an underwater stairway stretching from the bottom edge of the field of view away towards the horizon line, near the top of the field of view. However, the lighting and shading distort the viewer's perspective, giving rise to the following important questionIs the viewer looking down a downward stairway, . . . or is the viewer looking up an upward stairway?This is the stairway leading down to Rebma. (Please watch your step.) Anyone using this Trump will transport themself to the stairs to Rebma, about a couple hundred feet or so down from the top, facing towards Rebma (i.e., facing "downwards"), with about a mile or so left to go.
The Golden Circle
Begma, et al.
(Click here for more info on Begma.)
The Great Tower of Chengis, in Begma
xxxThis Trump depicts the Great Tower of Chengis, an important landmark in Siduria, the capital of Begma. Anyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the Tower.
The Begman Embassy in the Protectorate of Eregnor
xxxAnyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the main entrance of the Begman embassy in ______, the primary city of Eregnor.
Eregnor is a "protectorate" in the Empire of Begma.
xxxAnyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the front gates of the royal castle in Jidrash, the capital of Kashfa.
Kashfa is a primitive kingdom connected to Begma through Eregnor.
xxxAnyone using this Trump will transport themselves to Fauvel.
(No details as of yet.)
xxxAnyone using this Trump will transport themselves to Cadeaul.
Cadeaul is a Renaissance-era Shadow famed for its fine sailing vessels, glasswares, ales, and architects. The Shadow is a tropical paradise composed of hundreds of small islands and only one small continent. It is ruled by Yarl Astintane, King of Cadeaul, a man with long gray hair and matching beard.
The Royal Palace of Qahiri, in Shadow Qarasat
xxxThis Trump leads to the royal palace in the city of Qahiri, the capital of the kingdom of Qahiri. Anyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the palace.
The Royal Palace of Tehrazon, in Shadow Qarasat
xxxThis Trump leads to the royal palace in the city of Tehrazon, the capital of the kingdom of Tehrazon. Anyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the palace.
The Ducal Palace of Zija, in Shadow Qarasat
xxxThis Trump leads to the front gates of the palace of the Duke of Zija in the kingdom of Qahiri. Anyone using this Trump will transport themselves to the palace.
Beyond, Into Shadow