Perryville KY National Reenactment North South Alliance Event
Home Page of the Missouri Civil War Reenactors Association (MCWRA), the regional umbrella group to which the 5th Missouri Infantry belongs.
1st Confederate Division Home Page. The 5th Missouri belongs to the 1st Missouri Battalion of the 1st Confederate Division, which works in tandem with the 1st Federal Division for national event planning.
Sons of Confederate Veterans, Missouri Division has a new and excellent site
The Trans Mississippi Brigade, an umbrella group of confederate reenacting units west of the Mississippi
1st Missouri Battalion, The 5th Missouri belongs to the 1st Missouri Battalion
The 33rd Illinois Volunteer Regiment Band, Inc. was re-created, in 1996, by musicians from Central Illinois. Our performances are a tribute to the soldiers and musicians of the North and South who fought for what they believed to be right.
11th Mississippi Company G A Confederate Infantry unit from the St Louis Area
9th Missouri Sharpshooters A Confederate Infantry unit from the St Louis Area
6th Missouri Infantry A Confederate infantry unit from central and western Missouri.
4th Missouri Infantry A Confederate Infantry unit from southwest Missouri
3rd Missouri Infantry A Confederate Infantry unit
3rd Missouri Cavalry Regiment (Dismounted) CSA, Co. A
1st Missouri Infantry A Confederate Infantry unit
Camp Chase Gazette is the first, best, and at present the only nationally distributed publication devoted entirely to the subject of reenacting America’s Civil War.
The Watchdog provides accurate, comprehensive information allowing reenactors to become educated consumers of reproduction goods.
Columbus Depot Jackets. Geoff Walden's comprehensive site featuring compiled research on this common western-theater jacket, with photos of surviving examples.
10th Texas Infantry. Site featuring archival information and research pertaining to this Trans-Mississippi Confederate unit.
Missouri State Archives. Repository of official records and information about Missouri's Civil War regiments.
State Historical Society of Missouri. Another library holding research materials pertaining to Missouri's Civil War regiments.
National Archives and Records Administration. Ultimate source for service information on soldiers and armies of the WBTS.
Save the Franklin Battlefield Association. This group works to preserve sites pertaining to the 1864 Battle of Franklin, in which the Missouri Brigade played a crucial, but tragic role.
Siege and Battle of Corinth. This site features history, letters and links pertaining to the Oct., 1862 battle in which the 5th Missouri, as part of Gate's Brigade, breached the federal works at Battery Powell -- an often-overlooked part of the battle.
Lexington. Units that would later become the 5th Missouri took part in this siege as part of the Missouri State Guard.
Civil War in the Trans-Mississippi Region message board
The SAVAGE / GOODNER SCV Camp 1513. Web site is your site for War Between the States Histories, Clipart, Wav Files, Links, and much more.
Civil War ClipArt Gallery. The largest collection of CIVIL WAR CLIPART.
Classroom Clipart Some neat Civil War Art.
Links to the Civil War in Missouri. Hosted by the Missouri branch of MOLLUS with dozens of Missouri-related links.
The Civil War Home Page. Another extensive collection of Civil War-related links and information.
Documentary on the Battle of Shiloh. Now on video. Film at Michie Tennessee April 5.6 & 7 2002. Come and live the Battle of Shiloh with a 100,000 soldiers blue and gray.
This Suggested Reading covers Histories of the famed Missouri Confederate Brigade, the Guerrilla War & Border Troubles, the War in the Ozarks, Major Missouri Battles, Biographies, Miscellaneous Missouri CW Sources, and Other Books about/by Missouri Confederates.
List and comments compiled by founding member Bill Wayne.
Books about the 1st & 2nd Missouri Confederate Brigades,
or its/their component units, who served east of the Mississippi after the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern (Pea Ridge) in March 1862. After Vicksburg, there was one Missouri Brigade.
Best Source: Gottschalk, Phil, In Deadly Earnest, The Missouri Brigade (1991). A well-written and well-researched history by a respected Missouri journalist. Describes leadership & actions of the Brigades) from Boonville to Ft. Blakeley & places them in the perspective of campaigns & the war as a whole.
Anderson, Ephraim McD., Memoirs, Historical and Personal; including the Campaigns of the First Missouri Confederate Brigade (1867). Excellent 1st person history of the Missouri Brigade from Carthage to Vicksburg, secondary source to Ft. Blakeley.
Bevier, R.S., History of the First and Second Missouri Confederate Brigades (1879). Another fine first person source, written by the Lt. Col. of the 5th Missouri Infantry. Again, a primary source only through Vicksburg, secondary thereafter.
Tucker, Phillip Thomas, The South's Finest, the First Missouri Brigade from Pea Ridge to Vicksburg (1993). A very well researched book with lots of anecdotes about Brigade members, but writing style is overblown & detracts from the Tucker's serious scholarship.
Tucker, Phillip Thomas, Westerners In Gray: The Men & Missions of the Elite Fifth Missouri Infantry Regiment (1995). In the same style as his Brigade history, covering part of the same time frame (fall '62 to Vicksburg). Good source for info on specific individuals and events for first person character work.
Tucker, Phillip Thomas, The Confederacy's Fighting Chaplain, Father John B. O'Bannon. Father O'Bannon was chaplain of the Fifth Mo Infantry. I haven't read this work, but it has been criticized for being more about the 5th than Father O'Bannon, which might make it of more value to a unit researcher.
Books about the guerrilla war in Missouri and the border:
Best Source: Brownlee, Richard S., Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy (1958). Excellent coverage of the war years, but not much coverage of pre-war actions.
Monaghan, Jay, Civil War on the Western Border, 1854-1865 (1955). The original history of the border & guerrilla wars, done in sensationalist style. Not always accurate.
Fellman, Michael, Inside War, the Guerrilla Conflict in Missouri During the American Civil War (1988). A scholarly study of causes and effects if the guerrilla war. Won't pinpoint skirmishes but will show attitudes.
Goodrich, Thomas, Black Flag, Guerrilla Warfare on the Western Border, 1861-1865 (1995). I have this in my library but haven't gotten around to reading it.
Goodrich, Thomas, Bloody Dawn, The Story of the Lawrence Massacre (1991). A highly readable account of Quantrill's raid. One Kansan told me after reading it, "you know, they (the partisans) were provoked."
Nichols, Alice, Bleeding Kansas (1954). A good source for the border troubles from 1854 to 1861.
Books about war in the Ozarks:
Ingenthron, Elmo, Borderland Rebellion (1980). Covers the war on the Missouri-Arkansas border.
Steele, Phillip W. & Steve Cottrell, Civil War in the Ozarks (1993). A concise history.
White, Katherine Miles, Bitter Ground, the Civil War in the Golden Valley (1971). Anecdotes and history about the war in Benton, Henry & St. Clair counties.
Missouri Area Battle & Campaign Histories
Wilson Creek (Oak Hills to us rebs)
Bearss, Edwin C. The Battle of Wilson's Creek (1988). Account of a key Missouri battle written by the dean of CW historians.
Brooksher, William R., Bloody Hill, the Civil War Battle of Wilson's Creek (1995). Covers the whole campaign including detailed accounts of battles at Boonville, Cole Camp, Carthage & Dug Springs.
Pea Ridge (Elkhorn Tavern)
Shea, William L. & Earl J. Hess, Pea Ridge, Civil War Campaign in the West (1992). Detailed account of the complete campaign.
Price's 1864 Raid
Peterson, Cyrus A. & Joseph M. Hanson, Pilot Knob, Thermopylae of the West (1914). The only detailed account I've found of this phase of Price's 1864 Raid.
Monnett, Howard N., Action Before Westport, 1864 (1964). Culminating battle, called by some the largest battle of the Trans-Mississippi
Buresh, Lumir, The Battle of Mine Creek (1977). Good detailed account of the end of Price's attempt to recapture Missouri.
Castel, Albert, General Sterling Price and the Civil War in the American West (1968). A military biography of Gen. Price by a leading historian of the area.
Shalhope, Robert, Sterling Price, Portrait of a Southerner (1971). Better on his full life & background, not as thorough on the war.
Rea, Ralph R., Sterling Price, the Lee of the West (1959). Rea's grandfather served under & idolized Price - it affects this biography.
Hurt, R. Douglas, Agriculture & Slavery in Missouri's Little Dixie (1992). An excellent source for the 1st person fanatic who really wants to understand his background as a farmer/planter.
Bartels, Carolyn, The Civil War in Missouri Day by Day, 1861-1865 (1992). A massive extraction from O.R. of what went on every day of the war in Missouri. Also has a location index.
Other Notable Books by Missouri Veterans
Edwards, John Newman, Shelby and His Men (1867). Edwards was a newspaperman & Shelby's Adjutant, so the account is both florid & partisan. Recently reprinted.
Edwards, John Newman, Noted Guerrillas (1877)
Mudd, Joseph A., With Porter in North Missouri (1909). Covers author's experiences in summer of 1862.
This bibliography does not cover Federal subjects, including Wiley Britton's books describing the war in the area from a Union viewpoint, biographies of Lyon, Leslie Ander's regimentals on the 18th & 21st MO (US), or any Kansas or Iowa regimentals.
This list compiled by Steven Fink from Compendium of The Confederate Armies: Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, The Confederate units and the Indian Units ©1998 by Stewart Sifakis
The Fifth Missouri Infantry C.S.A. Inc. is not affiliated with any religious, political, or has any connection with hate organizations.
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