Mattel's Official Matchbox Page
Keystone Kollectible Kars - THE BEST place for buying Matchbox has now come to the web! An Authorized Matchbox Dealer featuring great service, toll free ording and their prices can't be beat. It doesn't get any better!
Matchbox Forum International - Internation Matchbox Collectors Club covering US and ROW models for, Europe, Germany, Australia, and England. While you are there you may also want to check out the models that John Nijhuis has for sale.
Dan's Matchbox Pictures Pages - Dan's Matchbox collection in pictures. Well worth a look.
Shabbir Malik - If you want to learn everything about Matchbox, here is one of the BEST places to start.
THOMPSON'S SHOWCASE COLLECTIBLES - Bob has some Matchbox and other diecast models for sale, you might just find what you are looking for!
Dean Dierschow's Diecast Links - A member of BAY AREA Collectors' Association has compiled an outstanding list of links that covers the whole diecast line up. This is one page to bookmark.
Frank's Matchbox Lesney Pages - Frank Carnahan has assembled one of the best sites on the web with information on EVERYTHING! A very informative site that should not be missed, I highly recommend checking it out!
The Good Trader's Registry - A lot of work has been put into this site by GTR Rob and others to make trades a pleasant expierence! They have also compiled a great set of links for HW's, MB and JL. A good site to bookmark! Rob has also taken over Diecast Illustrated's Message Board, stop by and check it out. It's still the great forum for all diecast brands plus some fun on the side!
BattleKings - Visit Lewis's Great page about Matchbox BattleKings, his specialty. If you are looking to buy or sell, or have a question, Lewis is the expert on these!
Allsorts Die Cast Toys - Specializing in diecast models for the collector. This site contains hundreds of models we currently have in stock from many different manufactures, Including Dinky, Matchbox, EFE, Vanguards, Corgi, Maisto, Solido, Britains, Best, plus many more. We also have a large selection of plastic soldier from various manufactures.
Dave's Matchbox Collector Zone - From the original Lesney Matchbox up until today, this site has something for everyone. Dave has very nice photos of some of the older models that we all enjoyed when we were younger. Dave also has a Trade List, so stop by and check out his site!