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 Award 2: The Most Loved Female Character Award 

This was a tough one, as there were only 3 to choose from:
1) Elaine Marley-Govenor of Melee Island
2) Carla-The Sword Master Of Melee Island
3) The Voodoo Lady-It's all in the name!
However in the end we decided that, The Most Loved Female Character is................


....................ELAINE MARLEY. This woman wasn't always the soft hearted govenor she is now, she used to be like any woman given just a smidgen of power she was, of course, an icy cold witch. That is until Guybrush rescued her from being Lechuck's Bride!

Elaine From
Monkey Island 4

LeChuck From
Monkey Island 4

After Guybrush saved Elaine she instantly fell in love with him, and he with her. In Monkey Island 3 Guybrush proposes to Elaine and she accepts.
They make a perfect couple in my opinion, even though they sometimes have some arguments!


I don't know what made us choose Elaine for this award, other than her great relationship with Guybrush.

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