My Collection

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The newest addition to my collection. A baby female Albino Red Corn Snake This is a male Red Albino Corn Snake (I rescue him from a Marine who got caught with him in the barracks) This is an adult female Albino Red Corn Snake. I recently purchased her. This an adult Okinawan Golden Habu (unusually dark color even after shedding) This is my first Hemi-Habu(venomous). They are usually much shorter and more stout than the golden habu. They are also not as agressive.
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This is a baby female Ball Python (1 of 4) This is an adult female Ball Python (actually still young in this pic. (2 of 4) This is an adult female Ball Python that was caught in the wild. You can see why they are called "Ball" Pythons.(3 of 4) This was my first Ball Python that I raised from a baby. About 3 years ago. (4 0f 4) This is an  Okinawan Akamata   that I caught.
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This is a locally found Taiwan Beauty Snake This is a female Leopard Gecko (1 of 2) This is a female Leopard Gecko (2 of 2) This is a male Leopard Gecko (1 of 2) This is a male Leopard Gecko (2 of 2)
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This is a female African Fat-tailed Gecko with uncommon white stripe (she was a valentines gift) This is a male African Fat-tailed Gecko (he's very seldom seen out from under his rock I just hatch 2 baby African Fat-tail Geckos. One normal and one stripe pattern. This is a female Bearded Dragon (not a horny toad.) (1 of  3) This is a female Bearded Dragon (they flatten out and extend their beard when frightened or angry)  (2 of 3)
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This is my newest addition to my collection. It is a baby Bearded Dragon. He/She was one in a game of BINGO.(3 of 3) This is a Kinobori Tokage... Okinawan Tree-climbing Lizard (1 of 6) This is an Okinawan Bull Frog (1 of 2). They were raised from tadpoles and this one thinks he's back on the block.
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This is a baby Cobalt Blue Tarantula. This is a small Rust Rump Tarantula. This is a young adult Brazilian Greysmoke Tarantula.


The following page is very graphic and may not be for anyone who is squeamish or has a soft spot for little creatures (otherwise known to reptile lovers as food). It has a few close up pictures of my pets eating mice, crickets, etc. Continue at your own risk!