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The R6522 allows positive control of data transfers between the system processor and peripheral devices through the operation of "handshake" lines. Port A lines (CA1, CA2) handshake data on both a read and a write operation while the Port B lines (CB1, CB2) handshake on a write operation only.


Positive control of data transfers from peripheral devices into the system processor can be accomplished very effectively using Read Handshaking. In this case, the peripheral device must generate the equivalent of a "Data Ready" signal to the processor signifying that valid data is present on the peripheral port. This signal normally interrupts the processor, which then reads the data, causing generation of a "Data Taken" signal. The peripheral device responds by making new data available. This process continues until the data transfer is complete.

In the R6522, automatic "Read Handshaking" is possible on the Peripheral A Port only. The CA1 interrupt input pin accepts the "Data Ready" signal and CA2 generates the "Data Taken" signal. The "Data Ready" signal will set an internal flag which may interrupt the processor or which may be polled under program control. The "Data Taken" signal can either be a pulse or a level which is set low by the system processor and is cleared by the "Data Ready" signal. These options are shown in Figure 9 which illustrates the normal Read Handshake sequence.

Figure 9. Read Handshake Timing (Port A, Only)


The sequence of operations which allows handshaking data from the system processor to a peripheral device is very similar to that described for Read Handshaking. However, for Write Handshaking, the R6522 generates the "Data Ready" signal and the peripheral device must respond with the "Data Taken" signal. This can be accomplished on both the PA port and the PB port on the R6522. CA2 or CB2 act as a "Data Ready" output in either the handshake mode or pulse mode and CA1 or CB1 accept the "Data Taken" signal from the peripheral device, setting the interrupt flag and cleaning the "Data Ready" output. This sequence is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Write Handshake Timing

Selection of operating modes for CA1, CA2, CB1 and CB2 is accomplished by the Peripheral Control Register (Figure 11).


Figure 11. Peripheral Control Register (PCR)

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