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The Shift Register (SR) performs serial data transfers into and out of the CB2 pin under control of an internal modulo-8 counter. Shift pulses can be applied to the CB1 pin from an external source or, with the proper mode selection, shift pulses generated internally will appear on the CB1 pin for controlling external devices.

The control bits which select the various shift register operating modes are located in the Auxiliary Control Register. Figure 20 illustrates the configuration of the SR data bits and Figure 21 shows the SR control bits of the ACR.

Figure 20. Shift registers Figure 21. Shift Register Modes

SR Mode 0 -- Disabled

Mode 0 disables the Shift Register. In this mode the microprocessor can write or read the SR and the SR will shift on each CB1 positive edge shifting in the value on CB2. In this mode the SR Interrupt Flag is disabled (held to a logic 0).

SR Mode 1 -- Shift in Under Control of T2

In mode 1, the shifting rate is controlled by the low order 8 bits of T2 (Figure 22). Shift pulses are generated on the CB1 pin to control shifting in external devices. The time between transitions of this output clock is a function of the system clock period and the contents of the low order T2 latch (N).

Figure 22. SR Mode 1 -- Shift In Under T2 Control

The shifting operation is triggered by the read or write of the SR if the SR flag is set in the IFR. Otherwise the first shift will occur at the next time-out of T2 after a read or write of the SR. Data is shifted first into the low order bit of SR and is then shifted into the next higher order bit of the shift register on the negative-going edge of each clock pulse. The input data should change before the positive-going edge of the CB1 clock pulse. This data is shifted into shift register during the clock cycle following the positive-going edge of the CB1 clock pulse. After 8 CB1 clock pulses, the shift register interrupt flag will set and will go low.

SR Mode 2 -- Shift in Under 02 Control

In mode 2, the shift rate is a direct function of the system clock frequency (Figure 23). CB1 becomes an output which generates shift pulses for controlling external devices. Timer 2 operates as an independent interval timer and has no effect on SR. The shifting operation is triggered by reading or writing the Shift Register. Data is shifted, first into bit 0 and is then shifted into the next higher order bit of the shift register on the trailing edge of each clock pulse. After 8 clock pulses, the shift register interrupt flag will be set, and the output clock pulses on CB1 will stop.

Figure 23. SR Mode 2 -- Shift In Under Control

SR Mode 3 -- Shift in Under CB1 Control

In mode 3, external pin CB1 becomes an input (Figure 24). This allows an external device to load the shift register at its own pace. The shift register counter will interrupt the processor each time 8 bits have been shifted in. However, the shift register counter does not stop the shifting operation; it acts simply as a pulse counter. Reading or writing the Shift Register resets the Interrupt Flag and initializes the SR counter to count another 8 pulses.

Figure 24. SR Mode 3 -- Shift In Under CB1 Control

Note that the data is shifted during the first system clock cycle following the positive-going edge of the CB1 shift pulse. For this reason, data must be held stable during the first full cycle following CB1 going high.

SR Mode 4 -- Shift Out Under T2 Control (Free-Run)

Mode 4 is very similar to mode 5 in which the shifting rate is set by T2. However, in mode 4 the SR Counter does not stop the shifting operation (Figure 25). Since the Shift Register bit 7 (SR7) is recirculated back into bit 0, the 8 bits loaded into the Shift Register will be clocked onto CB2 repetitively. In this mode the Shift Register Counter is disabled.

Figure 25. SR Mode 4 -- Shift Out Under T2 Control (Free-Run)

SR Mode 5 -- Shift Out Under T2 Control

In mode 5, the shift rate is controlled by T2 (as in mode 4). The shifting operation is triggered by the read or write of the SR if the SR flag is set in the IFR (Figure 26). Otherwise the first shift will occur at the next time-out of T2 after a read or write of the SR. However, with each read or write of the shift register the SR Counter is reset and 8 bits are shifted onto CB2. At the same time, 8 shift pulses are generated on CB1 to control shifting in external devices. After the 8 shift pulses, the shifting is disabled, the SR Interrupt Flag is set and CB2 remains at the last data level.

Figure 26. SR Mode 5 -- Shift Out Under T2 Control

SR Mode 6 -- Shift Out Under 02 Control

In mode 6, the shift rate is controlled by the system clock (Figure 27).

Figure 27. SR Mode 6 -- Shift Out Under Control

SR Mode 7 -- Shift Out Under CB1 Control

In mode 7, shifting is controlled by pulses applied to the CB1 pin by an external device (Figure 28). The SR counter sets the SR Interrupt Flag each time it counts 8 pulses but it does not disable the shifting function. Each time the microprocessor, writes or reads the shift register, the SR Interrupt Flag is reset and the SR counter is initialized to begin counting the next 8 shift pulses on pin CB1. After 8 shift pulses, the Interrupt Flag is set. The microprocessor can then load the shift register with the next byte of data.

Figure 28. SR Mode 7 -- Shift Out Under CB1 Control

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