( New ) Busch Stadium - St. Louis, Missouri
Current Home of the St. Louis Cardinals
Last World Championship - 2011 (4-3 vs. Texas Rangers)
Last Playoff Appearance - 2011 (NL Wild Card - Won World Series)
Opened - 2006
August 6, 2006 - St. Louis Cardinals 7, Milwaukee Brewers 1
The St. Louis Cardinals opened their new stadium in 2006. The new Busch Stadium was built right next door to the old Busch Stadium. In fact, construction on the new park couldn't be completed until the old park was demolished. Rightfiled in old Busch is now part of leftfield in the new park. As of now the only external reminder of the old stadium is the outfield wall painted on the sidewalk 402 feet away from homeplate of the old park. I'm sure in time when everything is cleaned up they will place more markers. The Stan Musial statue was moved across the street to the new park. Other reminders are the 3 hand operated scoreboards from the old park. These hang in different areas of the concourse. There are the National League & American League out-of-town boards as well as the main scoreboard that kept the line score.
Stadium Rating - B-
To see Busch from high atop the Gateway Arch click here: