Old Comiskey Park--Chicago, Illinois
Opened--1910 Closed--1990
From the concourse of the new park, we could see the demolition of Old Comiskey.
The closest I ever got to Old Comiskey... 1 year too late.
You can see the original exploding scoreboard between the leftfield- rightfield decks.
For eight decades, The White Sox called this home. Many strange and interesting things
took place in this park. The most infamous being the "Black" Sox scandal in the 1919
World Series. Eight players were banned from Baseball for life for throwing the World
Series. In the '70s, it was the home of "Disco Demolition Night". There was a between games of a double-header promotion to destroy all Disco records. The fans got so out of
control the Sox had to forfeit to second game. Did I mention the season the Sox wore shorts ? Wilbur Wood once won both games of a Double-header in this park. A parking lot
for New Comiskey stands today where Old Comiskey Park once stood. The infield is marked
out on the blacktop.