August 15, 2001--Vermont Expos 4, Lowell Spinners 3
Short Season Class A--New York Penn League
Future Major Leaguer - Kevin Youkilis
LeLacheur Park is home to the Lowell Spinners, Single A affilite of the Boston Red Sox. The park is named after state legislator Edward LeLacheur who was instrumental in getting the park built. It sits in the middle of the old mill section of the city. Built in 1998 it doesn't stand out as a newer building amongst the old mills of years gone by. The park has a beautiful brick exterior and brick entrance way. You have to climb several stairs to get to the seating bowl. Once inside it pretty much looks like most of the other parks built in the mid 90s. The park holds about 5000, that's counting standing room, which is a nice size for a NY-Penn league team. It was a sellout the night I was there. The concourse is open and located atop of the seating bowl. Unfortunately there is nowhere to hide if it rains.
Stadium Rating : B+