Current Home of the Cleveland Indians
Last World Championship - 1948 (4-2 vs. Boston Braves)
Last Playoff appearence - 2016 (AL Central Champs - Lost World Series)
August 13, 2004--Cleveland Indians 8, Minnesota Twins 2
At Last ! 10 years after it opened I made it to the Jake. I had tickets back in 1994 for almost the exact same date, but as well all know, due to a work stoppage the tickets were never used. It was well worth the wait. After playing in the huge Cleveland Stadium for almost 60 someodd years the Indians got their state-of-the-art "retro park" located in downtown Cleveland. It's a party atmosphere, we were greeted by a live band as we walked up to the park. Once inside, the experience just got better. Wide concourses provide plenty of room to move about. Friendly ushers who let us move about the park freely.
Stadium Rating--A+