June 2000 - Kitty Update

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Remember the newest member of the Studebaker managerie? Little Evie the Manx kitten can no longer be thought of a a kitten. She's now a momma! Yes Evie had a baby just this past weekend. At about 12:50 AM on Saturday, June 17th the baby was born on our king-sized waterbed. We haven't named him yet but I'm sure that Marie will come up with a fitting name for the new arrival. We'll get some pictures of the new momma and kitten as soon as Evie decides to cooperate with us, being the protective mother she is.

There is a sad part about this though. The baby's father, Simba, is no longer with us. He disappeared a few week's ago. We found him. He died or possibly was poisoned by some unhappy neighbor. One of our neighbors found him under some bushes in their front yard after he began to smell a bit. At least we have something to remember him by. 

On another sad note, Brat Kat is no longer with us. She disappeared about three months ago. Hopfully someone picked her up and she is basking in a luxurious home now. Even if the worst has happened, she's watching over "In Trouble" the notorious black kitten that wanted to come into the world backwards. To read about Trouble go to this page by clicking here. An interesting story for sure.

This page was last updated 20th June 2000