
Home The Zoo 

At last I did it! Finally got around to getting some pictures of the Studebaker family berds. There's Big Bird the Blue Front Amazon and Lucky Dove the ring-necked dove. 

We've  had Big Bird since she was a baby. She's 13 years old and has pretty much bonded to Marie. She is sometimes considered as our third child.   Lucky Dove, well what can I say. We've had him for five years. There's an interesting story behind his name and I'll get it put up here sometime in the future. Right now just consider that he's lucky to be alive today. We seem to attract animals in less than desirable circumstances.

Like most of the pictures on the web site, these are thumbnails to make initial loading faster. If you want to see the full-sized picture click on the thumbnail and it will open on another browser page. To return to this page just click on your browser's back button. Hope you enjoy these pictures and I'll try to get more now that I have a digital camera.


BigBird-1.jpg (26359 bytes)

LuckyDove-1.jpg (24021 bytes)

BigBird-2.jpg (24119 bytes)

Last Updated 12th March 2000