Friends of Evansburg
Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2000

COME! June 24th

Opportunity! Sign Location Party on Saturday 9 a.m. Plan A: walk to the proposed post locations at the 10 most critical intersections, check the diagram and place a marker stake where each goes. Plan B: spread chips and trim multi-floral rose. The signs are a big project! With long-lasting results! Sorely needed! Does anyone have a router or router skill that can help with these signs for when the arrows are all verified and for making the Friends' sign (see below)? We could use maybe a couple people with them once the project gets in full swing. We could supply bits (what type?)

Friends' House needs sign

Let's identify the house so that people can *find* meetings. Should we hang a (routed) sign on the mailbox or the house or both? Take a look and vote.

I offer scraps of pressure-treated 1x6 from my neighbor's new deck that might be suitable, unless some other type of wood would be best?


How can we set up for park visitor registration at the kiosk at the parking lot on Skippack Creek Rd? Ideas for information to post/distribute were: Park maps, hinged registration book like at other Parks, Friends of Evansburg brochures, web address, posters on sharing trails, fishing in Skippack Creek, event announcements. Does anyone have Plexiglas scraps that could be used to make brochure holders?


Ways to increase awareness of community opportunities at Evansburg State Park: outreach to 4-H Clubs, Scout troops, Fellowship groups; business cards, call high school teachers re: supervision of outlined community service projects. Does anyone have any design ideas or materials and/or time for making cards? Other ideas: local-only telephone and message service for volunteer project coordination at the Friends' House, Hiker-Biker Rid-a-thon, Orienteering, garden club adoptions of Visitor Center (and/or Friends' House)

Sept. 10 fund-raising event

Sebastian Riding Associates and The Friends are considering a joint walk/ride/bike -a-thon in Evansburg Park. This fund-raiser would allow a diverse group of park users to get together and enjoy the trails! Proceeds would be split by Sebastian Riding Associates (a non-profit therapeutic riding facility in Evansburg) and FOE. The Friends briefly discussed it at the meeting and agreed it was a great idea. We are hoping Dave Ryan could help with the bike trail since he had proposed something like this last year.

Web Site

Bring ideas for links to other sites. There are 3 visitors/day.

Erosion and Multiflora rose

Let's rank the priorities of the areas. Also be thinking of accessible places near *them* to deposit wood chips for work days when we get lots of people out armed with tools to spread the chips.


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