November 1998 Meeting Minutes

Lin Braddick

Friends of Evansburg
Meeting Minutes (unapproved)
November 30, 1998

Attendees: Clara, Lin, Sandy & Dave

Time Sheets: 15 volunteer hours for the month were placed on official DCNR time sheets for submission to the park office.

Next meeting: scheduled for Monday, January 25 at 7:00 PM at 528 at the Service Building on Skippack Creek Road (little white house with a circular driveway, directly across from the ball fields). The park superintendent wishes to attend for the purpose of planning activities for 1999. Your presence is requested so that we can demonstrate to the park that volunteerism is alive and well at Evansburg. Even if you never attend another meeting, we'd like to see you at this one.

Treasurer’s Report: our balance last month was 271.10. That balance reflected a 50.00 donation from the Hob Nob Riding Club of Limerick and an additional 14.75 from Pennfield Feeds with our on-going coupon reimbursement program. Subsequently, we received 254.00 from our share of the donations made in conjunction with parking at the Limerick Community Days. Our new balance is 525.10.

Old Business:
General trail maintenance and trash pick-up was performed by some members during the month of November. Volunteers are encouraged to take hand clippers and/or a garbage bag along when they visit and combine these general maintenance chores with their pleasure usage of our park. The proposal for trail rerouting on the section of the horse/hiking trail that runs between Lesher Road and the Skippack Creek was received favorably by the park superintendent. He will schedule a time to meet with a member to walk the section and recommend an exact route. He advised waiting for delivery of a new piece of equipment that the park is purchasing that will assist the volunteers greatly.

New business:
The new trail behind the Youth Hostel has some confusing signs. A trail marking session was scheduled for December to correct signage. In addition, the detour around the fox holes will be marked again to prevent an unaware trail user from injury. The possibility of renting/borrowing a stump grinder was discussed. Clara offered to discuss it with a friend she has in the landscaping business.

A shrub is blocking the line of sight for trail users entering the intersection of Mill and Skippack Creek Roads. Dave promised to visit the site with a hack saw.

A idea was presented to improve signage by adding “You are Here” arrows to  park maps, laminating them, and posting them at appropriate locations. This method of signage would be a temporary solution to a long standing problem. Eventually, more permanent trail signs would need to be erected. The park superintendent will be approached with the idea.

Trail users were encouraged to remove old ribbons and event markers when they visit the park. The event sponsors exhausted their volunteer resources with the actual event and have missed some markers in their clean-up efforts.

A tale of two Guinney Hens was related for the entertainment of the Friends members present. We were pleased to learn that the two errant park visitors were returned safely to their homes.

Discussions about the recent court set-back for the Montgomery County Rails-Trails initiative were discussed. A motion was made and passed that a letter would be sent on Friends of Evansburg letterhead to the commissions urging them to seek an appeal.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Lin Braddick

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