Alpha Gamma Rho
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Welcome the Alpha Sigma chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho!

Alpha Gamma Rho is California State University, Fresno's agricultural fraternity.  All members in our fraternity either have a background in, or are studying agriculture.  Alpha Gamma Rho offers good times,  great friends, and a fun and supportive place to live.




Saturday Feb. 21st was our 3rd annual Alumni Dinner.  Each year we host this dinner, it is more successful than the last.  We hope everyone who attended had a great time.  We would also like to thank everyone who has supported us!!!  We encourage all alumni to stop by the house so you can see how your money is being put to use.  Thanks Again.

Help us keep in Contact with all our alumni.  Click on the link below, and save the file to your desktop.  Once the file has finished downloading, open it, and follow the directions on the form.  Once you have e-mailed the form, you can delete the file form your computer.  Thank you

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Alpha Gamma Rho * 5262 N. 6th Street* Fresno * Ca * 93710