- Real Name: Ikura Yuri
- Birthdate: Unknown
- Age: Unknown (appears to be late teens early twenties0
- Birthplace: Unknown
- Blood Type: Unknown
- Height:
- Hobby: death, murder, chaos, you get the point...
- Family: Unknown
- Symbol: N/A
- Power(s)/Abilities: Yuri has the aility to take on
any form she's encountered at least once. The form doesn't have to be human
or even female. She also is thought to be able to manipulate light
and shadow to her benifit, but so far no one knows if this is true or not.
Yuri is, in a word, a nightmare. Her purpose is unknown, as is most everything
about her, if she even is who she says she is. The only thing known is
that she wants to help Nakago (although some of the seishi have speculated
that she's in love with him).
(NOTE: The person who ends up playing Yuri will recieve a text file
with more detailed information about the character. Some of this information
will be known by only Yuri's and two other MUNs.)
- MUN: