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(Letter To Someone Close To Me)

God Must Be All Powerful Or Very Close To All Powerful

God Must Be Sentient, Self Aware and Creative

God Must Care About You And Be Able To Communicate With You

God Is Not An Impersonal Force Of Nature
God Is Not Known By All Religions
How Can I Pray So God Will Reveal Himself To Me


Hi Lisa,

I care very much for you and want you to know the God I know. This is the real God, the God that loves you and does miracles for you. 

Right off the bat, God is not a He or a She.  For reference I will use “He”  but this is just for convenience sake.  Obviously the God who made the Universe did not start out with a penis.  (I do believe at one point He later became a man but that’s another story)

The first thing to realize is that God exists whether or not we believe in Him.   To reject God simply because no one can agree is silly.  God is real just like gravity.  His Presence and Qualities are not subject to our opinions. They are something independent of us. Separate from us.   So it doesn’t matter what Muslims believe or what Christian believe.  All that matters is the TRUTH.

But to get to the truth we have to know what God is and what God is not.  Otherwise getting to know Him is pointless.


God Must Be All Powerful Or Very Close To All Powerful
The God we are talking about is the God who created the universe.  The God who spun out the galaxies, the stars and the planets. This is God the Creator.  The God who made all we know and all we can ever know.  

God the creator must by definition be far more Powerful and far more in control than we are.   If God is anything else, then why should we care about him?  A God that is weak, confused or helpless is irrelevant to us.  Even if such a god exists, you might as well leave him be.  After all, what good is he? 

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God Must Be Sentient, Self Aware And Creative
God is not a mindless force you can tap into like in the movie Star Wars.  Nor is this a hands-off  type of God who allowed us to be created through random chance. No. This is a God who knows of Himself.  A God of Intelligence and planning.  A God who loves to create and who broadcasts his wonderful existence to others.

Remember the Petting Zoo at Stone Mountain?  While on the way there we both stopped and stared at a beautiful Peacock.  What made this peacock so colorful, and so intriguing to look at?  It had to be design.   

Evolution can never explain the creative force that would cause such a wonder.  The same thing goes for all the beautiful flowers and tropical fish we’ve seen.  Just how did they get so colorful and so full of beauty?  Was it really by chance?  A random mutation caused by the UV light of the sun?  

And what about the beauty and sophistication found in a common spider web?  The spider is a mindless insect.  Yet even baby spiders know how to spin these webs.  Did the spider learn to make this extraordinary tapestry just by chance?  

Evolution can’t answer this question.   It just says the non-web spinners died off and so the web spinners remained to give birth to more web spinners.  But how did the spider learn to spin a web in the first place?

The answers given by evolutionists are embarrassing.  They say that some how, chance mutations imbued the spider with an incredible creativity to spin webs-(an expertise unmatched by humans). 

Then this creativity was somehow genetically instilled in the spider through radiation and magically passed down through the generations.  Nice story but it doesn’t really explain anything. It’s like training a dog to do tricks and expecting its puppies to be born knowing the same tricks.  

But in real life, nothing of the sort happens.  Go ahead.  Try training a pregnant dog and then dosing it with radiation.  If you’re really lucky, you’ll be left with a dead dog and dumb puppies!

Yes, Evolution can never use random chance to explain away God’s Creative Power. The stuff we see in the world didn’t happen by accident.  It would be like you splattering paint and suddenly creating the Mona Lisa. 

The bottom line is that The God of the Universe Loves to create.  And He signs his name in the wonders of nature and in the stars and the skies around us.

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God Must Care About You And Be Able To Communicate With You
So we know God is Powerful, We know God is self-aware and we know God loves to Create.  But Does God care about us and if so can He communicate with us?

Off the bat, if God can’t communicate with you, then getting to know Him is a waste of time.  And if God can’t reach down and talk to you, what makes you think you’re mighty enough to reach up and talk to him?   So if God can’t reach you and you can’t reach Him, then why bother with God at all? He’s irrelevant.

Count on it that if God is so powerful, so creative and obviously self aware, it is for certain that He has the ability to communicate with us.  The reverse is also true.  This God can do absolutely anything He wants to.  So if he cares enough he can certainly hear you.

So the only issue left is If God really cares about us?
I have no doubt that God cares about us.  I know this not only from the Bible but from Direct Experience.  And You know it too.  Remember when John got into a Car accident and this peace came over you that defied your understanding?  That was God.

God really cares.  And I can give you a hundred other instances from my experience that are just like your own.   

But for the moment, Assume God Doesn’t Care.   Or Worse, God Cares but He’s so Remote and Impersonal that it makes no difference if He Cares. 

Perhaps God is so aloof and so impersonal that He cannot love us in a way we can relate to.   In that case, getting to know Him is a waste of Time.  A Hands off God will never come to your rescue.  He is irrelevant.

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·       God is All Or Near All Powerful
God Is Self Aware. He Designs and He Creates

·       God Cares About You In a Loving Way You Can Understand

·     You And God Can Communicate With Each Other

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Praying To The God Of The Universe

The God of the Universe knows you are seeking Him.  This is a creative loving God who has drawn you to Him.   He cares about you. And wants you to be ready to let Him into your life. 

As you know, we talk to God through Prayer and thanking Him.  The giving of thanks is not for His ego (He doesn’t have any) but for us to reflect on His blessings.  Being thankful takes us outside of ourselves and gives us the true magnitude of who God is and what He has done for us.  It also helps us appreciate living in the real world (Reality).

How To Pray To The God Of The Universe

A Personal God is a God who will relate to us in a way we’ll understand.  The fact is that we are people.  And People best understand and relate to other People. 

So to me, it makes perfect sense that a Loving, Caring God would make himself known to us through a man.  Now if we were dogs He probably would have come down as a dog; but we’re people so He came down as a person.

But So Many People Differ and Fight Over God.  Some Think He’s Nature, Others Think He’s Buddha and Others Don’t Even Believe in Him.  There’s So Much Hypocrisy Over Religion. So Why Should I believe In any one of Them? Maybe They’re all wrong!

Again, to reject God simply because no one can agree on Him is silly.  It doesn’t matter what Muslims believe or what Christian believe.  All that matters is the TRUTH.

Everybody’s got an opinion and everybody feels they’re right.  You want to know truth and you don’t want to be hoodwinked.

This is understandable.

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But first let’s rule out some things.

Those people who think God is an impersonal force like nature are really missing the boat.   People relate best to people.  A personal God knows this.  Even the nature worshippers would feel mighty cheated if their loved ones suddenly vanished and in their place was only the wind and the sound of the leaves.  People don’t respond well to Wind and Leaves.  You can’t be loved by Wind and Leaves.  If that’s all you gave them they would probably die in loneliness and despair.

God knows this and has given us much more than that.

Also, as we discussed, that kind of god is useless.  Praying to an impersonal force of nature is a colossal waste of your time.  An impersonal force of nature cannot help you.

Second, While All Religions Can Be Wrong, All Religions Can't Be right.

God cannot be an impersonal force like nature and also be a personal loving Creator like in Christianity.  The two are polar opposites and complete contradictions.  Any two religions with such divergent beliefs cannot be harmonized. 

Same goes with Islam and Christianity.  Jesus says He’s God and Islam says he’s just a prophet.  Both can’t be right.  It’s like saying 2=5.

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First, remember who we are dealing with.  This is God the Creator.  A Powerful Intelligent God who cares about you and can communicate with you. 

This is the God who made the Peacock and also the God who gave you peace in times of trouble.   This is a God who hears your prayers.

In short, this is a God who wants to be known by you.  He will reveal Himself to you if you ask Him and you are ready to follow him.

But this is also a no nonsense God.  You don’t play around with the King of the Universe.  He wants you to be serious and committed.  This may mean he doesn’t answer you right off the bat.  He wants you yearning for Him so that when He answers you you don’t treat Him cheaply and discard Him.

(But Do It Sincerely and With all Your Heart)

God, I want to know you.  I want you in my life.  I believe you are real.  I believe you are loving and I believe we can talk to each other and you’ll hear me.

But I’ve seen so much hypocrisy among religions.  There are so many sincere beliefs and they can’t all be right.



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Side Note On Evolution/God's Creative Power 

Evolution cannot explain the creative force we see in nature. The spider example is especially good because insects are hardwired and untrainable for complex tasks.  So if they're spinning wonderful webs, evolution has to explain it solely based on mutation, i.e. the talent to spin webs was magically imbued into their genes.

Scientists can theorize all they want.  But if this is how it really happened, why have they been unable to duplicate the experiment?  Spiders come cheap and they breed fast.  Why not irradiate a spider and it's successive generations to see what happens.  Maybe they can be trained to build a house!!!!!!!!

And the time factor doesn't cut it either.  Splatter paint for a billion years and you'll never create a Rembrandt or Mona Lisa.  Never. Ask the statisticians and they'll tell you the same thing.  These things don't happen at random, regardless of time.