
ROCCO SOCKO - Rhyme: The name Rocco with the word sock(o).
def'n: Sock - slang. To strike or hit hard. A hard blow.

DESTROYED BOYD = Detroyed boy.
def'n: Destroy - Break to pieces; make useless; ruin. Deprive of life; kill.
def'n: Boy - informal. Man; fellow.
JUGGLIN' JULIAN - Julian; J name to go with the word juggle(+ing).
def'n: Juggle - Do tricks that recquire skill of hand: able to juggle three balls, keeping them all up 'in the air' at one time.
UP IN THE AARON = The phrase 'Up in the air'.
def'n: Up - From a lower to a higher place.
def'n: Air - Space overhead; sky.
def'n: Up in the air - Uncertain or unsettled. informal. Very angry or excited.
UNDERSEA LEE - Rhyme: The name Lee with the word undersea.
def'n: Undersea - Being, working, or used beneath the surface of the sea.
SAILIN' WAYLON - Rhyme: The name Waylon with the word sail(ing).
def'n: Sail - A piece of cloth attached to the rigging of a ship to catch the wind and make a ship move through the water.
ZIPPED KIP - Rhyme: The name Kip with the word zip(ped).
def'n: Zip - Fasten or close with a zipper.
def'n: Zipper - A fastener consisting of two flexible parts interlocked or seperated by an attached sliding device.
JACK TRACKS - Rhyme: The name Jack with the word track(s).
def'n: Track - A double, parallel line of metal rails for cars to run on. A line of motion.
ARTIE PARTY - Rhyme: The name Artie with the word party.
def'n: Party - A social gathering or entertainment.
DRIFTIN' CLIFTON - Rhyme: The name Clifton with the word drift(ing).
def'n: Drift - Carry along by currents of air. Move aimlessly.
MODERN MARLISE - Marlise; M name to go with the word modern.
def'n: Modern - Of present or recent time; of or in the current age or period: modern art.
ABSTRACT ABBY - Abby; A name to go with the word abstract.
def'n: Abstract - Not representing any actual object or concrete thing; having little or no resemblence to real or material things: abstract paintings, abstract art.
CUCKOO CLARK = Cuckoo clock.
def'n: Cuckoo clock - Clock with a little toy bird that makes a sound like that of the European cuckoo to mark intervals of time.
BILE LYLE - Rhyme: The name Lyle with the word bile.
def'n: Bile - A bitter; greenish-yellow liquid secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Aids in digestion.
WALT TO WALL = The phrase 'Wall to wall'.
def'n: Wall - Side of a house; room; etc.: wall to wall carpeting.
NAILED NOEL - Noel; N name to go wtih the word nail(ed).
def'n: Nail - A slender piece of metal to be hammered into or through wood to hold seperate pieces together or to serve as a peg.
SHANNON CANNON - Rhyme: The name Shannon with the word cannon.
def'n: Cannon - A large gun, one too large to be carried, fixed to the ground or mounted on a carriage.
BOMB SHELLY = Bombshell.
def'n: Bombshell - A bomb. A sudden unexpected happening.
def'n: Bomb - A projectile filled with a bursting charge or chemical and exploded by a fuse, by a mechanism, or by impact.
VIOLENT VIOLA - Viola; V name to go with the word violent.
def'n: Violent - Very great; severe; extreme: a violent pain.
def'n: Violin - A musical instrument with 4 strings played with a bow.
550bSAWIN' SUSAN Susan; S name to go with the word saw(ing).
def'n: Saw - To cut as if with a saw. A tool for cutting, made of a thin blade with sharp teeth on the edge.
RAH RAH RONI = Rah rah rah.
def'n: Rah - Hurrah.
def'n: Hurrah - shout of joy, approval, etc. Shout of hurrahs; cheer. Receive or encourage with shouts; cheer. Also, hooray.
def'n: Rah-rah - informal. Having to do with the enthusiasm of collegiate sports.
SIS BOOM BONNIE = The expression 'Sis-boom-bah'.
def'n: Sis-boom-bah - Often a part of a high school cheer - rah rah rah with a sis-boom-bah. Jokingly the noise an exploding sheep makes.
HALF WHIT = Half-wit.
def'n: Half-wit - A mentally handicapped person. A stupid, foolish, or frivolous person.
552b LEAD-HEAD NED - Rhyme: The name Ned with the words 'lead-head'.
def'n: Lead - A thin stick of graphitic marking substance in a pencil.
COLD SORE LENORE - Rhyme: The name Lenore with the words 'cold sore'.
def'n: Cold sore - A blister near or on the mouth, caused by herpes simplex virus; fever blister.
KISSY MISSY - Rhyme: The name Missy with the word kiss(y).
def'n: Kiss - To touch with the lips as a sign of love, greeting, or respect.
RUFUS REFUSE - Semi-rhyme: The name Rufus with the word refuse.
def'n: Refuse - Useless stuff; waste; rubbish; trash.
CLEANED UP PARKER = Cleaned up park.
def'n: Clean up - Make clean by removing dirt, rubbish, etc.
def'n: Park - Land set apart for the pleasure of the public.
ALIEN ED = Alien E.T. (Parody of the Universal movie "E.T.")
def'n: Alien - slang. Martian. A person belonging to a different ethnic or social group; stranger; foreigner.
def'n: E.T. - Extra-terrestrial - outside the earth or its atmosphere.
PHONE HOMER = Phone home. (Parody of the classic line from the movie "E.T.")
def'n: Phone - informal. Telephone. Transmits sound over wires.
def'n: Home - Place where a thing is native or very common; habitat.
MOTHY MARTHA - Martha; M name to go with the word moth(y).
def'n: Mothy - Infested by moths; moth-eaten.
def'n: Moth - Any of various broad-winged insects resembling the butterfly, lacking the knobs at the ends of the antennae.
NAILED NATALIE - Natalie; N name to go with the word nail(ed).
def'n: Nail - A slender piece of metal to be hammered.
def'n: Pin - A short, slender piece of wire with a point at one end and a head at the other. Put a pin through.
STU BREW - Rhyme; The name Stu with the word brew.
def'n: Brew - Make (beer, ale, etc.) from malt, or malt and hops, or from other material by steeping, boiling, and fermenting.
EMPTY KEN = Empty can.
def'n: Empty - Containing nothing; lacking content.
def'n: Can - A metal container. Contents of a can.
HANS OFF = Hands off.
def'n: Hand - The end part of the arm, below the wrist, with which a person grasps and holds objects.
def'n: Off - Not connected.
NUMB NATE - Nate; N name to go with the word numb.
def'n: Numb - Having lost the power of feeling or moving: numb with cold.
DWAYNE STAIN - Rhyme: The name Dwayne with the word stain.
def'n: Stain - Discoloration made by soiling; spot.
SPILLED GIL - Rhyme: The name Gil with the word spill(ed).
def'n: Spill - Let liquied, etc., run or fall.
LAPPIN' LARRY - Larry; L name to go with the word lap(ping). Parody of Spuds MacKensie, the old Budweiser mascot.
def'n: Lap - Drink by lifting up with the tongue.
560bGUZZLIN' GUY - Guy; G name to go with the word guzzle(+ing).
def'n: Guzzle - Drink or eat greedily; drink or eat too much.
MARSH ROOM = Mushroom.
def'n: Mushroom - Any of various fleshy fungi that grow very fast and are shaped like an umbrella, ball, or thickened mass. Some types are edible, some such as toadstools, are poisonous.
TODD STOOL = Toadstool.
def'n: Toadstool - Mushroom, especially a poisonous mushroom.
POST NO BILL = Post no bills, a phrase meaning not to post bills in or on.
def'n: Post - Fasten (a notice) up in a place easily seen.
def'n: Bill - Statement of money owed for services rendered.
BULLETIN BORIS = Bulletin board.
def'n: Bulletin board - A board on which notices are posted.
POTATO CHIP = Potato chip.
def'n: Potato chip - A thin slice of potato fried crisp in deep fat and salted.
def'n: Potato - A starchy tuber, round or oval, and hard.
DICK TATER = Dictator.
def'n: Dictator - Person exercising absolute authority. Seizes control of a government (without inheritance or popular election).
def'n: Tator - slang. Potato; tatortot.
def'n: Couch potato - slang. A person that sits on a couch for an extended period of time.
MILLIE METER = Millimeter.
def'n: Millimeter - A unit of length equal to 1/1000 of a meter.
def'n: Meter - The basic unit of length in the metric system.
ASA RULE = The phrase 'As a rule'.
def'n: As - To the same degree or extent.
def'n: As a rule - Normally; generally. A statement of what to do or not to do.
def'n: Ruler - A straight strip of wood, metal, etc., often marked in inches or centimeters. Used for measuring.
EASTER BONNIE = Easter bunny.
def'n: Easter - Annual Christian festival on the first Sunday after the first full moon celebrating Jesus' resurrection.
def'n: Bunny - slang. Rabbit. A pet name for a rabbit.
HARD-BOILED MEG = Hard-boiled egg.
def'n: Hard-boiled - (Of an egg) boiled until the white and yolk are firm. Tough; rough.
def'n: Egg - The round or oval body, covered with a shell. Used as food.
SWARMIN' ARMIN - Rhyme: The name Armin with the word swarm(ing).
def'n: Swarm - A large group of insects, flying or moving about together. A group of bees settled together.
INFESTED LESTER - Semi-rhyme: The name Lester with the word infest(ed).
def'n: Infest - Trouble or disturb frequently or in large numbers: A swamp infested with mosquitoes.
DOOMSDAY DOM - Dom; D name to go with the word doomsday.
def'n: Doomsday - Judgement day.
def'n: Judgement day - Day of God's final judgement of all people at the end of the world; doomsday.
567bA-BOMB TOM - Rhyme: The name Tom with the word a-bomb.
def'n: A-bomb - Atomic bomb. Bomb with an atomic bomb or bombs.
def'n: Atomic bomb - Bomb in which the splitting of atomic nuclei results in an explosion of tremendous force and heat with a blinding light.
568aGLUT TONY = Gluttony.
def'n: Gluttony - Excess in eating.
def'n: Glutton - A greedy eater; person who eats too much. Person who doesn't have enough of something.
568bPHIL SWILL - Rhyme: The name Phil with the word swill.
def'n: Swill - Kitchen refuse, especially when partly liquid; slops. Sometimes fed to pigs. A deep drink. Drink greedily.
569aCUT CURT - Semi-rhyme: The name Curt with the word cut.
def'n: Cut - Hit with a slicing strike. Divide; separate, open, or remove with something sharp.
569bELECTRIC FANNY = Electric fan.
def'n: Electric - Of or having to do with electricity. Run by electricity.
def'n: Fan - Device that produces a breeze for ventilating a room consisting of a series of revolving blades, turned by an electric motor.
570aAVA SHAVER = After shave (After shave lotion).
def'n: After - Next to; following.
def'n: Shave - Remove hair with a razor, cut hair from the face. Cut very closely.
def'n: Shaver - Person who shaves. Instrument for shaving. informal. Youngster; small boy.

HOLLY HORMONE - Holly; H name to go with the word hormone.
def'n: Hormone - Substance formed chiefly in the endocrine glands which affects or controls activity of some organ or tissue.

571aRUBBER ROBERT - Semi-rhyme: The name Robert with the word rubber.
def'n: Rubber - Any of various rubberlike synthetic substances. Something made from rubber, such as a rubber band or eraser.
571bINSIDE OTTO = Inside out.
def'n: Inside out - So that what should be inside is outside; with the inside showing: turned pockets inside out.
572aFAKE JAKE - Rhyme: The name Jake with the word fake.
def'n: Fake - To fool or mislead (someone). Anything made to seem other than what it actually is; fraud; deception.
572bSHAM SAM - Rhyme: The name Sam with the word sham.
def'n: Sham - Pretense; fraud. Counterfeit; imitation. A person who is not what he or she pretends to be; fraud.
573a SNOTWICH SANDRA = Sandwich.
def'n: Sandwich - Two or more slices of bread with meat, jelly, cheese, or some other filling between them.
def'n: Snot - slang. Nasal mucus; phlegm.
573bHEDDA SPREADER - Semi-rhyme: The name Hedda with the word spread(er).
def'n: Spread - To distribute over a surface in a layer; apply. A food to be spread on bread or crackers.
574aSHATTERED SHELL = Shattered shell.
def'n: Shatter - To break or burst suddenly into pieces.
def'n: Shell - The hard outer covering that encases certain organisms.
574bFRACTURED FRANK - Frank; F name to go with the word fracture(d).
def'n: Fracture - The act or process of breaking. To break or crack.
575aBRAIN DRAIN BRIAN - Brian; similar sounding B name to go with the words 'brain drain'.
def'n: Brain - The soft, grayish and whitish mass enclosed in the skull.
def'n: Drain - Take away from slowly; use up little by little; exhaust.
575bPICK A WINNIE = Pick a winner.
def'n: Pick - Choose out of a number or quantity; select: pick a winning horse. Pull away with the fingers: pick flowers.
def'n: Winner - A person or thing that wins.
576aCROAKED KAYE = Croquet.
def'n: Croguet - An outdoor game played by driving wooden malls through wickets with mallets.
def'n: Croak - slang. To die.
576bSPORTY MORTY - Rhyme: The name Morty with the word sporty.
def'n: Sporty - Sportsmanlike; sporting.
def'n: Sporting - Engaging in sports. Playing fair.
def'n: Sportsmanlike - Fair and honorable.
577aSOWN SONYA - Sonya; S name to go with the word sow(n) OR = "Sown on ya (you)".
def'n: Sow - Scatter; spread abroad; disseminate.
def'n: Sew - Work with needle and thread. Fasten with stitches. Close with stitches. Sewing.
577bSTITCHIN' TYNE = The phrase 'Stitch and tie', (a parody name for the book title "A Stitch In Time"?).
def'n: Stitch - One complete movement of a threaded needle through cloth in sewing or embroidery, or through skin, flesh, etc.
def'n: Tie - Fasten, join, or connect in any way.
578aDIAL-A-TWYLA - Rhyme: The name Twyla with the words dial-a.
def'n: Dial - A movable disk on some telephones mounted over a larger disk with letters and numbers and used to signal the number being called.
578b PHONE BELLA = Phone bell/Phone bill.
def'n: Phone - informal. Telephone.
def'n: Telephone - To send a message by telephone by transmission of sound or speech.
def'n: Bell - A hollow metal cup that makes a musical sound when struck by a clapper or hammer.
def'n: Bill - Statement of money owed for services rendered.
579aJUDD CUD - Rhyme: The name Judd with the word cud.
def'n: Cud - Mouthful of food brought back from the first stomach of ruminant animals for a slow, second chewing in the mouth.
579bSPEARMINT MINDY - Mindy; M name to go with the word (spear)mint.
def'n: Spearmint - A common fragrant herb of the mint family which yields a fragrant oil that is used for flavoring.
580aBURNT-OUT BRETT - Brett; B name to go with the words 'burnt-out'.
def'n: Burn out - To destroy by burning. Exhaust one's energy or enthusiasm by extreme stress or unrealistic goals.
def'n: Burnt - Past tense of burn. Become injured, charred, singed, scorched by fire, heat, etc.
580b BURNE TOAST = Burnt toast.
def'n: Burn - To be destroyed or suffer death by fire, heat, etc. Become charred, singed, or scorched.
def'n: Toast - Slices of bread browned by heat.

Definitions taken from: The American Heritage Dictionary.