
BONE HEAD ED - Rhyme: The name Ed with the words 'bone head'.
def'n: Bonehead - informal. A stupid person; blockhead.

NEANDERTHAL NATHAN - Nathan; N name to go with the word neanderthal.
def'n: Neanderthal - Of, having to do with, or belonging to a prehistoric people that lived in caves in the early stone age.
ON FIRE MARIAH - Rhyme: The name Mariah with the words 'on fire'.
def'n: On - In the condition of; in the process of; in the way of; on fire.
def'n: Fire - Flame, heat, and light caused by something burning.
ABBY BIRTHDAY = Happy Birthday.
def'n: Happy - Feeling pleasure and joy; glad.
def'n: Birthday - The anniversary of the day on which a person was born.
BUSTIN' JUSTIN - Rhyme: The name Justin with the word bust(ing).
def'n: Bust - To burst, break.
WESLEY WORMHOLE- Wesley; W name to go with the word wormhole.
def'n: Wormhole - A hole or burrow made by a worm, as in fruit, wood, dirt, etc.
COOTIE CODY - Cody; C name to go with the word cootie.
def'n: Cootie - slang. Louse.
def'n: Louse - An order of small, wingless insects with flat bodies, that suck blood, infesting the hair or skin of people and animals, causing irritation.
BUGGIN' BRANDON - Brandon; B name to go with the word bug(ging).
def'n: Bug - slang. To annoy; bother; irritate. Any order of insects which are winged or wingless, with a pointed beak for piercing and sucking.
CRAZY CASEY - Semi-rhyme: The name Casey with the word crazy.
def'n: Crazy - Mentally ill; mad; insane. Greatly distressed or shaken by strong emotion.
RIDICULOUS NICHOLAS - Rhyme: The name Nicholas with the word ridiculous.
def'n: Ridiculous - Deserving ridicule; laughable; absurd.
def'n: Ridicule - To laugh at; make fun of. Laughter in mockery.
SETH POOL = Cesspool.
def'n: Cesspool - A pool or pit for house sewer pipes to empty into. Any filthy place.
CANNED KAYLA - Kayla; K name to go with the word can(ned).
def'n: Can - slang. Toilet. To do away with. To put in a can.
FORGED GEORGE - Rhyme: The name George with the word forge(d).
def'n: Forge - An open fireplace or hearth with a bellows attached, used for heating metal very hot to be hammered into shape. A blacksmith's shop, smithy.
SHANE PAIN - Rhyme: The name Shane with the word pain.
def'n: Pain - A feeling of being hurt; suffering.
DERAILED DEREK - Derek; D name to go with the word derail(ed).
def'n: Derail - Cause (a train, etc.) to run off the rails.
def'n: Rail - A bar used as a track for a vehicle, such as a railroad car.
TRAIN WRECK TREVOR - Trevor; T name to go with the words 'train wreck'.
def'n: Train - A connected line of railroad cars moving along together.
def'n: Wreck - Partial or total destruction of a motor vehicle, ship, building, train, aircraft, etc.
CHEESY CHARLIE - Charlie; C name to go with the word cheese(+y).
def'n: Cheese - A solid food made from the curds of milk.
PIZZA FACE CHASE - Rhyme: The name Chase with the words 'pizza face'. 'Pizza face' slang for a individual with acne; zits; pimples.
def'n: Pizza - A spicy, pie-like Italian dish made with a large flat layer of dough and toppings.
def'n: Face - The front part of the head.
SHOVELIN' SHANNON - Shannon; S name to go with the word shovel(ing).
def'n: Shovel - To throw or lift as if with a shovel: shovel food into one's mouth.
10bSTUFFIN' STEPHANIE - Stephanie; S name to go with the word stuff(ing).
def'n: Stuff - Pack full; fill. Force; push; thrust. Eat too much.
JARRED JARED - Semi-rhyme: The name Jared with the word jar(red).
def'n: Jar - Have a harsh, unpleasant effect on. Clash; quarrel; conflict. Hard poke.
CARLY CUE = Curlicue.
def'n: Curlicue - A fancy twist, curl, or flourish.
def'n: Cue - A long, tapering stick used for striking the ball in billiards, pool, etc.
KYLE TILE - Rhyme: The name Kyle with the word tile.
def'n: Tile - A thin piece of baked clay, stone, etc., used for paving floors, ornamenting, etc.
12b BATHROOM TYLER = Bathroom tile.
def'n: Bathroom - A room fitted out for taking baths. Toilet.
def'n: Tile - To put tiles on or in: tile a bathroom.
LEGGY LAUREN - Lauren; L name to go with the word leggy.
def'n: Leggy - Having long legs. Having shapely legs.
VICTORIA'S SECRET = Victoria's Secret (Women's lingerie store).
def'n: Lingerie - Women's undergarments, nightgowns, etc.
def'n: Secret - Kept from the knowledge of others; a secret. Keeping to oneself what one knows. Something secret or hidden.
LITTLE BARFIN' ANNA - Parody of "Little Orphan Annie". (Parody of Playboy's "Little Annie Fanny").
A parody of PlayBoy's "Little Annie Fanny" pictorial cartoon feature created by Harvey Kurtzman, editor and founding of MAD magazine, starting in the late 50's, early 60's. A parody take-off on Harold Gray's "Little Orphan Annie". The feature was revived in 1998 with artwork by Ray Lago (who completed an artwork piece for the ANS3 GPK set).
def'n: Little - Not great or big; of small size.
def'n: Barf - slang. Vomit.
def'n: Fanny - slang. butt; buttocks. Hind end.
def'n: Fan - Instrument that prduces a breeze for ventilation; cooling
BRITTNEY SPEWS = Parody of the bubble-gum pop singer Britney Spears.
def'n: Spew - To throw out; cast forth; vomit. Something that is spewed. Vomit.
BILL BOARD = Billboard.
def'n: Billboard - Signboard, usually outdoors, on which to display advertisements or post notices.
BLINKIN' BLAKE - Blake; Bl name to go with the word blink(ing).
def'n: Blink - Shine with an unsteady light. A blinking.
PHOTO MATT = Photo mat.
def'n: Photo - informal. Photography.
def'n: Photograph - Picture made with a camera.
def'n: Mat - Border or background for a picture, used as a frame or placed between the picture and its frame: mat a picture.
VIC PIC - Rhyme: The name Vic with the word pic.
def'n: Pic - informal. Picture.
def'n: Picture - A drawing, painting, portrait, or photograph.
MONSTROUS MONICA - Monica; M name to go with the word monstrous.
def'n: Monstrous - Of extremely large size; huge; enormous. Wrongly or abnormally formed or shaped; like a monster. Shocking, horrible, dreadful.
COLASSAL COLE - Cole; C name to go with the word colassal.
def'n: Colassal - Of huge size; gigantic; vast.
RODENT ROB - Rob; R name to go with the word rodent.
def'n: Rodent - Any of an order of animals having two continually growing incisor teeth in each jaw adapted for gnawing wood, etc. Rats, mice, squirrels, porcupines, etc.
PAT RAT - Rhyme: The name Pat with the word rat.
def'n: Rat - Any of various long-tailed, gray, black, brown, or white rodents similar to mice but larger, and usually very destructive.
SHELLED MICHELLE - Rhyme: The name Michelle with the word shell(ed).
def'n: Shell - The hard outer covering of an animal, as of oysters, lobsters, beetles, turtles, etc. To remove this shell.
LOBSTER SHELBY = Lobster shell.
def'n: Lobster - Any of a genus of large marine crustaceans. Their shells turn bright red when boiled. The flesh of a lobster, used as food.
def'n: Shell - The hard outer covering of an animal.
SPRAYED RAY - Rhyme: The name Ray with the word spray(ed).
def'n: Spray - Instrument that sends a liquid out as spray.
def'n: Spray Can - Container from which an insecticide, paint, cosmetic, etc., can be released as a spray or mist.
20bALEX TERMINATED = Exterminate(d).
def'n: Exterminate - Destroy completely: this poison will exterminate rats.
BOARDIN' JORDAN - Rhyme: The name Jordan with the word board(ing).
def'n: Boarding - Structure made of boards.
def'n: Surfboard - A long, narrow board for riding the surf.
RAD BRAD - Rhyme: The name Brad with the word rad.
def'n: Rad - slang. Radical.
def'n: Radical - slang. Extremity. Extreme.
GROSS GREG - Greg; G name to go with the word gross.
def'n: Gross - Vulgar. slang. To disgust; offend. Disgusting.
BMX BEN = BMX Bike. Ben; B name to go with the word BMX.
def'n: BMX - Brand of dirt bike.
def'n: Bike - informal. Bicycle. Lightweight vehicle consisting of a metal frame with two wheels, a handlebar, a seat, and pedals.
SUSHI SUSIE - Rhyme: The name Susie with the word sushi.
def'n: Sushi - Japanese dish consisting of cooked rice that is mixed with vinegar, cooled, and served with slices of raw fish and sometimes vegetables or seaweed.
YUCKIE TORI = Yucky Torii.
def'n: Yucky - slang. Disgusting; very unpleasant; distateful: yucky food.
def'n: Torii - Gateway to a Japanese Shinto shrine, built of two uprights and two crosspieces.
GUTSY GABRIEL - Gabriel; G name to go with the word gutsy.
def'n: Gutsy - slang. Full of guts; bold.
def'n: Guts - Intestines.
DISGUSTIN' DUSTIN - Rhyme: The name Dustin with the word disgust(ing).
def'n: Disgust - Strong dislike; sickening dislike. Cause to feel disgust.
def'n: Disgusting - Something that disgusts; unpleasant; distasteful.
DREW TATTOO - Rhyme: The name Drew with the word tattoo.
def'n: Tattoo - To mark (the skin) with designs or patterns by pricking it and putting in colors. Put a design on the skin.
MARKED MARK - Mark; Similar M name to go with the word marked.
def'n: Marked - Having a mark or marks: marked money, marked table.
def'n: Mark - A trace or impression, such as a dot, spot, stain, or scar.
PEEIN' IAN - Rhyme: The name Ian with the word pee(ing).
def'n: Pee - slang. Urinate.
def'n: Urinate - Discharge urine from the body.
JACOB'S BLADDER = Jacob's Ladder.
def'n: Jacob's Ladder - (In the Bible) A ladder to heaven that Jacob saw in a dream. A rope ladder with wooden or metal rungs, used on ships.
def'n: Bladder - A thin, elastic sac which stores the urine secreted by the kidneys.
MINI VINNIE - Rhyme: The name Vinnie with the word mini.
def'n: Mini - Small or short for its kind. Miniature.
27bPUNCHY PAUL - Paul; P name to go with the word punch(y).
def'n: Punchy - informal. Forceful.
def'n: Punch - A quick thrust, hit, or blow with the fist.

DUPED DAVID - David; D name to go with the word dupe(d).
def'n: Dupe. informal. Duplicate.
def'n: Duplicate - Exactly like something else. Having two corresponding parts; twofold; double. One or two things exactly alike; an exact copy.

28bTWICE BRYCE - Rhyme: The name Bryce with the word twice.
def'n: Twice - Two times. Double.
29aVENDIN' BRENDAN - Rhyme: The name Brendan with the word vending (machine).
def'n: Vending Machine - Machine from which one obtains candy, stamps, etc., when a coin is dropped in.
29bCHEAP CHAD - Chad; Ch name to go with the word cheap.
def'n: Cheap - Costing little; low in price. Costing less than it is worth.
30aFREEWHEELIN' FRANK - Frank; Fr name to go with the word freewheel(ing).
def'n: Freewheeling - (Of a car, bicycle, etc.) Coasting freely. Acting freely or without restraint.

DASHBOARD DENNIS = Dashboard tennis. (An object rolling back and forth on the dashboard)
def'n: Dashboard - Panel with instruments, gauges, and certain controls in front of the driver in an automobile, etc.
def'n: Tennis - A game on a rectangular court in which a ball is hit back and forth over a net with a racket.

31aFARTIN' MARTIN - Rhyme: The name Martin with the word fart(ing).
def'n: Fart. slang. Flatulence.
def'n: Flatulence - Excessive gas in the stomach or intestines.
31bREVVIN' EVAN - Rhyme: The name Evan with the word rev(ving).
def'n: Rev - informal. A revolution (of an engine or motor). Usually 'rev up'. Increase the speed of (an engine or motor). Be revved.
32aZITTY WHITNEY - Semi-Rhyme: The name Whitney with the word zit(ty).
def'n: Zit - slang. A pimple.
def'n: Pimple - A small, inflamed swelling of the skin with or without pus.
32bJUICY JESS - Jess; J name to go with the word juicy.
def'n: Juicy - Full of juice; having much juice.
33a PHAT PHIL - Phil; Ph name to go with the word 'phat'.
def'n: Phat - slang. Hip-hop derived word for 'cool'.
def'n: Cool - slang. Admirable; excellent.
33bILL WILL - Rhyme: The name Will with the word ill.
def'n: ill - Not good; defective; imperfect; faulty: ill mannered.
34aMETALLIC ALEC - Rhyme: The name Alec with the word metallic.
def'n: Metallic - Of or containing metal.
34bPIERCED PETE - Pete; P name to go with the word pierce(d).
def'n: Pierce - Make a hole in; bore into.
def'n: Piercing - That pierces; penetrating; sharp.
35aROOTIN' RUBEN - Ruben; R name to go with the word root(ing).
def'n: Root - informal. To cheer or support a team, contestant, etc. Enthusiastically.
35bBOOGER BRIAN - Brian; B name to go with the word booger.
def'n: Booger - slang. Dried nasal mucus.
def'n: Mucus - A slimy substance that is secreted by and protects the mucous membranes.
36aMESSY JESSE - Rhyme: The name Jesse with the word messy.
def'n: Messy - Untidy; in disorder; dirty.
36bROCKY RICARDO = Ricky Ricardo (Parody name of the main male character in the "I Love Lucy" television show).
def'n: Rocky - Full of rocks. Like rock; hard; firm; unyielding: rocky determination. Likely to rock; shake. informal. Weak; dizzy.
37aYECCHIE BECKY - Rhyme: The name Becky with the word yecch(ie).
def'n: Yecch - slang. Exclamation expressing disgust; strong distaste, etc.
37bDIZZY LIZZY - Rhyme: The name Lizzy with the word dizzy.
def'n: Dizzy - Confused; bewildered. Fall; stagger. Giddy. informal. foolish; stupid.
38aLETHAL ETHAN - Ethan; E name to go with the word lethal.
def'n: Lethal - Causing death; deadly: lethal weapons; a lethal dose.
38b TROY DESTROY- Rhyme: The name Troy with the word destroy.
def'n: Destroy - Break to pieces; make useless; ruin. Put an end to; do away with. Deprive of life; kill.
39aCOLIN 911 = Calling 9-1-1 (The emergency hotline number).
def'n: Call - Talk to by telephone. Ask to come; summon: he called us to help him.
39bANDREW SPEW - Rhyme: The name Andrew with the word spew.
def'n: Spew - To throw out; cast forth; vomit. Something that is spewed.
40aHARRY POTTY = Harry Potter. Parody of the 'Harry Potter' book character of the same name.
def'n: Potty - informal. A champer pot. British informal. Foolish; stupid.
def'n: Chamber pot - A portable receptacle, used especially for urination in the bedroom.
40b MAGIC MAX - Max; M name to go with the word magic.
def'n: Magic - The pretended art of using secret charms, spirits, or occult forces in nature; to make unnatural things happen.


Definitions taken from: The American Heritage Dictionary.