
CHRISTINA UGLIERA = Christina Aguilera.
Parody of the late 90's - 2000's teen pop bubblegum singer, Christina Aguilera, born in 1980.
def'n: Ugly - Very unpleasant to look at: an ugly house; an ugly face. Offensive, dangerous: an ugly wound.

DIANA DIVA - Diana; D name to go with the word diva.
def'n: Diva - A prima donna.
def'n: Prima donna - A tempermental person.
JET SKI JESSE - Jesse; J name to go with the words 'jet ski'.
def'n: Jet ski - A trademark name used for a personal watercraft, propelled by rapidly expelling water behind it in a jet.
FLAYED JAY - Rhyme: The name Jay with the word flay(ed).
def'n: Flay - Strip off the skin or outer covering of; skin.
SAUCEY SARAH - Sarah; S name to go with the word saucy.
def'n: Saucy - Showing lack of respect; impudent; rude.
def'n: Sauce - Any various preparations served with food to make it taste better: mint sauce; spaghetti suace; etc.
MARY NARA = Marinara (sauce).
def'n: Marinara - A spicy tomato and garlic sauce that is highly seasoned used with pasta and some meats.
SWEATY BETTY - Rhyme: The name Betty with the word sweaty.
def'n: Sweaty - Sweating; covered or wet with sweat.
def'n: Sweat - Moisture coming through the pores of the skin.
CLAMMY SAMMY - Rhyme: The name Sammy with the word clammy.
def'n: Clammy - Cold and damp. Soft; moist, and sticky.
def'n: Damp - Slightly wet; moist.
SWAMPY SHAQ = Swamp shack. Parody of the movie "Shrek".
def'n: Swampy - Like a swamp; soft and wet.
def'n: Shack - A roughly built hut or cabin.
OMAR OGRE - Omar; O name to go with the word ogre. Parody of the movie "Shrek".
def'n: Ogre - (In folklore and fairy tales) A giant or monster that supposedly eats people. A person like such a monster in appearance or character.
TOM TONGUE - Tom; T name to go with the word tongue.
def'n: Leak - Let (something) pass in or out. slang. Urinate.
COATED CODY - Cody; C name to go with the word coat(ed).
def'n: Coat - A thin layer covering the surface; coating.
DONALD DUMP = Donald Trump.
Parody of the archetypal businessman and his hit television show "The Apprentice".
def'n: Dump - Empty out; unload in a mass. slang. Deficate.
TRUMPED TREVOR - Trevor; TR name to go with the word Trump(ed).
Parody of the archetypal businessman and his hit television show "The Apprentice" and his Trump Tower.
def'n: Trump - Make up to deceive. Be better than; surpass; beat.
URINE NATE = Urinate.
def'n: Urinate - Discharge urine (a waste product) from the body.
BACKWOODS BRANDON - Brandon; B name to go with the word backwoods.
def'n: Backwoods - Uncleared forests or wild regions. Far away from towns. A remote area; backward place. Crude; rough. Ignorant mountain folk, etc.
BRO KEN = Broken.
def'n: Bro - Brother.
def'n: Broken - Separated into parts by a break; in pieces. Damaged.
JUMBLED JIM = Jungle gym.
def'n: Jungle gym - Framework of steel bars for children to climb or swing on.
def'n: Jumble - To mix or confuse. A mixed-up mess.
def'n: Muddle - Mixed-up. Make confused or stupid.
ASTRO NAT = Astronaut.
def'n: Astro - Star or other heavenly body.
def'n: Astronaut - A pilot or member of the crew of a spacecraft.
10bYUCK ROGER = Buck Rogers.
Name parody of the popular 1979 television series "Buck Rogers" with the space astronaut William "Buck" Rogers that started as a 1930's comic strip.
def'n: Yuck - slang. Expressing disgust, strong distaste, etc.
PICKY RICKY - Rhyme: The name Ricky with the word picky.
def'n: Picky - informal. Choosy; particular.
def'n: Pick - To pull away with the fingers. Pluck at with the fingers or a plectrum: play a banjo by picking its strings.
STRINGY STEVE - Steve; ST name to go with the word stringy.
def'n: Stringy - Like a string or strings. Forming strings. Lean and sinewy: a tall and stringy boy.
def'n: String - Small cord or wire. A special cord of gut, silk, fine wire, etc., as for a violin, guitar, etc.
SPRINKLIN' SPENCE - Spence; SP name to go with the word sprinkle(+ing).
def'n: Sprinkling - A small quantity scattered here and there.
def'n: Sprinkle - Scatter in drops or tiny bits. Spray or cover with small drops or particles: sprinkle flowers with water.
def'n: Sprinkler - A person that sprinkles. Device for sprinkling water.
12b HOSED JOSE - Semi-rhyme: The name Jose with the word hose(d).
def'n: Hosed - slang. To be drenched with water.
def'n: Hose - Tube of rubber, etc. used for carrying water or liquids for short distances. Put or spray water or other liquid from a hose: hose a garden. To wash or drench with water or other liquid with a hose: hose down a crowd at a fire.
JAKE QUAKE - Rhyme: The name Jake with the word quake.
def'n: Quake - Shake or tremble form cold, anger, etc.: quake with fear. Move convulsively; rock violently.
SERGIO REGURGIO - Rhyme: The name Sergio with the word regurge.
def'n: Regurgitate - (of liquids, gases, undigested foods, etc.) Rush, surge, or flow back.
BOB GNARLY = Bob Marley.
Parody of the famous Jamaican music artist Bob Marley which encompassed ska and contemporary reggae who passed away from cancer in 1981.
def'n: Gnarly - Gnarled.
def'n: Gnarled - Containing gnarls; knotted; twisted.
DREAD ED = Dreaded.
def'n: Dreaded - Terrible. slang. Type of treatment to hair.
def'n: Dreadlocks - slang. Dreads. A natural hairstyle in which hair is twisted into long matted or ropelike locks.
DARTIN' DALTON - Dalton; D name to go with the word dart(ing).
def'n: Darts - A game in which darts are thrown at a target.
def'n: Dart - A pointed weapon tipped with a sharp metal point..
MIKE SPIKE - Rhyme: The name Mike with the word spike.
def'n: Spike - A sharp-pointed piece or part. Spiked hair.
CHEESY CHELSEA - Chelsea; CH name to go with the word cheesy.
def'n: Cheesy - slang. Of low quality; inferior.
FLOSSIN' JORDAN = Crossing Jordan.
Name parody of the popular NBC drama television show "Crossing Jordan".
def'n: Floss - Short, loose, silk fibers, often waxed, is used for cleaning between the teeth.
BROKEN CRYSTAL = Broken crystal.
def'n: Broken - Separated into parts by a break; in pieces.
def'n: Crystal - A clear, transparent mineral, a kind of quartz, that looks like ice.
SUMMER BREAK = Summber break (Summer vacation).
def'n: Summer - The warmest season of the year; season of teh year between spring and autumn (fall).
def'n: Break - Make come to pieces by a blow or pull. Fracture the bone of; dislocate: break one's arm. To damage; injure.
LAVA LEVI - Levi; L name to go with the word lava.
def'n: Lava - The molten rock flowing from a volcano or fissure in the earth. Parody of the retro lava lamp.
RETRO PEDRO - Semi-rhyme: The name Pedro with the word retro.
def'n: Retro - Backward; back; behind; as in retrocede. Something once popular that is back in fashion.
JACK HAMMER = Jackhammer.
def'n: Jackhammer - A portable drilling tool, driven by compressed air, used to break up rock, pavement, etc.
HAMMERED HENRY - Henry; H name to go with the word hammer(ed).
def'n: Hammer - A tool with a metal head set crosswise on a handle, used to drive nails and beat metal into a shape.
BIRDBRAIN BRIAN - Brian; BR name to go with the word birdbrain.
def'n: Birdbrain - slang. A shallow, foolish person.
20bCUCKOO CHRIS - Chris; C name to go with the word cuckoo.
def'n: Cuckoo - A bird whose call sounds much like its name.
def'n: Cuckoo clock - A clock with a little toy bird that makes a sound like that of the European cuckoo to mark intervals of time.
X RAY = X-ray.
def'n: X-ray - To examine, photograph, or treat with x rays.
def'n: X ray - An electromagnetic ray.
TANNER SCANNER - Rhyme: The name Tanner with the word scanner.
def'n: Scanner - A device which examines automatically, especially one which passes a beam of elecrons or radiation over a service.
CUP O' JOE = Cup of joe (coffee).
def'n: Joe - slang. Coffee.
def'n: Cup - A dish to drink from, usually with a handle (coffee cup).
def'n: Coffee - A dark-brown drink made from the roasted and ground seeds of a tall, tripical evergreen shrub.
MAXWELL LOUSE = Maxwell House. Parody of the name brand coffee product.
def'n: Coffee house - A place where coffee and other refreshments are served.
def'n: Louse - slang. A mean, contemptible person.
def'n: Louse up - slang. To get something all confused or in a mess.
SNOTTY SCOTTY - Rhyme: The name Scotty with the word snot(ty).
def'n: Snot - slang. Mucus.
def'n: Snoot - slang. Nose.
def'n: Mucus - A viscid, slimy substance, secreted by the mucous membranes.
BUBBLE JUAN = Bubblegum.
def'n: Bubble gum - A chewing gum that can be blown out through the lips so as to form a large bubble.
def'n: Bubble - A thin, round film of liquid enclosing air or gas.
SHREDDED PAIGE = Shredded page (shredded papers).
def'n: Shred - To tear or cut into small pieces.
def'n: Page - One side of a leaf or sheet of paper.
def'n: Paper - Material in thin sheets made from wood pulp, etc.
HEATHER SHREDDER - Rhyme: The name Heather with the word shredder.
def'n: (Paper) Shredder - A machine used to destroy sensitive or confidential documents by shredding to fragments; narrow strips.
WRANGLIN' RACHEL - Rachel; R word to go with the word wrangle(+ing).
def'n: Wrangle - To herd or tend (horses, cattle, etc.) on the range.
CALAMITY JANE = "Calamity Jane" - Martha Jane Canary (1848-1903).
Parody of Calamity Jane, a hard drinking woman who wore men's clothes, used bawdy language, chewed tobacco, and was handy with a gun. Traveled from Arizona through the Dakota territories during her rough life.
def'n: Calamity - A great misfortune, such as a flood, a fire, the loss of one's sight or hearing. Serious trouble; misery.
TAGGIN' TYLER - Tyler; T name to go with the word tag(ging).
def'n: Tag - slang. To spray paint graffiti, a name, etc.
def'n: Spray can - Container from which paint can be released as a spray or mist.
POPPED PAUL - Paul; P name to go with the street word pop(ped).
def'n: Pop - To move, go, or come suddenly (to spraypaint, mark, etc., a symbol, name, etc., quickly).
BIGFOOT BRITTANY - Brittany; B name to go with the word bigfoot.
def'n: Bigfoot - A large, hairy creature believed to live in the mountainous parts of the western U.S.; sasquatch.
27bALECIA CREATURE = Leash a creature(?); Alicia; A name to go with the word creature.
def'n: Leash - To strap; chain, etc., for holding a dog or other animal in check. To control.
def'n: Creature - A living being; animal or person.

LAURA COUGH = Lara Croft.
Parody of the Top Cow comic character from the Tombraider comic book and movie (with Angenlina Jolie).
def'n: Cough - To force air from the lungs with a sudden effort and noise. Expel from the throat. slang. To bring out; produce; give. "Cough it up.", as in money, etc.


HACKIN' HANNAH - Hannah; H name to go with the word hack(ing).
def'n: Hack - A short, dry cough. A smokers cough.

29aDIVIN' DEVIN - Devin; D name to go with the word dive(+ing).
def'n: Dive - To plunge, usually head first, into or under water.
def'n: Divebomb - To attack with or as if with a dive bomber.
29bNOSEDIVE NOAH - Noah; N name to go with the word nosedive.
def'n: Nose dive - A swift plunge straight downward by an aircraft. A sudden, sharp drop.
def'n: Dive - To plunge, usually head first, into or under water.
30aCHOPPER CHAD - Chad; CH name to go with the word chopper.
Parody of the hit television program "American Chopper".
def'n: Chopper - slang. Motorcycle; helicopter.
def'n: Motorcycle - A two-wheeled vehicle powered by an internal-combustion engine.

HURLIN' HARLEY - Harley; H name to go with the word hurl(ing).
Parody of the popular motorcycle name brand Harley-Davidson from 1903 until now.
def'n: Hurl - To throw forth (words, cries, etc.) violently.
def'n: Hurly-burly - Disorder and noise; commotion; tumult.

31aPOOPDECK PETE - Pete; P name to go with the name poopdeck.
def'n: Poopdeck - The deck at the stern of a boat above the ordinary deck, often forming the roof of a cabin. Stern of a ship.
31bMARCO POLO = Marco Polo.
def'n: Marco Polo - 1254?-1324?, Italian merchant who wrote about his travels in Asia.
def'n: Polo - Water polo.
def'n: Water polo - Game played in a swimming pool by two teams of seven swimmers who try to throw or push an inflated ball into the opponent's goal.
32aPICKED NIKKI = Picnic.
def'n: Picnic - A pleasure trip with a meal in the open air. Any outdoor meal.
def'n: Picked - Specially selected. Waste parts removed and ready for use.
def'n: Pick - Use something pointed to remove things from.
32bANTSY NANCY - Rhyme: The name Nancy with the word antsy.
def'n: Antsy - slang. Nervous; uneasy; restless.
def'n: Ant - Any of family of small insects living in large colonies in either ground or in wood. Ants are black, brown, reddish, or yellowish, and belong to the same order as bees and wasps.
33a TROY STORY = Toy Story (Parody of the 1995 Pixar/Disney movie title) and Troy (Parody of the 2004 Warner Bros. movie).
def'n: Story - A happening, such either true or made up, intended to interest the reader or hearer.
def'n: Troy - City in the NW part of ancient Asia Minor, scene of the Trojan War.
33bTROJAN WARREN = Trojan War.
def'n: Trojan - of Troy, native or inhabitant of Troy.
def'n: Trojan Horse - (In Greek legends) A huge wooden horse in which the Greeks concealed soldiers and brought them into Troy during the Trojan War; wooden horse.
def'n: Trojan War - (In Greek legends) A ten years' war carried on by the Greeks against Troy to get back Helen, wife of king Monelaus of Sparta, who is carried off by Paris, son of king Priam of Troy. It ended with the plundering and destruction of Troy.
34aVEGAN IAN - Semi-rhyme: The name Ian with the word vegan.
def'n: Vegan - A strict vegetarian, especially one who eats no animal products, including eggs and dairy products.
34bCESAR SALAD = Caesar salad.
def'n: Caesar, Julius - Roman general, emperor.
def'n: Salad - Raw, green vegetables, such as lettuce, cabbage, and celery, served with a dressing.
35aMALCOLM MIDDLE = Malcolm in the Middle. Parody of the hit Fox tv program "Malcolm in the Middle".
def'n: Middle - Halfway between; in the center; at the same distance from either end or side. In between/intermediate.
35bMESSED-UP MIGUEL - Miguel; M name to go with the words 'messed up'.
def'n: Messy - In a mess; like a mess; untidy, in disorder; dirty.
def'n: Mess - Make dirty or untidy: mess up a room.
36aOFFENSIVE OSCAR - Oscar; O name to go with the word offensive.
def'n: Offensive - Belonging to an attacking team or force: offensive players. Ready to attack. Giving offense; irritating, annoying; insulting; unpleasant; disgusting: bad eggs have an offensive odor.
36bFOUL FERNANDO - Fernando; F name to go with the word foul.
def'n: Foul - Containing or covered with filfth, very dirty, nasty, or smelly: foul air. Very wicked; vile. Offending modesty or decency; obscene; profane. Done against the rules; unfair.
37aFIELD GOAL JOEL - Rhyme: The name Joel with the words 'field goal'.
def'n: Field goal - (In football) A goal counting three points, made by a place kick or drop kick.
37bKICKED MICK - Rhyme: The name Mick with the word kick(ed).
def'n: Kick - To strike out with the foot. Strike with the foot: kick a ball. Make (a score) by a kick: kick a field goal in football.
38aJERRY RIGGED = Jerry-rigged.
def'n: Jerry-rigged - Constructed in a cheap, unsubstantial, or shoddy way in order to fall apart.
def'n: Rig - To put together in a hurry or by using odds and ends.
38b RAUL MODEL = Role model.
def'n: Role model - a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people.
def'n: Model - A small copy of something: a model of a ship. A thing or person to be copied or imitated.
39aDAVEY CROQUET = Davy Crockett.
def'n: Davy Crockett - 1786-1836, American hunter, scout, and congressman, killed at the defense of the Alamo.
def'n: Croquet - An outdoor game played by driving wooden balls through wickets with mallets.
39bWACKED ZACK - Rhyme: The name Zack with teh word wack.
def'n: Wacky - Eccentric; crazy behaviour.
def'n: Whack - A sharp, resounding blow. To strike.
40aJANET JACKASS = Janet Jackson.
A parody of Michael Jackson's little sister, the female pop music artist Janet Jackson born in 1966, after her superbowl XXXVIII halftime show that revealed a breast and 'shocked' the nation.
def'n: Jackass - A male donkey. A very stupid or foolish person.
40b HAS-BEEN JASMINE - Rhyme: The name Jasmine with the words 'has-been'.
def'n: Has-been - informal. A person or thing whose best days are past.
B3GATOR ADRIAN = Gatorade.
A name parody of the Gatorade sports drink invented by Dr. Dana Shires in teh 1960's to help cure dehydration from the Florida Swamp at the University of Florida in Gator Country.
def'n: Gator - slang. Alligator.
def'n: Alligator - A large reptile with a rather thick skin, similar to the crocodile, but having a shorter and flatter head.
B4HILL BILLY = Hillbilly.
def'n: Hillbilly - informal. Often considered offensive. A person who lives in the back woods or a mountion region, especially in the south.
B5COLE GATE = Colgate.
A parody of the Colgate toothpaste name brand produced by the Colgate-Palmolive company.
def'n: Toothpaste - A paste used in cleaning the teeth.
S1aTRASHY ASHLEY - Rhyme: The name Ashley with the word trashy.
def'n: Trashy - Like or containing trash; worthless.
S1bGARBAGE PAIL KIM = Garbage Pail Kid(s); Parody of the Topps GPK title.
def'n: Garbage - Waste material; worthless matter; trash.
def'n: Pail - A cylindrical vessel with a handle; bucket (garbage pail).
def'n: Kid - slang. A child.
S2aHOWARD BURNED = Howard Stern.
Parody of the Howard Stern Show, A controversial radio talk show featering the famous radio DJ Howard Stern.
def'n: Burn - To be very hot; feel hot: your forehead burns with fever. To be inflamed with anger, passion, etc.: burn with fury. informal. To make angry.
S2bSHOCK JACQUES = Shock (disc) jockey.
def'n: Disk or disc jockey - informal. Announcer for a radio program.
def'n: Shock - A disturbance produced by an electric current passing through the body. Cause to feel surprise, horror, or disgust.
S3aSTINKIN' SYDNEY - Sydney; S name to go with the word stink(ing).
def'n: Stink - A very bad smell. Have a bad reputation. Be offensive. Cause to stink.
S3bDANIELLE SMELL - Rhyme: The name Danielle with the word smell.
def'n: Smell - Perceive an odor or scent with the nose. Cause to have a bad odor or scent. Give out a bad smell; stink.



Parody of the Democractic Vice President Al Gore during ex-President Bill Clinton's 2 presidential terms.
def'n: Gordita - A thick tortilla made of masa, lard, water/stock, and sometimes mashed potatoes, then fried and filled with meat, cheese, lettuce, onion, etc.


WALLY TAMALE = Rhyme: The name Wally with the word tamale.
def'n: Tamale - A Mexican food made of corn meal and minced meat, seasoned with red peppers, wrapped in cornhusks, and roasted or steamed.

S5aBRAD PIT = Brad Pitt.
A parody of the actor Brad Pitt, born in 1963, in the Warner Bros. movie "Troy".
def'n: Pit - A natural hollow or depression in the body: the pit of the stomach, the pit of the underarm.
S5bDAKOTA ODOR - Dakota; D name to go with the word odor.
A parody of the Warner Bros. motion picture "Troy".
def'n: Odor - A (bad) smell or scent.
S6aGASEOUS CLAY = Cassius Clay.
A parody name of Muhammad Ali, born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr (1942), and American former professional boxer formerly known as Cassuis Clay.
def'n: Gaseous - In the form of gas, of or like a gas.
def'n: Clay - (In the bible) The human body.
S6b HOT AARON = Hot air.
def'n: Hot air - slang. Empty, showy talk or writing.
def'n: Hot - Having or giving off much heat.
def'n: Air - Wind, breeze. slang. Flatulence.
S7aEYEBALL IVAN - Ivan; I name to go with the word eyeball.
def'n: Eyeball - The ball-shaped part of the eye without the surrounding lids and bony socket. slang. To look at or examine intently.

EYE-CANDY ANDY - Rhyme: The name Andy with the words 'eye-candy.
def'n: Eye-candy - slang. Kind or easy to the eyes; nice or sweet to look at.
def'n: Eye - The organ of sight.
def'n: Candy - To make sweet or agreeable. Sugar or syrup, cooked and flavored.

S8aDESPICABLE DESTINY = Despicable destiny.
def'n: Despicable - To be despised; contemptible.
def'n: Despise - To look down on; low; worthless.
def'n: Destiny - What becomes of a person or thing in the end; one's lot or fortune. The course of events; fate.
S8bNASTY NATALIE - Natalie; N name to go with the word nasty.
def'n: Nasty - Disgustingly dirty; foul; filthy. Morally filthy; indecent; vile: a nasty mind. A nasty person or thing.
S9aANNA INNARDS - Anna; A name to go with the word innards.
def'n: Innards - informal. The internal organs of the body; viscera. The internal workings or parts of any mechanism, structure, etc.
S9bEMPTIED EMILY - Emily; E name to go with the word empty(+ied).
def'n: Empty - Containing nothing; lacking the normal contents. informal. Hungry.
S10aRANCID RANDY - Randy; R name to go with the word rancid.
def'n: Rancid - Stale; spoiled: rancid butter. Strong odor.
S10b DISSIN' TERRY = Dysentery.
def'n: Dysentery - Disease of the intestines, producing diarrhia with blood and mucus, caused by any of several microorganisms or by irritants.
def'n: Diss - Treat, mention, or speak to rudely. To insult.
S11aBRYCE-SICKLE = Icicle.
def'n: Icicle - A pointed, hanging stick of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water.
def'n: Sickle - A tool consisting of a short, curved blade on a short handle, used for cutting grass, etc.
S11bICY ISAAC - Isaac; I name to go with the word icy.
def'n: Icy - Like ice; very cold: icy fingers. Covered with ice: icy streets. Without warm feeling; cold and unfriendly.
def'n: Ice - Water made solid by cold; frozen water.
S12aASHY ASHTON - Ashton; similar-sounding name to go with the word ashy.
def'n: Ashy - like ashes; pale as ashes; ashen. Of ashes. Covered with ashes.
def'n: Ashes - What remains of any combustible thing after it has been thoroughly burned. What remains of a dead body when burned. A dead body; corpse.
S12b COMBUSTIN' DUSTIN - Rhyme: The name Dustin with the word combust(ing).
def'n: Combust - To burn up.
def'n: Combustible - Capable of taking or catching fire and burning; easily burned.


Definitions taken from: The American Heritage Dictionary.