2008 - SUMMER 2008
Have you worked on any other Topps assignments other than Garbage Pail Kids? And,
how did you find yourself freelancing for the Topps Company?
Yes, I've worked on a couple of projects for the Topps Company. I did some
illustrations for the Hollywood Zombies series and I provided some animation and
character designs for a new animated project, soon to be released.

started freelancing for Topps by being at the right place at the right time. I
attended a comic convention and The Wayans Bros. were promoting their new card
series, 'The Dozens' at the Topps booth. Since I had previously met Marlon Wayans
a couple of years back on another job and found out that he was at the convention,
I wanted to stop by his booth and say "Hi". By the time I got to the
Topps booth he and his brother were gone.
I met Jeff Zapata and showed
him my portfolio. He liked my samples and a couple of months later I received
a GPK illustration test. I had to illustrate Pingitore's sketch of Armless AARON.
I took the test, Topps liked it and ended up printing the illustration in ANS5.

What is your preferred technique of creating art? Or rather, what is your method,
process or art style that you usually paint in and what materials did you use
for your GPK artwork?
I generally
like to work in traditional mediums like Inks, Watercolors, Gouache, Acrylics,
and Oils, although I do illustrate in digital mediums as well. The illustrations
for GPK ANS 5 & 6 were painted in Acrylics and the illustrations for ANS 7
were all done digitally.
3. What type of art background
do you have and what other projects did you work on before starting at Topps (schooling,
jobs, projects, et cetera)?
I come from a realistic commercial
illustration background. I went to College for Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan,
where I received a BFA in Illustration. At the time my artwork was more on the
realistic side. I also did caricatures that were rendered very realistically for
a few magazine companies, and had an interest in traditional 2D animation, which
led to me working on television commercials as a 2D animator. From that, I was
given the opportunity to work as an intern at The Walt Disney Feature Animation
department in California and Florida.

knowledge and experience I acquired from the Disney internships opened more doors
of artistic opportunity. I moved to California and "got my foot in the door"
within the animation industry, working at various studios like Disney, Warner
Brothers Animation, and Klasky Csupo.
4. Several
of your final pieces stem from concept artwork from artists such as Pingitore
and Wheaton … do you feel obligated to keep close to the original concept
idea, or do you have freedom to throw in your own interpretation? How is it working
with, and being art directed by Zapata? I've noticed your characters distinctively
have, if dismembered, plastic doll arm, leg or head attachments… how did
this creative idea come about?
Unless otherwise directed by Topps,
I try to stay true to what the conceptual artist is trying to convey in the gag.
Pingitore and Wheaton are great conceptual artists, so if the concepts are on
point, I am free to interpret the details, color scheme, background layout of
the final illustration and I might throw in extra props (or poop) here and there
to emphasize the gag more. That's the main focus for me.

Zapata is a great guy and easy to work with. The whole plastic doll look stemmed
from "Armless AARON", my first GPK painting. At the time I had Pingitore's
sketch to work from and I asked Zapata should there be bones sticking out of Aaron's
armless body. He told me to think of the body like that of a toy doll, so I made
the dismembered body and parts like a toy doll.
You started working on GPK during ANS5 completing four pieces (cards 15, 26, 33
& B11) for the set. Your pieces for "Armless AARON" and "Tether
BILL" for ANS5 were some of my favorites. You then finished one piece for
the ANS6 set (card 11), why only one piece for this set and does other work prevent
you from working on GPK more, or does it depend on what Topps needs for a particular
Well it depends on what Topps needs for a set. At the time
of ANS6 I was exclusively working on the Hollywood Zombies series and wasn't scheduled
to do any painting for Garbage Pail Kids. Card 11 for GPK ANS6 was originally
going to be painted by another artist that couldn't do it, so I was asked to paint
it as a last minute rush job. I know some die hard fans had problems with that
particular card..."My bad!"

6. As
briefly mentioned on the GPK Underground, your ANS7 artwork has been done digitally
(cards 23, 28, 36 and 45), which is interesting when it comes to the idea of collectors
wanting to purchase the final artwork. I know Zapata had you plug several GPK
website names for your "Car JACK" piece, I wanted to say "THANK
YOU" for paying tribute to my website, I know I'd be very interested in any
prints you may sell of that artwork. Would you consider selling quality (maybe
numbered) prints of your artwork?
Illustrating the ANS7 cards digitally was a result of timing. I was working on
another job as a storyboard artist and animator, so in order to reach the deadline
I had to digitally illustrate the finals.
I was a little bummed out that
some of the GPK websites were left out of "Car JACK". If there is a
list somewhere that has all of the current GPK websites, please let me
know just in case I have another painting that requires "shout outs"
to the websites.
As mentioned on the "GPK Underground" website,
I would be happy to sell prints. Due to my freelance work schedule, I haven't
been able to make this happen as of yet but when I get a breather, I will make
prints for those who want them.

If a future ANS8 set materializes, would you consider participating in sketch
cards if that chase card was resurrected for that release? Have you ever done
any sketch card work?
I would love
to do some sketch cards for GPK or for any other Topps card sets. I've collected
quite a few sketch cards from other artists and tend to like them. I love the
looseness of the line that sometimes gets lost in the rendered paintings of the
final. Hopefully I'll get a chance to work on them. I have plenty of sketch card
samples of my own.
8. Do you ever feel any pressure
to live up to hardcore GPK fans' expectations of what GPK should look like? Have
you received any constructive criticism or pay any attention to the online message
boards regarding your work?
As a commercial artist, I'm commissioned
to provide artwork to sell a product, so I have to know my target audience and
the fan base of the product. I try to see what the fans like and what they are
looking for in GPK cards. I listen to constructive criticism and try to adjust
if needed. The measuring rod in illustrating GPK cards is John Pound and the filter
is Topps, whom in the end has the final say and approval. So, I try to do the
best I can as an Illustrator to capture that GPK look. Sometimes you hit a home
run, sometimes you don't.

Were you previously aware of, or a fan of GPK from the 80's or the Wacky Packages
parody cards throughout the decades? How do you feel about working on the all-new
reincarnation of these Topps products now?
I was a fan of Garbage Pail Kids, and a huge fan of Wacky Packages growing
up. Too bad I took all of my stickers and stuck them onto my grade school notebook
when I was a kid that I no longer have. This was before the revelation of 'collectable
assets' came into my existence. So many stickers gone forever...D'OH!!!
I'm excited to be part of the Topps family of artists, where's so much talent
and history. It's like being a kid in the candy store. I love working on the cards
and being a part of the team.

Where else can we find DeJarnette artwork (including websites, etc.)? And are
there any personal projects you're currently working on or will be working on?
My portfolio website is www.dejarnettedesigns.com and my blog with updated
artwork is www.dejarnettedesigns.blogspot.com. I just finished illustrating a
book for comedian Jeff Foxworthy titled, How To Really Stink At Golf and
a few animated commercials for the studios. I am currently working on a few animation
projects of my own to be posted on the web soon. Thanks AJ!