2005 - SPRING 2006 1.
What Topps projects
are you currently working on? Garbage Pail Kids or
Wacky Packages? I'm currently working on Al-New Series 5 GPK right
now. 2.
How many pieces of art, per project, do you hope to have completed for the release(s)?
I hope to finish more than last time (for All-New Series 4 GPK), which was
9 pieces. I'm about to finish my 9th piece this week. I didn't work on Wacky Packages
this time around. So the StarDucks Coffee is the only one I've done so far for
the All-New Series 2 WP set because I had other things I had to work on at the
Do you have a favorite Garbage Pail Kids for the All-New Series releases that
you've done? I think some of the
new ones that I've done (for ANS5) have come out great compared to some of my
first painted ones. I like the Batman (Batty Brad promo) one. I think that's where
the paintings started to look more like what I thought they should look like.
I was really kind of mixed-up at first because I was trying to paint them like
the ones I grew up with in the 80's when I was eight. I grew up with GPK from
the 2nd Series to about the 6th and 7th Series or so, I really didn't know what
happened after that and I didn't know about the changes or history until I started
working for Topps. I got some information from fans like you guys... so thanks! 4.
What type of artwork history do you have? School, comics, etc.?
I went to the Maryland Institute - College of Art and graduated in 1999.
I was into comic book super heroes since I was four. I loved them, but it wasn't
until a friend started to bring comic books to school that I got into that. I
think the biggest influences in my art were Garbage Pail Kids by John Pound (the
first paintings I had ever seen), Judgement in Gotham by Simon Bisley,
and Darkwerks by Brom... and now I think Mark Ryden and Todd Schorr are
the things I look at the most and want my art to go into that direction. Those
are the most important art influences I have. As for comic books, I really don't
like super hero books anymore, especially the well established ones. I like mature
oriented books. That's what my writer bud, Ricardo Porven, and myself like to
create for our work. The forum for projects that Rick and I are doing, and general
talk, is at: www.hallucinonia.com/Hallucinonia.html 
How did work find you at Topps?
It was a funny story - aren't they all!? I went into this thing where I wanted
to see if I could locate Pound, Bunk, and Lynch and thank them for working on
the Garbage Pail Kids. So I wrote to them and I told them that their work had
influenced mine so much, and like always, I pimped the work from my website (www.ldiaz.com)
and they gave me some really good advice. They were all very nice, and
I was happy that they just responded. They also told me about the new series and
I was in shock to hear about it. So I asked them if they were looking for any
artists. Jay Lynch gave me the information and where exactly to send the work
to for review... so after almost a month, I came up with three samples and I sent
them to Topps later that year. After a few months, and with very little expectations
to receive work, I got a phone call from Jeff Zapata. It was a dream come true,
and one of those things in life where everything kind of goes full circle. Like
a father passing on the torch to his kid or something like that... I'm not good
at writing, so I leave that to the experts! So after that, I got the Sweaty BETTY
character to work on which was my first... and I was glad it was a woman (laugh!). 
Were you a fan of Garbage Pail Kids or Wacky Packages back in the 80's? And, how
do you feel about working on the new phase of the GPK craze now?
I was one of the kids with a huge stack of GPK with rubber bands around them,
and it was no wonder my teachers always took them from me. Some of my friends
had them on their Trapper Keepers and folders, but I never liked to stick them
anywhere. I had some friends with their whole door filled with them... man...
that was awesome! I never had the guts to do that. I'm a neat freak. Wacky
Packages I didn't know about them until a few years ago, so that totally skipped
me... and I guess that's why I wasn't trying to get work for the series, but I
know there are some series die-hard fans that love it, and I've grown to like
them also... so I hope to work on some in the future. About
the GPK... I know I dwelved a little into this question earlier... but like I
said, it was a dream come true, and it was my first real mass produced work. I
had done a comic book before, but it was short, and it was also made into a black
and white book (Wynonna Earp), which I had done some nice colors on for
IDW Publishing. So Garbage Pail Kids were my first real big-time work. I am excited
about it and I think lots of fans out there have embraced my GPK work. I never
had fans before, and the amount of really nice people I have met through emails
and letters really make it all worthwhile.
You're coloring style is eerily close to Pound's GPK work... you're extremely
talented and have been labeled the 'new' Pound within the GPK community... what
are your thoughts? What are your technique's, painting style?
Well, that just kind of makes me tear up to think some people might think
that! First off, no one can compare to what Pound does. He's the creator of the
whole GPK look. I'm just trying to bring in some of that fun stuff he does with
what I know about painting and my own history with the GPK world... but I know
for sure that I paint differently from Pound. I do think my painting style or
art style tends to be more about dramatic lighting where I have to imagine where
light is hitting the characters and go from there. So sometimes the darker humor
I think works better for me... like bloody things, and chopping off hands... and
the like. Hallow WAYNE comes to mind, and that one was received very well.
Pound is great all around, but he's more of a realistic cartoonist, like
the Low Brow guys in California that are doing some great gallery work right now.
I also like the one's Tom Bunk did... and still does... that have stuff all over
the place (remeniscent of Where's Waldo? scenes). I appreciate the junk
he adds to his work. He also has some good colors working in there and has done
a great job on the new and original GPK series'. I especially loved his Gross
Bears. As for my technique...
hmmm... I really think I didn't take anything with acrylics as far as the way
I have done with GPK, which means I never added so much detail or used the tiniest
brushes before. I was more of a mixed media guy, so GPK have really forced me
to work from start to finish with acrylics. It also made me go back to the old
airbrushes I used in high school. With the newer GPK, I'm always trying to find
ways to get as much detail as I can and find new ways to draw GPK. I found some
ways now with different kinds of paper and ways to do backgrounds a little easier...
but I'm still painting with acrylics and there really is no other way for me to
achieve the things I do any other way... trust me... I tried! 
8. Where
else can we find Diaz art? And what other personal projects have you recently
been, or will be working on (Projects, website, etc.)? When
I am not drawing GPK, I'm working on comic book stories for Grafika and Arcana,
and any other sick company that decides to give us a chance. Rick and I have a
few books out so far that are more like previews. One called 3DDD which
is an apocalyptic-styled book (www.gafikapress.com/3ddd-fp.html) and the other
one is Chupacabra for LO-FI magazine (www.devil-dealer.bigstep.com/category.html?UCIDs=1322593),
issues 1-2. The other ones will be coming out some time in the summer. We were
also featured in Fangoria online twice. I
am also available for commissions and do that a lot these days for fans. I also
do my own sketch cards with my character LD Monster and I've sold and given out
about a hundred or so of those. I also hope to sell some paintings of my own characters
when I open up the GPK Art of Luis Diaz site again in the spring. I also have
a store (www.cafepress.com/hallucinonia) to get your own posters and shirts of
LD Monster's and other creepy cool stuff. I plan to expand the clothing also.

A 'Thank you' to all of my friends that have enjoyed my work in the ANS GPK
and I hope you guys love the new stuff I've done for the upcoming ANS5 set!