2005 - SPRING 2006 NOTE
Will Garbage Pail Kids still be released in February, or be pushed back at all? Yes!
The Garbage Pail Kids will be back and better than ever in February, and so far,
there seems to be no delays.

I was very pleased with the ANS3 Wacky Packages presale, the set is amazing, with
a sharp look, but almost an old, nostalgic feel to them... looking forward to
the national release in March for the bonus card goodies. I hear some of the artists
are already working on a ANS4 WP set... will there possibly be a ANS6 GPK set
to follow the ANS5 release, or will this all depend on sales?
First off, thanks for noticing the great artwork in Wacky 3. Dave Gross,
Joe McWilliams, John Pound and the other great Wacky artists really made this
a special series. I honestly think it's one of the best of the new Wacky
card sets. We put together a fantastic team of artists/writers who understand
what Wacky is all about, and most importantly, were able to take art direction
from a really great, and may I say, handsome guy! (hahaha) But seriously, we all
"Form-ed Voltron" and tried to make a set that would be a homage to
the originals. And yes, the rumors are true, we are already underway in producing
more gags for a possible ANS4 set. In regards to another GPK series,
well, anything is possible. It's still going strong and I'm hoping Series 5 will
be successful enough to bring about another series. It depends on sales and also
what can be done differently the next time around. In Series 5, I was finally
able to do things I wasn't able to do in the last few series. First, I made a
new style guide that I thought looked better than the "David and Goliath"
looking GPK's we were doing [see picture of style guide within ANS5 section].
Also, I got my dream team of John Pound and Luis Diaz to do most of the art/gags.
I was also able to get more surreal type gags in the set that were so hard to
get approved before. Besides that, there are some other great innovations but
I'll let that be a surprise.

Do you have a favorite GPK or WP for the ANS releases that you've done a concept
for? How much 'hands-on' were you for the upcoming ANS5 GPK set?
My personal 'hands-on' with GPK were probably the kid being thrown-up by
the shark (ANS2 3a Eaten ETHAN and 3b JOSÉ Soufflé), the Ozzie-looking
kid eating a bat sandwich (ANS2 13a Scuzzy OZZY and 13b Rockin' RICK), and the
Girl Scout throwing-up cookies (ANS2 25a Cookie-Tosser TESSA and 25b Krummy KIM).
I did a bunch more, but those are the ones that stick out. In Series 5, I didn't
do that many roughs, I'm too busy doing other card sets like WWE. Although,
I do sometimes re-draw compositions and come up with gags with that artists. John
Pound and I have a great relationship in that respect. We'll just be talking on
the phone and he'll say "How about this!?" and I'll say "Yeah,
that's cool, but imagine if this happened as well..." and the next thing
we know we're cracking up and taking notes. Working with John Pound is one of
the best parts of my week.

What type of artwork history do you have? School, comics, etc.?
Geez, we're going some years back! I went to The School of Visual Arts in
NYC and was taught by some of the best comic book artists, like Gene Colan and
will Eisner. While I was working part-time as a stock boy for an audio/video store,
I'd draw full-page comics on large projection TV set boxes and such. One day,
I got a call from a famous comic book artist who said he bought one of the TV's
and saw my art on the box. The man liked it enough to want to see my portfolio.
He looked at it and gave me a note saying I should look for work at a place called
Valiant Comics. I showed Bob Layton (the editor-in-chief, and an awesome
artist) the note and they hired me as an assistant. I will always be indebted
to the great Neal Adams for referring me to them and taking the time to give a
kid a chance. At Valiant, later to become Acclaim Comics, I did
whatever I could to try to get professional work... I did paste-ups, answered
phones, re-touched art, and finally was able to design characters and draw some
pin-ups. It was there that I got a call from an editor named Tony Bedard (now
a full-time professional comic writer and one of my best friends) from Crusade
Comics. He worked for artist Bill Tucci, the creator of SHI. There I was able
to learn every facet of publishing. We worked on comics, toys, posters, and games.
We got to work with Marvel for a Daredevil/Shi crossover,
and I got to draw a 22 pages of the "Thing" for a Marvel pin-up
looking game and an issue of Shi. On a freelance basis, I would do story-boards
for commercials and whatever other gigs I could get. Recently, I just finished
some sketch cards for a new "Lord of the Rings" card set. You can check
some samples of my sketch cards at: www.lotrsketchcards.com. And, I'm always willing
to do any work-for-hire that wouldn't interfere with my Topps work. That's my
art history.

How did work find you at Topps?
After I split from Crusade Comics, I was at home just moping around and
I got a call from Topps. They said a design studio, that knew of my work in comics,
referred them to me. I went and met with the folks at Topps and was hired to edit
and manage the Official Star Wars Episode 1 Souvenir Magazine. That's how it started.
I later went to design candy products, edit several card sets, including Marvel
Legends, Xena, Planet of the Apes, Spider-Man Movie and many other licenses and
properties including the Simpsons, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc., you name it,
I worked on it.

Were you a fan of WP or GPK in the 70's-80's, and how do you feel about working
on the new phase of the GPK and WP craze now?
I was more of a Wacky fan in the 70's/80's, but I did buy the GPK's now-and-then
for the art. I became more of a fan years later when I started getting interested
in underground comic artists like Bunk, Lynch, Spiegelman (who also taught at
SVA as well), and Pound. I would buy some old Raw or Arcade comics
and say "What else did these guy do?". Then I would buy loose GPK cards
and stare at them trying to find out how they airbrushed this or how they got
a texture to look like that. As far as Wacky's go, I collected like crazy in the
70's and 80's and I still have my old collector album and stickers. I was, and
still am, a huge admirer of Norm Saunders, the man, and his art. I would collect
his pulp magazine covers as a kid and never knew it was the same guy who did Wacky.
It's such an honor and a thrill to be working with both Wacky Packages and Garbage
Pail Kids. It's a dream come true, and yet, I wish I could talk to guys like Spiegelman
who may be he only other person who can understand the obstacles one goes through
in a card series like these. Things are done differently since his days at Topps,
and I would love to trade notes and get advice from him. Not on art direction
or anything (although, I wouldn't mind!), but on other aspects of the job that
I know he faced as well.
Zapata Also Did a Few ANS4 Sketch Cards at the San Diego Comic Con
Is there anything else you can tell us about the ANS5 Garbage Pail Kids?
Yes! I finally convinced Jay Lynch to write, pencil, ink, and color (the
coloring was his idea) all of the card backs that will feature GPK comics
and puzzles. It makes a big difference when he does finished pencils and inks.
Also, Justin Green is doing a fine job on the 'alphabet stickers', in which Lynch
did the layouts for. I'm sure kids will love these cleverly designed stickers.
Also, this series will introduce a few new artists and feature old fan faves like
Pound, Bunk, and Diaz. Also, look for some pieces by Wacky Packages artist extraordinaire
David Gross, who has improved by leaps and bounds since his last GPK outing. There's
a bunch more stuff in the new series that's exciting, but that's all I'll say
for now.
Thanks Aaron,
for all of your support and past suggestions, it's great to see another GPK site
run by a true fan that talks about the series with its creator's and not about
themselves... you are a class-act and professional. Take care!