PERIOD : MAY 2014 In May of 2014 Topps offered a Japanese Bukimi Kun version of the 2014 Series 1 set from their online store (SRP $50.00) to collectors. A nostalgic tribute set for international collectors using the popular Bukimi Kun title. The holy grail of international Garbage Gang releases, Topps has created a new Japan release as an online exclusive with the GPK header and names written in Japanese kana. The series is a direct replication of the images for the 2014 Series 1 U.S. release—from the same year—and the layout for the late 1980's Bukimi Kun Japan release, using large number font, the removal of the 'PEEL HERE' arrow and the iconic green header; which is no longer curved and previously covered up the GPK header of yesteryears. The Bukimi Kun release includes all-new artwork by GPK artists Tom Bunk Brent Engstrom, Layron DeJarnette, Joe Simko, Dave Gross, Mark Pingitore, JungHwa Im, Steve Potter and Colin Walton (art director). The packs contains 8 cards, around 7 base cards and one black parallel card; one gold parallel is available per box, plus one autograph or printing plate per box. |
— The
earliest hint of a new Bukimi Kun Set was inadvertently
leaked on eBay early in 2014 after the 2014S1 GPK release. A Japanese 'yellow'
printing plate (64b) was found within the 2014S1 GPK boxes that were released
in January of that year. The card did not have the Bukimi Kun header or the name
written in kana/Japanese on the frontside, but only the Japanese name on the backside. — It is interesting to note the non-registered TM™ Symbol, no registered trademark symbol ®, on the header next to the 'Bukimi Kun' logo; this symbol has not been seen on a card front since the OS1 (Original Series 1, aka 1st Series) GPK release back in 1985. ![]() — As far as recent Garbage Pail Kids releases go, the Bukimi Kun set only contains two chaseable (or collectable) Parallel Sets; the black parallel cards, found almost one per pack, and a gold parallel card, only found one per box. Like the U.S. counterparts, a very difficult parallel set to complete (or collate). ![]() ![]() — The new cards, like the old Bukimi Kun release, have No Card Backs, per se. The new set have no stickers and are printed on card stock only. The old set was printed on very thinner card stock and intended to be pasted or glued down into a sticker album. There is no album for the new set. ![]() — Both the original and new Bukimi Kun release can be found with the iconic green Bukimi Kun logo as well as the blue logo; however, like the counterpart card within the 2014 Series 1 GPK set, cards 18a and 18b can be found with the Gray Header and nameplate that goes along with character humor. ![]() — An Artist Autograph card or a Printing Plate could be located, one or the other, per box. Whichever artist worked on the artwork for the card front signed the card; since Tom Bunk only completed one piece of final artwork for the set, for cards 58a and 58b, they are the only Bunk character with an autograph for the set. ![]() ![]() — The set was discussed as potentially being the Series 1 through Series 3 (Original Series 1, 2 and 3) compiled Original GPK Sets in Bukimi Kun-style instead of the 2014 Series 1 release, but the idea scrapped due to the U.S. GPK OS2 Chrome set being released the summer right afterwards. |
The Topps Store online write-up an purchase button
for the Bukimi Kun 2014 Garbage Pail Kids. As seen in the description, the Bukimi
Kun set is an exact replication of the 2014 Series 1 GPK set with less chase cards
and are considered 'variants' of there counterparts. ![]() — Both, Joe Simko and Mark Pingitore completed new artwork for the Bukimi Kun set as Bonus Cards. The artwork was completed at the same time as the Brand New Series 3 GPK set in 2013, the extra, or additional images found their way later into the BNS Mini (online exclusive) and Bukimi Kun (online exclusive) sets. Below is a card image for Joe Simko's vampire GPK for cards B1a and B1b and final artwork by Mark Pingitore for cards B2a and B2b. ![]() ![]() — Two Bukimi Kun Ads as seen on the Topps Store online; the top ad as seen on the Garbage Pail Kids Facebook page as the cover photo and the bottom ad as seen on the Topps Store that rotated as one of the Topps entertainment releases. ![]() ![]() — The set contains both A & B-Name Cards, unlike the original Bukimi Kun set that contained only one image for each character. The new set also does not contain a sticker album for the (mainly) blank backed cards. |
1a/b - 66a/b : BONUS B1a/b - B2a/b | |||
# |
1a |
Tic-Tac- JOE |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
1b |
Playful PABLO |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
2a |
Adventure TIM |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
2b |
Failin' FINN |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
3a |
Fishbowl PHIL |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
3b |
Feeding FRITZ |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
4a |
FREDDY The 13th |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
4b |
Bad Luck CHUCK |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
5a |
CONNOR Stellation |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
5b |
Picked PARKER |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
6a |
CINDY Smella |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
6b |
GLADDIS Slipper |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
7a |
Stung STEVE |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
7b |
Poisoned PERRY |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
8a |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
8b |
Served SAWYER |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
9a |
Bug ZACK |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
9b |
Scorched SCOTT |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
10a |
WANDA Sock |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
10b |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
11a |
Vanilla KAREEM |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
11b |
Paste TREY |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
12a |
Bath TYMON |
JungHwa Im : Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
12b |
Cthu LOU |
JungHwa Im : Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
13a |
Runny RICKY |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
13b |
Fleet-Footed FRANK |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
14a |
Show DON |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
14b |
DREW Slowly |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
15a |
Gangnam KYLE |
JungHwa Im : Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
15b |
Jumpin' JAE |
JungHwa Im : Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
16a |
BURT House |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
16b |
Stuffed STEPH |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
17a |
Boxed BILL |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
17b |
Locked LUIS |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
18a |
JungHwa Im : Steve Potter |
(same) |
18b |
Colorless COLLEEN |
JungHwa Im : Steve Potter |
(same) |
19a |
IRA Booger |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
19b |
WALTER E. Eyes |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
20a |
Jawin' JULIE |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
20b |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
21a |
Origami TOMMY |
JungHwa Im : Steve Potter |
(same) |
21b |
Folded FELIX |
JungHwa Im : Steve Potter |
(same) |
22a |
Armpit CLAIRE |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
22b |
Braided BRITNEY |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
23a |
ELLIS Vator |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
23b |
Decapi TATE |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
24a |
JungHwa Im : Steve Potter |
(same) |
24b |
Relaxed JAX |
JungHwa Im : Steve Potter |
(same) |
25a |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
25b |
Precious PRESTON |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
26a |
Stalked JACK |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
26b |
BEN Stalk |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
27a |
Rotten ART |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
27b |
Still LEIF |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
28a |
Pained PETE |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
28b |
Smashing SMITH |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
29a |
Condo MINNIE |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
29b |
Complex CONNIE |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
30a |
T. REX |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
30b |
Bad Pitch MITCH |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
31a |
Excali BERT |
Engstrom : B.E. / Dustin Graham |
(same) |
31b |
Sword In The STONE |
Engstrom : B.E. / Dustin Graham
| (same) |
32a |
Royal Flush RUSS |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
32b |
TYRONE Throne |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
33a |
Bogey MANUEL |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
33b |
Closet | JungHwa
Im : Colin Walton | (same) |
34a |
JAKE Charmer |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
34b |
Snaky SAMIR |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
35a |
KAT Miss |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
35b |
Hungry JANE |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
36a |
OTTO Pus |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
36b |
Scuba GODIVA |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
37a |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
37b |
Tired TYLER |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
38a |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
38b |
LARA Crackers |
Joe Simko |
(same) |
39a |
Three Wise MONTY |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
39b |
See No EVIN |
JungHwa Im : Colin Walton |
(same) |
40a |
Cerber GUS |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
40b |
Watch DOUG |
Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
41a | CHE Goo Vara | Joe
Simko | (same) |
41b | Picky PEDRO | Joe Simko |
(same) |
42a | Lone LEE | JungHwa
Im : Steve Potter | (same) |
42b | Satellite DWIGHT | JungHwa
Im : Steve Potter | (same) |
43a | WENDY Chimes | Brent
Engstrom | (same) |
43b | Rattled RUTH | Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
44a | SplATLAS |
Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
44b | JOBE Globe | Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
45a | Anglin' ANDY | JungHwa
Im : Colin Walton | (same) |
45b | Fishy FLORA | JungHwa
Im : Colin Walton | (same) |
46a | Clownin' CLYDE | Brent
Engstrom | (same) |
46b | Eyed IVAN | Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
47a | DAN D. Lion | Mark
Pingitore | (same) |
47b | Dandy LEON | Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
48a | WAYNE N' Moon | Brent
Engstrom | (same) |
48b | Transformin' NORMAN | Brent
Engstrom | (same) |
49a | HY Dra | Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
49b | SAMMY Serpent | Mark
Pingitore | (same) |
50a | Taste BUD | Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
50b | Sore SOPHIE | Brent
Engstrom | (same) |
51a | Temple RON | Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
51b | Fecal FRANCIS | Mark
Pingitore | (same) |
52a | Mustache MAX | JungHwa
Im : Colin Walton | (same) |
52b | BARRY Barber | JungHwa
Im : Colin Walton | (same) |
53a | Attractive ALBERT | Brent
Engstrom | (same) |
53b | Magnetic MICK | Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
54a | JENNY Fish Sandwich | Mark
Pingitore | (same) |
54b | Jellyfish SANDRA | Mark
Pingitore | (same) |
55a | Walking TED | Brent Engstrom |
(same) |
55b | Biter BYRON | Brent
Engstrom | (same) |
56a | KATE Skate | Joe Simko
: Colin Walton | (same) |
56b | Speed DEMONA / Roller DEBBIE | Joe
Simko : Colin Walton | (same) |
57a | Skiin' IAN | David Gross
: Colin Walton | (same) |
57b | Downhill TILL / Sheared SHERWOOD | David
Gross : Colin Walton | (same) |
58a | BUCK Puck | Tom Bunk
: Colin Walton | (same) |
58b | IKE Hockey / LOWELL Goal | Tom
Bunk : Colin Walton | (same) |
59a | Hurt CURT | Joe Simko |
(same) |
59b | Bailed BART / PAT Splat | Joe
Simko | (same) |
60a | Dizzy DAVE | Joe Simko |
(same) |
60b | LUKE Lutz / OLIVER Twisted | Joe
Simko | (same) |
61a | PATTY Putty | Joe Simko |
(same) |
61b | Luge LUZ / Muggin' MEGAN | Joe
Simko | (same) |
62a | Mean GENE | David Gross
: Colin Walton | (same) |
62b | Biath LON / Joltin' JOEL | David
Gross : Colin Walton | (same) |
63a | Wrinkly RANDY | Joe Simko |
(same) |
63b | Curling STERLING / Rockin' ROBERT | Joe
Simko | (same) |
64a | Frigid BRIDGET | Layron
DeJarnette : Colin Walton | (same) |
64b | Nordic NESSIE / Chilly MILLIE | Layron
DeJarnette : Colin Walton | (same) |
65a | Bony JOANIE | Mark
Pingitore | (same) |
65b | Skele TONYA / Thin LYNN | Mark
Pingitore | (same) |
66a | ADAM Bomb | Mark Pingitore |
(same) |
66b | Bobsled NED / Blasted BILLY | Mark
Pingitore | (same) |
B1a |
Japanese Name
(no U.S. counterpart) | Joe
Simko | (new) |
B1b |
Japanese Name
(no U.S. counterpart) | Joe
Simko | (new) |
B2a |
Japanese Name
(no U.S. counterpart) | Mark
Pingitore | (new) |
B2b |
Japanese Name
(no U.S. counterpart) | Mark
Pingitore | (new) |
# |