: JANUARY 2016 The first, full-fledged thematic set, titled GPK 'American as Apple Pie—in Your Face', aka 2016 Series 1 ('2016S1') Yearly set, was released by Topps, Inc. in the winter of 2016 and distributed in January, with a 01/20/2016 release date; roughly six months after the 30th Anniversary (aka 2015S2) set that was released in July 2015. The GPK set includes all-new artwork or contributions by artists Tom Bunk, John Pound, Brent Engstrom, Joe Simko, David Gross, Mark Pingitore, JungHwa Im and Colin Walton (editor, art director, writer and brand manager); as well as several additional artists that assisted with autograph and sketch cards along with concept ideas. For the first print run, each foil or plastic pack, with a suggested retail price of $2.49, contains ten sticker cards, except for the Hobby Collector Edition box which packs contain six stickers per pack with exclusive premium content. ![]() MOCK-UP IMAGE — MAIN ARTWORK : JOHN POUND — LOGO DESIGN : COLIN WALTON 220 A+B CARD SET : SUBSETS BASE CARDS SUBSETS : 84 American As Apple Pie + 18 America's Pastimes + 18 Americana Swept Under the Rug + 18 Americana Devolved + 18 American Icons + 18 American Inventors + 18 U.S. Historical Moments + 18 2016 U.S. Summer Olym-picks + 10 2016 Presidential Candidates TOTAL BASE + CHASE INSERT CARDS + ONLINE CARDS 1,608 Total Cards = 220 Base Card Stickers + 220 Puke Splatter Parallel (R) + 220 Pee Splatter Parallel (Target gravity feed) + 220 Spit Splatter Parallel (H) + 220 Bruised Splatter Parallel (HC) + 220 Bloody Nose Splatter Parallel (HC) + 220 Gold Dust Parallel + 18 Classic Patriotic Stickers (R jumbo pack) + 6 Gross Bears bonus (Wal*Mart value box) + 6 Bathroom Buddies bonus (Target value box) + 8 Comic Covers (H) + 8 Horror Stickers (H) + 10 Patriotic Patches (HC) + 4 ADAM Americana cards (blister pack) + 1 Artist Relic (HC) + 1 Standard Sketch (R) + 1 Panoramic Sketch (R jumbo pack) + 1 Dual Artist Panoramic Sketch (HC) + 1 Die-Cut Sketch (H) + 1 Loaded Puzzle Sketch (R value box) + 1 Artist Autograph + 1 Printing Plate RETAIL: Splatter Parallel card (green Puke 1:1 [retail exclusive], yellow Pee 1:4 [Target gravity feed exclusive], gold Dust 1:44; 50 per subject), Printing Plate card (1:1,536; value box bonus card Printing Plate 1:?; jumbo pack bonus card Printing Plate 1:?), Artist Autograph card (1:200), Standard Sketch card (1:266)[retail exclusive], Panoramic Sketch card (1:401; 100 total)[jumbo pack exclusive], Loaded Puzzle Sketch card (1:68; 250 total)[value box exclusive], Classic Patriot Sticker card (2:1)[jumbo pack exclusive], Gross Bears (3:1)[Wal*Mart value box exclusive], Bathroom Buddies (3:1)[Target value box exclusive], Bomb/Boom Americana cards (1:1)[blister pack exclusive]. HOBBY: Splatter Parallel card (blue Spit 1:4 [H exclusive; 99 per subject], gold Dust 1:44; 50 per subject), Die-cut Shaped Sketch card (1:158; 500 total)[H exclusive], Comic Cover card (1 per box)[H exclusive], Horror Sticker card (1 per box)[H exclusive], Printing Plate card (1:1,536), Autograph card (1:200), Comic Cover card (1:24), Horror card (1:24). HOBBY COLLECTOR PREMIUM EDITION: Splatter Parallel card (blue Spit 1:4 [H exclusive; 99 per subject], black Bruised 1:1 [HC exclusive], red Bloody Nose 1:3; 75 per subject [HC exclusive], gold Dust 1:44; 50 per subject), Patriotic Patch card (1:73)[HC exclusive; 50 per subject], Artist Relic card (1:61)[HC exclusive; 99 per subject], Dual/Double Artist Panoramic Sketch (1:362; 100 total)[HC exclusive], Printing Plate card (1:241), Artist Autograph card (1:65), Die-cut Shaped Sketch card (1:158; 500 total)[H exclusive], Comic Cover card (1 per box)[H exclusive], Horror Sticker card (1 per box)[H exclusive]. |
Pack | 004612 |
NA |
1863 + 1864 |
Plain Wrapper
: Bonus Card Insert |
Pack | 004613 |
04387 |
001857 |
Wrapper : Target
24-Pack |
Gravity Pack |
004614 |
04393 |
? |
Wrapper : 10
Cards; Target |
Pack | 004615 |
04390 |
? |
Wrapper : Wal*Mart,
Online, Etc. |
Pack | 004616 |
04440 |
? |
Wrapper : 4
Cards; Specialty Market |
Hobby Pack | 004617 |
04381 |
001855 |
Wrapper : 'H' on Wrapper |
Bonus Pack |
'004618' |
'04435' |
1863 + 1864 |
Wrapper : Bonus
Box Pack |
Jumbo Pack |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Wrapper : Value
Pack | NA |
NA |
NA |
Wrapper : 10
Collector Pack | 004619 |
04384 |
001856 |
Wrapper : 'H' on Wrapper |
Value Pack |
004620 |
04431 |
? |
Wrapper : Jumbo
1-Pack |
Hobby Box |
004621 |
04382 |
001855 |
Display Box : 'H' on Box |
Retail Box | 004622 |
04388 |
001857 |
Display Box : 24-Pack Box |
Peghook Box | 004623 |
04391 |
? |
Display Box : 16-Pack Box |
Bonus Box |
004624 |
04436 |
1863 + 1864 |
Bonus Box :
Wal*Mart |
Bonus Box |
004625 |
04438 |
1863 + 1864 |
Bonus Box :
Target + Topps Online |
Box | 004626 |
04385 |
001856 |
Display Box : 'H' on Box |
Inlay | 004627 |
NA |
001856 |
Sleeve Box Insert |
Box | 004628 |
04394 |
? |
Display Box : Target |
Box | 004630 |
04441 |
? |
Display Box : Specialty Market |
Box | NA |
NA |
NA |
Display Box : Toys R Us; Etc. - NOT PRODUCED |
Pack | ? |
04705 |
? |
Blister Bubble
on Card : 3-Pack |
Hobby Case |
004632 |
04383 |
001855 |
Cardboard Case : 8/24 Ct. |
Retail Case |
0046? |
04389 |
001857 |
Cardboard Case : 8/24 Ct. |
Peghook Case |
? |
04392 |
? |
Cardboard Case : 8/16 Ct. |
Bonus Case |
004638 |
4437 + 4439 |
1863 + 1864 |
Cardboard Case : ? Ct. |
Collector Case |
004640 |
04386 |
001856 |
Cardboard Case : 8/24 Ct. |
Gravity Case |
? |
04395 |
? |
Cardboard Case : ? Ct. |
Jumbo Case |
Cardboard Case : 1/108 Ct. - NOT PRODUCED |
Gravity Case | ? |
04442 |
? |
Cardboard Case : ? Ct. |
Value Case |
? |
? |
? |
Cardboard Case : ? Ct. |
Gravity Case |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Cardboard Case : ? Ct. - NOT PRODUCED |
Blister Case | ? |
? |
? |
Cardboard Case : ? Ct. |
— The
Card Numbering is not sequential with the previous
release, nor does it start back and #1 really, it's the second stand-alone release
whose base set contains subsets that all start at #1. The packs remain at 10 cards
per pack, at a higher SRP; the exception are the Hobby Collector Edition packs
which contain 6 cards per pack due to the exclusive premium content. — Minus artist John Pound's original series artwork that defaces the front and top of the hobby and retail boxes with ADAM Bomb and Snooty SAM the only new Box Artwork is by Brent Engstrom of the character for cards 11a ANDY Apple and 11b PATON Pie of the 'As American As Apple Pie' subset. The piece was automatically considered and noted as box artwork from the beginning; especially since it ties in with the set title — the knife was requested by Topps to be added to the final artwork. The extended arm and hand artwork you see displayed on the Hobby Collector box inlay was added later by the Topps 'packaging department' and photoshopped using portions from other paintings. ![]() — The 'American Swept Under the Rug' subset contains the colourful card character 9a HUGH Hoarder and 9b COLIN Collector painted by artist Brent Engstrom and concept by David Gross—where Collecting Garbage is known as hoarding, with a negative connotation, unless your a collector that hoards Garbage Pail Kids. This collecting character outshines the OS6 character 248a HECTOR Collector and 248b G.P. KAY by a long shot. Although, like many previous cards that contain GPK stickers/cards within the artwork these characters are unidentifiable ... however, there are many known objects in the painting. Studying the card artwork one can identify the character holding either the 8a ADAM Bomb or 8b Blasted BILLY card with one hand and a 2014S2 Hobby Collectors box (that contains two of Engstrom's Kid images), no less than six Garbage Pail Kids FUNKO toys can be found dispersed around the artwork. The shelf not only holds four of the six FUNKO figures but also an original 1st, 2nd and 3rd series unopend box and the set of GPK Cheap Toys in flesh colour (the sketch contains 10 figures whereas the final artwork contains 11 figurines). The back wall showcases the framed artwork of Brent's BNS3 Kid 131a Hoodie HARLAN and 131b Inside Out OSCAR as well as the OS3 image Snooty SAM on poster. ![]() — The artists were asked (if possible, but not always) to contribute GPK Nomenclature along with their concepts to assist the editor in the nomenclature process for this release, and going forward; although duplicate forenames have been located in the same set previously, the naming is quite interesting for this release; there doesn't appear to be as much quality control. It's interesting to point out that althought the concepts for the 'American Inventor' character for cards 8a Lanced LEO & 8b Cotton BOB and cards 9a Loud LEO & 9b Atomic BOB were submitted at separate times, a week or so apart with the nomenclature suggestions, the two subsets contain the exact same forenames for cards that sit side-by-side of each other. — The Character Artwork for cards 19a SPENCER of '76 & 19b Yankee Doodle RANDY within the 'As American As Apple Pie' subset was painted by artist Tom Bunk and is a parody of Archibald M. Willard's painting The Spirit of '76 (originally titled Yankee Doodle '76). This character feels like an overflow piece from the 30th Anniversay's 'Artistic Influence' subset based off of original artist paintings. The nomenclature pays tribute to the old Yankee Doodle (dandy) nursery rhyme, where 'doodle' is thought to have been derived from a Low German word (dudel) meaning 'to play music badly', and the self-made 'dandy', who impersonated the higher aristrocratic lifestyle. ![]() — The first release to contain No Checklist of any sort. Over the last few years, the franchise has seen a loss of many GPK characteristics, including no puzzle preview cards to no puzzles entirely, no sticker die-cuts so no nostalgic 'PEEL HERE' arrow, no reverse card back artwork, et cetera. — There are many returning insert Chase Cards for the Applie Pie set with few all-new Chase cards except for the parallels that have a new border pattern. The harder-to-complete Chase card sets from the Hobby and Collector boxes include: ten patch cards, artist relic cards, eight horror cards, eight comic cover cards and a plethera of splatter parallel cards (bruised and boody nose being Hobby Collector box exclusives). No sepia or character card chase cards for this release. ![]() — The two pictured characters can be found with Artist Signature-like shout-outs on their cards; The 'Ping' for aritist Mark Pingitore in the 4a Creamed KEITH & 4b Scrim MITCH (scrimage) within the 'America's Pastimes' subset on the football player's jersey—the garbage pail helmet emblem is a nice added touch. It is interesting to note that Pingitore got in two OS3 Punchy PERRY concepts into the new release with the other falling in the 'U.S. Summer Olym-Picks subset. The "3" and four dashes, found on the card of OS1 character 30a New Wave DAVE & 30b Graffiti PETEY (along with 'smut'), was placed on the original concept by David Gross for the 25a SKIP Skater & 25b Hurt BURT character within the 'As American As Apple Pie' subset on the wall of the stairs. Artist Brent Engstrom added only three dashes so the "3" and dashes resembled his initials ( E.ngstrom)—Engstrom also placed 'AC' and three dashes for his wife's name, but it's mainly covered by the GPK nameplate. ![]() ![]() — The first release to contain a Speech Bubble to assist with the gag, for American Icon cards 1a TED Ache & 4b Wrecked ROOSEVELT. This set contains so many signs, handheld signs, pricetags, window displays, et cetera; if it doesn't work as a stand-alone joke, the concept really needs to be changed and switched up. — The first release to contain two Different Characters on card with separate names ... for previous cards, with more than one character, a single character is usually singled out for the nomenclature. The OS1 character 31a Wrinkly RANDY and new character 31b Har LEE within the 'As Americana As Apple Pie' subset. ![]() — The character for cards 1a ALI Gator & 1b High Dive CLIVE painted by Mark Pingitore within the 'U.S. Summer Olym-Picks' shows the aligator with a human head on the food bib; this is the same head that is found on the character's t-shirt within the OS3 set. It's a parody of the Alligator Emblem for Izod clothing. — After production of the final artwork, if the artist asked Topps for a mock-up card image of their artwork they were sent a 'proofing file' that contained the Splatter parallel border template. The Purple Border is not one of the actual parallel colors printed for the Apple Pie (In Your Face!) set, but only shows the border color placement. A few pictures hit the Webs and collectors were concerned this was another planned parallel, much like the 30th Anniversary set's Wal*Mart blue border exclusive. ![]() ![]() ![]() — Due to the sheer size of recent GPK sets several Same Forenames are used repeatidly, adnauseam. Although there are several examples, I will just list the cards that include the first name 'Bill' and it's extensions, like 'Billy', but won't list any derivatives, such as 'William'. The name 'Bill' can be found no less than 10 times for card nomenclature: Swept Under the Rug 6b Bunker BILL, American Icon 5a Bold BILLY, American As Apple Pie cards 3a BILL Grill, 13b U.S. BILL Ding, 18b BILL Rider and 21b Golden BILL, for the Classic Patriot card Dollar BILL, the Comic Book card 4b Blasted BILLY V, the ADAM Bomb card 1b Blasted BILLY VI and for the ADAM Boom card 1b Blasted BILLY VII. — To help poke fun at the Presidential candidates in GPK format, the Topps Company further licensed its popular parody franchise to the Funko vinyl figure company. The two figures, to be released in June of 2016, are modeled after two of the 2016S1 New Hampshire primary characters sold exclusively online. Item # 10507, DONALD Dumpty, was modeled after card 1a of 9 painted by artists Joe Simko and item # 10508, Billary HILLARY, was modeled after card 8a of 9 painted by artists Brent Engstrom. ![]() ![]() — The twenty-forth release to contain cards with the GPK Acronym (or initialism) found within the artwork or the entire title for U.S. Historical Event card 4a Death NELL & 4b LIBBY Bell on the bell, American Swept Under the Rug card 7a PATTY Pageant & 7b BEA U.T. Contest on the sash, American Swept Under the Rug card 9a HUGH Hoarder & 9b COLIN Collector on the GPK poster, American Devolved card 4a Hum EARL & 4b S. HUGH Vee on the truck, As American As Apple Pie cards 27a Carni- VAL & 27b Whack JACK on the machine, As America As Apple Pie card 31a Wrinkly RANDY & 31b Har LEE on the motorcycle and As America As Apple Pie cards 32a Broadway JAY & 32b Music CAL on the sign. Americana Swept Under the Rug card 5a GARY Gang & 5b CARL Crew contains a 'Garbage Pail Gang' logo, resembling the old 'Garbage Gang'™. |
The 2016S1 / American as
Apple Pie in Your Face set is the twelfth GPK set to contain Sketch Cards numbering
1/1, one-of-a-kind, found within hobby boxes or retail boxes. Several artists
worked on the Sketch cards for this release; standard sketch cards (retail exclusive),
die-cut sketch cards (hobby and hobby collector edition exclusive), 'folded' panoramic
sketch cards (including dual artists sketch cards—a first for any release;
both found in value retail packs) and loaded sketch cards, four standard sketch
cards found in value boxes. Artists providing sketch card artwork for this release:
Neil Camera, Mark Pingitore, Jeff Zapata, Layron DeJarnette, Dustin Graham, Chenduz,
Steve Potter, Dan B.W., Lily Z Mercado, Jon Gregory, Dabila 'GPK Dave', Simone
Arena, John Monserrat, Denis St. John and newcomers Michael Barnard, Sean Norvet,
Chad Scheres, Robert Jimenez, Cecilia Granata and Chris Meeks. Besides the sketch
cards located within the boxes, the artists were given ten blank sketch card 'Returns'
from the Topps company, and once approved, could be kept, sold or auctioned; these
sketch cards are often more highly detailed and go for a higher price. |
CARD Subsets : BONUS Sets + Cards | |||
# |
1a of 5 | Hounded
Simko | NA |
1b of 5 |
JOE Simko |
NA |
2a of 5 |
Berserk BERNIE
Simko | Based
Off of OS4 156a Warrin' WARREN |
2b of 5 | Savage
Simko | Based
Off of OS4 156b BRETT Vet |
3a of 5 | DONALD
Dump | JOE
Simko | Based
Off of ANS3 7a DONALD Dump |
3b of 5 | Tumultious
Simko | Based
Off of ANS3 7b Trumped TREVOR |
4a of 5 | Joyless
Simko | w/
OS3 Character 100a ALI Gator |
4b of 5 | Ballot
Simko | w/
OS3 Character 100b Marshy MARSHALL |
5a of 5 | Brainy
Im / Engstrom | Based
Off of OS2 72b Brainy BRIAN |
5b of 5 | Clueless
Im / Engstrom | Based
Off of OS2 72a Mad MAX |
U.S. SUMMER OLYM-PICKS STICKERS (with Classic GPK Characters) | |||
1a of 9 |
ALI Gator |
JOE Simko |
w/ OS3 Character
100a ALI Gator |
1b of 9 | High
Simko | w/
OS3 Character 100b Marshy MARSHALL |
2a of 9 | Bony TONY | DAVID
Gross | w/
OS4 Character 132a Bony TONY |
2b of 9 | LOGAN Long Jump | DAVID
Gross | w/
OS4 Character 132b Unzipped ZACK |
3a of 9 | Punchy PERRY | MARK
Pingitore | w/
OS3 Character 97a Punchy PERRY |
3b of 9 | K.O. MOE | MARK
Pingitore | w/
OS3 Character 97b Creamed KEITH |
4a of 9 | Stinkin' STELLA | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS8 Character 310A Stinkin' STELLA |
4b of 9 | Rowin' ROWENA | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS8 Character 310B Smellin' HELEN |
5a of 9 | RUSSELL Muscle | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS2 Character 51a RUSSELL Muscle |
5b of 9 | Liftin' CLIFTON | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS2 Character 51b BRETT Sweat |
6a of 9 | BOWEN Arrow |
Engstrom | w/
OS8 Character 309B BOWEN Arrow |
6b of 9 | ARCHIE Archery | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS8 Character 309A Heartless HAL |
7a of 9 | Leaky LOU | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS1 Character 23a Drippy DAN |
7b of 9 | SPENCER Fencer | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS1 Character 23b Leaky LOU |
8a of 9 | Tongue Tied TIM | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS2 Character 48a Tongue Tied TIM |
8b of 9 | JOEL Vault | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS2 Character 48b MARTY Mouthful |
9a of 9 | Guillo TINA | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS1 Character 37a GuilloTINA |
9b of 9 | Shot PAT | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS1 Character 37b CINDY Lopper |
HISTORICAL EVENT STICKERS (with Classic GPK Characters) | |||
1a of 9 |
: The Mayflower Landing, 1620 | JOE
Simko | w/
OS3 Character 89a Hurt CURT |
1b of 9 | Plymouth
PAT : Mayflower Landing, 1620 | JOE
Simko | w/
OS3 Character 89b PAT Splat |
2a of 9 | PHIL
GRIM : 1st Thanksgiving, 1621 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS7 Character 268a PHIL Grim |
2b of 9 | Thanksgiving
BING : 1st Thanksgiving, 1621 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS7 Character 268b WILLIAM Penned |
3a of 9 | Graffiti
PETEY : Declaration Signing, 1776 |
JOE Simko |
w/ OS1 Character
30b Graffiti PETEY |
3b of 9 | Declaration
DAVE : Declaration , 1776 | JOE
Simko | w/
OS1 Character 30a New Wave DAVE |
4a of 9 | Death
NELL : The Liberty Bell Cracking, 1846 |
MARK Pingitore |
w/ OS8 Character
313B Death NELL |
4b of 9 | LIBBY
Bell : The Liberty Bell Cracking, 1846 |
MARK Pingitore |
w/ OS8 Character
313A GRAHAM Bell |
5a of 9 | Mountain
DEWEY : The Gold Rush, 1849 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
BNS Character B1a Mountain DEWEY |
5b of 9 | Gold
RUSS : The Gold Rush, 1849 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
BNS Character B1b BUBBA Bumpkin |
6a of 9 | Air-Head
JED : The Dust Bowl, 1930 | MARK
Pingitore / Gross | w/
OS6 Character 212b Air-Head JED |
6b of 9 | Dust
Bowl JOEL : The Dust Bowl, 1930 | MARK
Pingitore / Gross | w/
OS6 Character 212a Upliftin' CLIFTON |
7a of 9 | Evil EDDIE : The End of World War II, 1945 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS1 Character 1b Evil EDDIE |
7b of 9 | Navy NICK : The End of World War II, 1945 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS1 Character 1a Nasty NICK |
8a of 9 | Inter STELLA : The Moon Landing, 1969 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS8 Character 318B Inter STELLA |
8b of 9 | First STEPH : The Moon Landing, 1969 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS8 Character 318A HALEY's Vomit |
9a of 9 | Hippie SKIPPY : Woodstock Festival, 1969 | DAVID
Gross | w/
OS3 91b Hippie SKIPPY & OS4 126b |
9b of 9 | WOODY Stock : Woodstock Festival, 1969 | DAVID
Gross | w/
OS3 91a BLAKE Flake & OS4 126a |
PASTIMES STICKERS (with Classic GPK Characters) | |||
1a of 9 |
KIT Spit |
Engstrom | w/
OS5 Character 204b KIT Spit |
1b of 9 | Spitball
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS5 Character 204a JULES Drools |
2a of 9 | Scalped
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS9 Character 369a Scalped RALPH |
2b of 9 | Hit KIT | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | w/
OS9 Character 369b Bone-Head FRED |
3a of 9 | CHARLOTTE
Engstrom | w/
OS3 Character 98a CHARLOTTE Web |
3b of 9 | Basket
Engstrom | w/
OS3 Character 98b DIDI T. |
4a of 9 | Creamed
KEITH : Super Bowl 50 | MARK
Pingitore | w/
OS3 Character 97b Creamed KEITH |
4b of 9 | Scrim
MITCH : Super Bowl 50 | MARK
Pingitore | w/
OS3 Character 97a Punchy PERRY |
5a of 9 | NED
Head : Super Bowl 50 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS3 Character 119a NED Head |
5b of 9 | Deflate
NATE : Super Bowl 50 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS3 Character 119b Still JILL |
6a of 9 | Half-
NELSON : Super Bowl 50 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS3 Character 118a Half-NELSON |
6b of 9 | Halfback
JACK : Super Bowl 50 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS3 Character 118b Glandular ANGELA |
7a of 9 | ART
Apart : Super Bowl 50 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS1 Character 6a ART Apart |
7b of 9 | Tackled
TED : Super Bowl 50 | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS1 Character 6b Busted BOB |
8a of 9 | Jolted JOEL : Super Bowl 50 | JOE
Simko / Gross | w/
OS2 Character 53a Jolted JOEL, etc. |
8b of 9 | Halftime JOE : Super Bowl 50 | JOE
Simko / Gross | w/
OS2 Character 53b Live MIKE, etc. |
9a of 9 | RICHIE Retch : Super Bowl 50 | DAVID
Gross | w/
OS3 Character 170a RICHIE Retch, etc. |
9b of 9 | Sunday Party MARTY : Super Bowl 50 | DAVID
Gross | w/
OS3 Character 170b LUKE Puke, etc. |
1a of 9 | Big
Simko | NA |
1b of 9 |
SAMMY Soda |
JOE Simko |
NA |
2a of 9 |
HARRY Mullet |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
2b of 9 |
Party In The JACK |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
3a of 9 |
Monster CHUCK |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
3b of 9 |
BUCK Truck |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
4a of 9 |
Beat Cop BARRY |
JOE Simko |
NA |
4b of 9 |
Patrol PAUL |
JOE Simko |
NA |
5a of 9 |
GARY Gang |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
5b of 9 |
CARL Crew |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
6a of 9 | Survivalist
Gross | NA |
6b of 9 |
Bunker BILL |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
7a of 9 |
PATTY Pageant |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
7b of 9 |
BEA U.T. Contest |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
8a of 9 |
ARNIE Airport |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
8b of 9 |
Securi- TY |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
9a of 9 |
HUGH Hoarder |
BRENT Engstrom
/ Gross | NA |
9b of 9 |
COLIN Collector |
BRENT Engstrom
/ Gross | NA |
1a of 9 | Self
Im / Engstrom | NA |
1b of 9 |
Egotistical EMMA |
Engstrom | NA |
2a of 9 |
Hipster HAL |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
2b of 9 |
Tight TIM |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
3a of 9 |
Tattoo LOU |
BRENT Engstrom |
w/ OS2 Character
80a Tattoo LOU |
3b of 9 | Removing
Engstrom | w/
OS2 Character 80b ART Gallery |
4a of 9 | Hum
Pingitore | NA |
4b of 9 |
S. HUGH Vee |
MARK Pingitore |
NA |
5a of 9 |
LIBBY Surgery
Im / Engstrom | NA |
5b of 9 |
Plastic PAULA
Im / Engstrom | NA |
6a of 9 | CROZ Nut |
JOE Simko |
NA |
6b of 9 | Cro NAT | JOE
Simko | NA |
7a of 9 | Ripped JEAN | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
7b of 9 | FIONA Fashionista | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
8a of 9 | Anti-Vaccine MAXINE | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | NA |
8b of 9 | MEA Measles | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | NA |
9a of 9 | Helicopter HEATHER | DAVID
Gross | NA |
9b of 9 | Obsessed OLGA | DAVID
Gross | NA |
ICON STICKERS (with Famous U.S. Characters) | |||
1a of 9 |
TED Ache |
Mark Pingitore |
NA |
1b of 9 |
Mark Pingitore |
NA |
2a of 9 |
Busy BETSY |
Mark Pingitore |
NA |
2b of 9 |
Rushed ROSS |
Mark Pingitore |
NA |
3a of 9 |
Thoughtful THOMAS
Simko | NA |
3b of 9 |
Ideation EDISON
Simko | NA |
4a of 9 |
Broken BOB |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
4b of 9 |
Dentures DYLAN
Gross | NA |
5a of 9 |
Bold BILLY |
JOE Simko |
NA |
5b of 9 |
Crass KIDD |
JOE Simko |
NA |
6a of 9 | Ended EVEL |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
6b of 9 | Crashed KNEIVEL | DAVID
Gross | NA |
7a of 9 | Jinxed JOHNNY | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | NA |
7b of 9 | Abducted APPLESEED | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | NA |
8a of 9 | PAUL Bunion | MARK
Pingitore | NA |
8b of 9 | Busted BUNYAN | MARK
Pingitore | NA |
9a of 9 | Tired TOM | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
9b of 9 | Sleepy SAWYER | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
1a of 9 | Trash
Im / Engstrom | Lynn
A. Frei holds a patent for an improved 'garbage... |
1b of 9 | Garbage
Im / Engstrom | ...can'
that maintains equilibrium of air pressure. |
2a of 9 | GILMORE
Fill More | JOE
Simko / Engstrom | Gilmore
Schjeldahl created the airsickness bag... |
2b of 9 | Barf
Simko / Engstrom |
1949 that was plastic-lined; aka barf bag. |
3a of 9 | Dunked
Engstrom | Simpsons
character "Dolph" Starbeam is a bully... |
3b of 9 | Swirl
Engstrom | ...of
Springfield Eementary who performs the swirly. |
4a of 9 | Hurrying
Engstrom | Harvey
Heather held the first patent in the 1950s for... |
4b of 9 | Portable
Engstrom | ...the
porta-potty, or Port-a-John, portable toilet. |
5a of 9 | ANDREW
Reekin' | JOE
Simko / Engstrom | Andrew
Rankin held the first urinal patent in March... |
5b of 9 | Urinal
Simko / Engstrom | ...of
1866; holds a urinal cake or deodorizer block. |
6a of 9 | Say It Ain't So JOE | BRENT
Engstrom | Joseph
C. Gayetty, an American inventor credited.. |
6b of 9 | Toilet Paper RAUL | BRENT
Engstrom | ...with
the invention of commercial toilet paper. |
7a of 9 | Contagious KIMBERLY |
Miran Kim / Engstrom | Kimberly-Clark
Corporation invented the 'Kleenex'... |
7b of 9 | Tissue SUE |
Miran Kim / Engstrom | ...facial
tissue in 1924 to remove cold cream. |
8a of 9 | Lanced LEO | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | Leo
Gerstenzang invented the cotton swab (bud)... |
8b of 9 | Cotton BOB | JUNGHWA
Im / Engstrom | ...tool
using toothpicks in 1920 called 'Baby Gays'. |
9a of 9 | Loud LEO | BRENT
Engstrom | J.
Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical... |
9b of 9 | Atomic BOB | BRENT
Engstrom | ...physicist
called 'father of the atomic bomb'; 1945 |
1a of 42 | Picket
Engstrom | NA |
1b of 42 |
FREDA Fence |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
2a of 42 |
Belt BUCK L. |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
2b of 42 |
Cow BOYD |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
3a of 42 |
BILL Grill |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
3b of 42 |
CODY Cook |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
4a of 42 |
Big MACK |
JOE Simko /
Engstrom | NA |
4b of 42 |
SAM Burger |
JOE Simko /
Engstrom | NA |
5a of 42 |
TOM Bunk |
w/ OS3 Character
110b U.S. ARNIE |
5b of 42 | Bald
Bunk | w/
OS3 Character 110a Snooty SAM |
6a of 42 | Wriggley RENE : LOST Artwork | TOM
Bunk | w/
OS3 Character 103a Wriggley RENE |
6b of 42 | CURLY CARLA : LOST Artwork | TOM
Bunk | w/
OS3 Character 103b Curly CARLA |
7a of 42 | Party MARTY |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
7b of 42 | Two-Party Cyst TIM | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
8a of 42 | Happy MEL |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
8b of 42 | Delightful DONALD | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
9a of 42 | Muscle CARL |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
9b of 42 | Motor ED |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
10a of 42 | Competitive
Simko | NA |
10b of 42 | Nasty
Simko | NA |
11a of 42 | ANDY
Apple | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
11b of 42 | PATON
Engstrom | NA |
12a of 42 | Redwood
Engstrom | NA |
12b of 42 | Red
Engstrom | NA |
13a of 42 | Capital
Engstrom | NA |
13b of 42 | U.S.
Engstrom | NA |
14a of 42 | Brawling
Engstrom | NA |
14b of 42 | MISSY
America | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
15a of 42 | Stinkin' LINCOLN |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
15b of 42 | Memori- AL |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
16a of 42 | Grand GRANT |
/ COLIN Walton | NA |
16b of 42 | CARRIE Canyon |
/ COLIN Walton | NA |
17a of 42 | OLE Faithful |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
17b of 42 | Yellow STONE |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
18a of 42 | Rodeo ROD |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
18b of 42 | BILL Rider |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
19a of 42 | SPENCER
of '76 | TOM
Bunk | NA |
19b of 42 | Yankee
Doodle RANDY | TOM
Bunk | NA |
20a of 42 | Don't
Tread On MIA | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
20b of 42 | DEE
Party | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
21a of 42 | WALLACE
Street | MARK
Pingitore / Gross | NA |
21b of 42 | Golden
Pingitore / Gross | NA |
22a of 42 | Poodle
Pingitore | NA |
22b of 42 | Sock
Pingitore | NA |
23a of 42 | TOM
Prom | DAVID
Gross | NA |
23b of 42 | Social
Gross | NA |
24a of 42 | SUTTON Surfer |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
24b of 42 | Shark Attack ZACK | DAVID
Gross | NA |
25a of 42 | SKIP Skater |
BRENT Engstrom
/ Gross | NA |
25b of 42 | Hurt BURT |
BRENT Engstrom
/ Gross | NA |
26a of 42 | Holly WOODY |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
26b of 42 | Direct TOR |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
27a of 42 | Carni- VAL |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
27b of 42 | Whack JACK |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
28a of 42 | Nas CARL |
JOE Simko /
Gross | NA |
28b of 42 | Pile Up KYLE | JOE
Simko / Gross | NA |
29a of 42 | Ice Capade JADE | DAVID
Gross | NA |
29b of 42 | Figures KATE | DAVID
Gross | NA |
30a of 42 | Firework KIRK | JOE
Simko | NA |
30b of 42 | In- JORY |
JOE Simko |
NA |
31a of 42 | Wrinkly RANDY | BRENT
Engstrom | w/
OS1 Character 35a Wrinkly RANDY |
31b of 42 | Har LEE |
BRENT Engstrom |
w/ OS1 Character
35b Rockin' ROBERT |
32a of 42 | Broadway JAY | DAVID
Gross | NA |
32b of 42 | Music CAL |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
33a of 42 | Struck It RICH |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
33b of 42 | Crude CRAIG |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
34a of 42 | U.S. DALE |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
34b of 42 | Post AL |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
35a of 42 | Addict TED | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
35b of 42 | Phony PHIL |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
36a of 42 | BUDDY Blues |
BRENT Engstrom
/ Gross | NA |
36b of 42 | Teary TERRY |
BRENT Engstrom
/ Gross | NA |
37a of 42 | Hitchhike MIKE | DAVID
Gross | NA |
37b of 42 | RAOUL Route |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
38a of 42 | Casino GINO | DAVID
Gross | NA |
38b of 42 | Neon LEON |
DAVID Gross |
NA |
39a of 42 | Frat MATT |
JOE Simko |
NA |
39b of 42 | Toga TODD |
JOE Simko |
NA |
40a of 42 | Sports JAN |
JOE Simko |
NA |
40b of 42 | Fanatic MICK |
JOE Simko |
NA |
41a of 42 | Log Droppin' LINCOLN | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
41b of 42 | LOGAN Cabin |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
42a of 42 | Area 50 JUAN |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
42b of 42 | Cover Up CHUCK |
BRENT Engstrom |
NA |
1a of 9 | Snooty
Pound | Original
Series 3 : Card 110a |
1b of 9 | U.S.
Pound | Original
Series 3 : Card 110b |
2a of 9 | Old
Warhola | Original
Series 6 : Card 241a |
2b of 9 | JOSE
Can You See | JAMES
Warhola | Original
Series 6 : Card 241b |
3a of 9 | ALICE
Island | JOHN
Pound | Original
Series 3 : Card 113a |
3b of 9 | Liberty
Pound | Original
Series 3 : Card 113b |
4a of 9 | MARC
Spark | JOHN
Pound | Original
Series 6 : Card 238a |
4b of 9 | CHERRY
Bomb | JOHN
Pound | Original
Series 6 : Card 238b |
5a of 9 | BEN
Bolt | JOHN
Pound | Original
Series 5 : Card 191a |
5b of 9 | Fried
Pound | Original
Series 5 : Card 191b |
6a of 9 | Gorgeous GEORGE |
JOHN Pound |
Original Series
2 : Card 73a |
6b of 9 | Dollar BILL |
JOHN Pound |
Original Series
2 : Card 73b |
7a of 9 | Baby ABIE |
JOHN Pound |
Flashback Series
1 : Card 66a |
7b of 9 | LINCOLN Park |
JOHN Pound |
Flashback Series
1 : Card 66b |
8a of 9 | Rappin' RON |
JOHN Pound |
Original Series
2 : Card 46a |
8b of 9 | RAY Gun |
JOHN Pound |
Original Series
2 : Card 46b |
9a of 9 | Barnyard BARNEY |
TOM Bunk |
Original Series
10 : Card 413a |
9b of 9 | DICK Hick |
TOM Bunk |
Original Series
10 : Card 413b |
CARDS | |||
1 |
FLARE Bear |
TOM Bunk |
TOM Bunk - Gross
Bears Box Artwork |
2 |
TOM Bunk |
TOM Bunk - Gross
Bears Box Artwork |
3 |
FLAT Bear |
TOM Bunk |
TOM Bunk - Gross
Bears Box Artwork |
4 |
BARF Bear |
TOM Bunk |
TOM Bunk - Gross
Bears Box Artwork |
5 |
PIG-OUT Bear |
TOM Bunk |
TOM Bunk - Gross
Bears Box Artwork |
L1 |
Bunk | TOM
Bunk - Gross Bears Box Artwork |
1a | Toilet TARA | TOM
Bunk | NA |
1b | BRENDA Bowl | TOM
Bunk | NA |
2a | Classy CLAY | TOM
Bunk | NA |
2b | DALE Dump | TOM
Bunk | NA |
3a | DEBBIE Dryer | TOM
Bunk | NA |
3b | Melted MELANIE | TOM
Bunk | NA |
1a of 4 | Krampin' KEVIN |
BRENT Engstrom |
Fright Rags
T-Shirt |
1b of 4 | KENNY Krampus | BRENT
Engstrom | Fright
Rags T-Shirt |
2a of 4 | Wretchin' REGAN | BRENT
Engstrom | Fright
Rags T-Shirt |
2b of 4 | Possessed PAULINE |
BRENT Engstrom |
Fright Rags
T-Shirt |
3a of 4 | Howlin' HOWARD | BRENT
Engstrom | Fright
Rags T-Shirt |
3b of 4 | Transformin' TRAVIS | BRENT
Engstrom | Fright
Rags T-Shirt |
4a of 4 | Plungin' PENNY | BRENT
Engstrom | Fright
Rags T-Shirt |
4b of 4 | Bobbin' BOB | BRENT
Engstrom | Fright
Rags T-Shirt |
1a of 4 | Over KILLIAN |
BRENT Engstrom |
Deluxe Bonus Card |
1b of 4 | Blasted BOB | BRENT
Engstrom | NEW
2a of 4 | Alien IAN |
MARK Pingitore |
Comic Cover |
2b of 4 | Outerspace CHASE | MARK
Pingitore | IDW
GPK No.4 Comic Cover |
3a of 4 | Methane MAX | BRENT
Engstrom | IDW
GPK No.5 Deluxe Bonus Card |
3b of 4 | Road WARREN | BRENT
Engstrom | NEW
4a of 4 | ADAM Bomb |
MARK Pingitore |
Comic Cover |
4b of 4 | Blasted BILLY V | MARK
Pingitore | IDW
GPK No.5 Comic Cover |
1a of 1 | ADAM
Bomb Pop : ADAM Bomb's | JOE
Simko | NA |
1b of 1 |
Blasted BILLY
VI : ADAM Bomb's | JOE
Simko | NA |
1a of 1 |
Boom's | BRENT
Engstrom | NA |
1b of 1 |
Blasted BILLY
Engstrom | NA |
1 of 10 | Snooty
Pound | Original
Series 3 : Card 110a |
2 of 10 | Old
Warhola | Original
Series 6 : Card 241a |
3 of 10 | ALICE
Island | JOHN
Pound | Original
Series 3 : Card 113a |
4 of 10 | MARC
Spark | JOHN
Pound | Original
Series 6 : Card 238a |
5 of 10 | BEN
Bolt | JOHN
Pound | Original
Series 5 : Card 191a |
6 of 10 | Gorgeous GEORGE |
JOHN Pound |
Original Series
2 : Card 73a |
7 of 10 | Baby ABIE |
JOHN Pound |
Flashback Series
1 : Card 66a |
8 of 10 | Rappin' RON |
JOHN Pound |
Original Series
2 : Card 46a |
9 of 10 | Barnyard BARNEY |
TOM Bunk |
Original Series
10 : Card 413a |
10 of 10 | RICHARD Trixon |
BRENT Engstrom |
30th Anniv.
Series : Card 3a (Presidents) |
# |