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Friday, 31 October 2003
Happy Halloween!
In recent days, I've made a few updates to the Fantasy Section of GW that I want to tell you about now.

I added two new interviews and one new editorial to the site the other day.

Tonight, I updated the articles section a bit. The Miscellaneous Fantasy section is now online and contains a short article about Halloween! Be sure to check it out when you're eating your candy and chocolate later!

Hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween!

Becca L.,
Fantasy Editor

Posted by geek_world at 2:09 PM PST
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Wednesday, 22 October 2003
Hey gang, Rob K here.

Troy Hickman, writer/creator of Top Cow Comics' upcoming COMMON GROUNDS, agreed to answer a few questions for us!

Check it out!

Rob K


Posted by geek_world at 9:55 AM PDT
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Saturday, 27 September 2003
Comic News Updated!
Hey all!

Rob K here. Comic News has been updated once again!

Big news from Marvel and a preview of Top Cow's CURSED!

See ya in the funnybooks,
Rob K.
Editor-In-Chief, GEEK WORLD

Posted by geek_world at 6:06 PM PDT
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Thursday, 11 September 2003
Fantasy Section Updates!
It's been awhile, but there have been some updates on the Fantasy Section tonight. I'm rushing because I'm up past my bedtime (yes at 10:15 I'm up late, go figure!) but here's what I did tonight!

There is a new Interview on the site...this time I chatted with Josepha Sherman! And I updated the notes on the main Interview page too!

I also did a lot of revamping on the Fantasy News section. There's a new look and a new edition of the news! Check it out for all the latest publication news on the world's leading fantasy authors!

I haven't forgotten the Feature Author, I just have not had time to get it written and online yet, but it'll come soon, even if Mercedes Lackey has to be Feature Author for two months in a row. LOL. I'm sure she wouldn't mind...

The reviews are coming too. I'm just reading some CSI-esque novels right now for something different.

That's it for now! Catch you on the flip side!

Becca L.,
Fantasy Editor

Posted by geek_world at 6:14 PM PDT
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Sunday, 31 August 2003
New Fantasy Interviews!
That's right, folks! I just updated the Fantasy Interviews with two brand new interviews! This time around, I talked to Alan Dean Foster and Brenda W. Clough!

Becca L.
Fantasy Editor

Posted by geek_world at 3:59 PM PDT
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Monday, 25 August 2003

I just updated the Fantasy section with a new interview, and another is on the way within a few days I hope. This time around, I got to talk to Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet!

Becca L.

Posted by geek_world at 1:36 PM PDT
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Sunday, 24 August 2003
Fantasy Update!
Over the past couple of days, I received two emails from authors who had been given in the interview questions awhile back. Both of these interviews, with Doranna Durgin and Richard A. Knaak, can now be found in the Interviews part of the Fantasy Section.

I realized when reading Mr. Knaak's answers that I stuck my foot in my mouth...there are some things I just don't know. LOL. Like for instance, he didn't create the Dragonlance series...d'oh! Ah well. Nice slice of humble pie for Becca...

Becca L.

Posted by geek_world at 2:21 PM PDT
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Monday, 18 August 2003
She's not just a Fantasy Editor, folks!
That's right, ladies and gentlemen! I have also contributed to the comics section of the site by writing what I've dubbed part editorial, part article. It's listed in the Comics Articles section. See, I'm a comic geek too! And here I bet you were thinking I was only really into fantasy! *scoff*

Becca L.,
Fantasy Editor

Posted by geek_world at 5:50 PM PDT
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Sunday, 17 August 2003
New Section Added!
I added a new section, Editor's Notes. It'll be my place to post my rants and editorials.

See ya around!
Rob K,
Editor-In-Chief --
Geek World

Posted by geek_world at 11:30 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003

Hey gang!

Tonight I added two new Biographies to the Fantasy Section: L. Frank Baum and Roger Zelazny! Coming sooner than you might think: Michael Ende's Bio!

Becca L.

Posted by geek_world at 7:08 PM PDT
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