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Poetry of Love and Pain

These poems are of both Pain and Love.  They are of those simple truths. 


Love Is Pain

Love is pain! Love is pain!

But those who love don't hurt in vain,

Though the seed of love, it hurts to grow,

Its roots dig deep, they don't go slow,

To see the flower of Love is Joy,

It's beauty real and never coy,

Though deep inside it seems to rend,

Such happiness it soon will send!

Love is pain! Love is pain!

The seed of Love is watered with the rain

Of a thousand and one tears truly wept

And in His Hands they all are kept.

For some day soon when love doth spring

Those tears of pain and suffering sing

Of mountains climbed and valley's crossed

Of all those gained and all those lost.

And with the proclamation made,

The Flower blooms and gives its shade,

Where all who were afflicted dwell,

And draw sweet waters from the well,

To love his happy, this is true!

But Love is pain, know this, too!


Obadyah LebMachion Derrick Owen


How I Feel

My heart torn asunder by the careless words

This pain in my gut leads me awry.

“It's coming, it's coming!” they cry,

But on deaf ears fall those words.

My bed a lonely place, no snoring, no laughter,

The empty bed beside mine not filled.

My thoughts like grain are crushed and milled,

I miss her, my blonde and beautiful Daughter.

Where to go? What to see? Where to be?

I don't know. I cannot see what comes ahead.

Sometimes the sadness makes me dead.

Who to love? Who to hold? Who to be?

So anxious I am, I cannot sleep,

I toss and turn and pray.

Then the sunlight comes, then day,

My weariness runs too deep.


“Obadyah” Steven Owen.


The Pain Inside

Pain must come before the cure,

Remove the cancerous tumor.

It's bloody, hard to just endure,

I feel I've lost my sense of humor.

The gaping wound within my chest,

The endless nights I cannot sleep,

I toss and turn within my chest,

The scar tissue inside runs deep.

How can I tell you what I feel?

How can I share my life?

How can it all be so unreal?

How could I be without wife?

And how I'm here, alone I walk,

The path ahead, too long.

No longer want to sit and talk.

No, I will sing a sad song.


“Obadyah” Steven Owen.

A Quiet Moment Of Heaven

We stand and behold the quiet sound,

Of white bits of heaven falling all around,

Cold and fresh in morning light,

Your company makes it all just right.

As we walk through a world of white,

We stride in harmony, not to fight,

The frozen air nips my nose a bit,

But a gentle kiss warms it.

Ah, a simple moment of shalom,

As we walk back to our home,

Hand in hand, we walk in love,

But together we move, praise Yah above.

Inside is warm, a fire burns bright,

To keep us safe, to give us light,

We sit and talk the night away,

And start again at break of day.


Obadyah Lebmachion Derrick Owen