1.J.P.Sunset The sun sets over Jamaica
Pond in Boston: Taken in the spring of 1986. For those of
you who picture Boston and all cities in the
northeast as urban splotches, this photo must be
a surprise; just click on the thumbnail to see a Boston sunset.
2.Frozen J.P.Sunset The sun again sets over Jamaica
Pond in Boston: Taken in late February of 1986.
3.Snow on the Lilac Branches I took this the first snowfall of the winter of 1985-86. The snow was heavy and it clung to the thin, brass-colored branches of the lilac bush outside my bathroom window, just begging me to grab a shot. That's a car buried in the background.
4.Early Christmas Taken on the back side of Forest Hills Station in Boston, this new conifer held clumps of an early snow in its spare arms. TriX400 in afternoon light: c. December, 1990. The softness of the original image, like others, crunched by the digital process.
5.Yellow House On Boylston Street in Jamaica Plain. I always wanted to see the interior curved woodwork that must have accompanied the rounded end of this structure. Taken with a Ricoh KR5 Super and 200 ASA Polaroid Color Film. Click on
6. Warrior Mural I took this with one of those camera giveaways of the early eighties. The subject, a mural in Jamaica Plain, Boston, on Perkins Street on the backside of the Market known as Hi-Lo. Local lore had that a group of painters from a village in South America had come to this heavily Hispanic section of Boston to do the painting as a gift. One other thing: they left cans of the colors used so that the local caretakers of the image could touch up any graffiti neighborhood kids uncaringly put on it. I lived near it and saw how it was kept up. The life of a tag on this warrior image was only a few days.
7. Blue Anchor I took this with my Dad's camera in July of '86. I used the same older Polaroid film that I used for "Chairs" in the still life
section. Taken from about a quarter of a mile away from this scene
at Pontoosac Lake in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. I was up on a
hill that Hudson School Painters once sketched from. In fact,
there are sketches of this view in art history books. Somehow, the scene
resembles an Impressionist work.
8. Jamaica Pond Thaw Late nineteen-eighties. One of my favorite shots, this is the edge of Jamaica Pond as it thaws. That's the sky reflecting in the water gathering along the edge of the ice. And the tree you see in the reflection is the underside of the tree at the left border of the
9. Torso Ricoh KR5-Super, old Polaroid formula film. Also from the late nineteen-eighties, and at Jamaica Pond. Some friends have said that this photo has a touch of the macabre.
10.Steaming Kettle Late 1980's. Same camera, the Ricoh KR5 Super, Polaroid 200 ASA film. The Steaming Kettle in downtown Boston is a landmark many have used as a meeting place. As well as viewing my image of the kettle, you can see the corner where it is located by clicking
here. Court Street is to your right; Scollay Square, or Goverment Center, if you will, is to your left. The kettle is in the middle bottom of the image, right under the two big white globes. To visit another web page that celebrates the kettle, click here, on Giant Containers. When you get there, you need to scroll down to the images of the kettle. There's a little history there, too. Don't forget my thumbnail below here for my photo of this famous object.
10.Old Berkshire Atheneum This a recent photo, late 2006, of what was once the Pittsfield, Masschusetts, main library, now part of the Berkshire County Courthouse complex. The structure is a beautiful example of Gothic revival. Note the splayed arch and the dual transepts. The camera: a Fuji digital camera, the Fine Pix A/205.
11.Old First Agricultural Bank This is also a recent photo, late 2006, of what was once the First Agricultural Bank in Pittsfield, Masschusetts, now the local home of Merrill Lynch. The building is a nice example of Greek revival. The columns with the Corinthian scrollwork capitals are striking. Taken with the same Fuji Fine Pix A/205.