Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa

Andhika Gunawan, B.Sc., M.A.

Klaim Otoritas sebagai Organisasi Yehovah


Klaim Watchtower tentang dirinya

Dalam banyak tulisannya Watchtower menggunakan mind-control dengan mengemukakan argumentasi semacam berikut ini:

¨      Alkitab tidak dapat menyinarkan terang kebenarannya sendiri, harus melalui organisasi Allah.

“Jehovah God has provided his holy written Word for all mankind… But God has not arranged for that Word to speak independently… It is through his organization that God, provides this light that the proverb says is the teaching or law of the mother.  If we are to walk in the light of truth we must recognize not only Jehovah God as our Father but his organization as our mother.” (WT 1 May 1957, p.274)

¨      Individu tidak dapat menafsirkan Alkitab

“Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregartion as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible.  For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah’s visible organization in mind.” (WT, 1 Oct 1967, p.587)

¨      Hanya organisasi Allah saja yang diarahkan oleh Roh Kudus

“Consider, too, the fact that Jehovah’s organization alone, in all the earth, is directed by God’s holy spirit or active force (Zech 4:6).  Only this organization functions for Jehovah’s purpose and to his praise.  To it alone God’s Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book.” (WT, 1 July 1973, p.402)


Satu-satunya ‘channel’ komunikasi Allah kepada manusia

Pada banyak kutipan di bawah ini terlihat jelas, bahwa mereka percaya bahwa WBTS [The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ] adalah satu-satunya ‘channel’ komunikasi Allah kepada manusia.



Kutipan dari publikasi WBTS

Hikmat Allah hanya bisa diketahui melalui WBTS (1984)

1994 Channel to understanding the Bible... All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave. (Watchtower; Oct. 1, 1994; p. 8)

Kita harus beriman kepada Yehovah dan kepada WBTS, organisasiNya (1984)

1984 "Faith in Jehovah, faith in those whom he is using as spokesmen, yes, faith in his organization! As we 'go out' to Jehovah's service today, how important it is that we exercise such faith!" (Watchtower July 1, 1984 p17)

Kita tidak boleh mempertanyakan apa yang sudah disediakan Allah melalui WBTS (1983)

1983 "Avoid independent thinking...questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization." (Watchtower, Jan. 15, 1983 pg. 22)

Untuk memperoleh hidup kekal kita harus menjadi bagian dari WBTS (1983)

1983 To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it. (Watchtower; Feb. 15, 1983; p. 12)

Tanpa melalui channel (WBTS) ini kita tidak akan maju dalam kehidupan, tidak peduli berapapun seringnya kita membaca Alkitab (1981)

1981 No matter where we may live on earth, God's Word continues to serve as a light to our path and a lamp to our roadway as to our conduct and beliefs. (Ps. 119:105) But Jehovah God has also provided his visible organization, his "faithful and discreet slave," made up of spirit anointed ones, to help Christians in all nations to understand and apply properly the Bible in their lives. Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do. (Watchtower; Dec. 1, 1981; p. 27)

Penolakan terhadap WBTS menandakan penolakan terhadap pemerintahan Ilahi (1976)

1976 "We must take seriously what his Word says and what his organization reveals to us.... Would not a failure to respond to direction from God through his organization really indicate a rejection of divine rulership?" (Watchtower, February 15, 1976, p. 214)

Semua harus secara absolut tunduk pada keputusan dan pengertian Alkitabiah dari WBTS karena WBTS-lah penerima otoritas Allah (1972)

1972 "That they [Jehovah's Witness] must adhere absolutely to the decisions and scriptural understandings of the Society because God has given it this authority over his people." (Watchtower, May 1, 1972, p. 272)

Tidak konsisten bila kita berkata mengasihi Allah tetapi menolak WBTS (1967)

1967 "We cannot claim to love God, yet deny his word and channel of communication." (Watchtower, October 1, 1967, p. 591)

Allah tidak memberikan pengertian akan firmanNya diluar dari WBTS (1965)

1965 "He does not impart his holy spirit and understanding and appreciation of his Word apart from his visible organization." (Watchtower, July 1, 1965, pg. 391)

WBTS adalah ‘satu-satunya channel kolektif’ dari kebenaran Alkitab pada hari-hari akhir ini (1960)

1960 "The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, identifies itself as God's 'sole collective channel for the flow of Biblical truth to men on earth' in these last days" … "The facts show that during this time and up to the present hour the 'slave' class has served as God's sole collective channel for the flow of Biblical truth to men on earth. Just as the early Christians congregation collectively served as the channel of communication from heaven to earth, so in our time. (Eph. 3:10) Abundant spiritual food and amazing details as to the doing of God's will have been flowing through this unique channel actually as a miraculous evidence of the operation of holy spirit. The present stature of the new World society of Jehovah's witnesses, numbering nearly a million ministers in 175 lands, gives eloquent testimony that it is not the product of human ingenuity. Rather, it is the product of holy spirit operating theocratically through a tested channel, influencing the lives of dedicated men and women in all walks of life." (Watchtower, July 15, 1960, page 439)

Baiklah kita meresponi arahan dari WBTS sebagai suara Allah, karena ini memang yang disediakanNya (1957)

1957 Let us now unmistakably identify Jehovah's channel of communication for our day, that we may continue in his favor. ... It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the "slave" as we would to the voice of God, because it is his provision. (Watchtower; June 15, 1957; p. 370)

Allah tidak mengatur firmanNya berbicara & menyinarkan terang dengan sendirinya, melainkan hanya melalui WBTS Allah memnberikan terang (1957)

1957 "The world is full of Bibles, which Book contains the commandments of God. Why, then, do the people not know which way to go? Because they do not also have the teaching or law of the mother, which is light. Jehovah God has provided His holy written word for all mankind and it contains all the information that is needed for men in taking a course leading to life. But God has not arranged for that word to speak independently, or to shine forth life giving truths by itself. His word says, "Light is sown for the righteous" (Psalm 97:11). It is through his organization that God provides this light that the prophet says is the teaching or law of the mother. If we walk in the light of truth, we must recognize not only Jehovah God as our father, but his organization as our mother." … "God has not arranged for [His] Word to speak independently or to shine life-giving truths by itself. It is through his organization God provides this light." (Watchtower, May 1, 1957, pg. 274)

Jika kita mengasihi Yehovah dan organisasiNya, kita tidak boleh curiga, melainkan mempercayai ‘segala sesuatu’ yang WBTS keluarkan (1955)

1955 "If we have love for Jehovah and for the organization of his people we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the Bible says, 'believe all things,' all the things that The Watchtower brings out." (Qualified to be Ministers, 1955, pg. 156)

Kuasa penunjukkan semua hamba berada di Governing Body, di bawah supervis langsung Kristus (1955)

1955 Similarly today the power of appointment of all servants in congregations rightfully rests with the governing body of the "faith and discreet slave" class, which is under the direct supervision of Christ Jesus at the temple. (Watchtower, June 1, 1955 p. 333)

Mereka yang mengakui pemerintahan Allah, tidak akan bertindak bodoh dengan melawan WBTS dengan menggunakan akal, setimen, dan perasaan pribadi mereka (1952)

1952 "We should eat and digest and assimilate what is set before us, without shying away from parts of the food because it may not suit the fancy of our mental taste...We should meekly go along with the Lord's theocratic organization and wait for further clarification, rather than balk at the first mention of a thought unpalatable to us and proceed to quibble and mouth our criticisms and opinions as though they were worth more than the slave's provision of spiritual food. Theocratic ones will appreciate the Lord's visible organization and not be so foolish as to put against Jehovah's channel their own human reasoning and sentiment and personal feelings." (Watchtower, February 1, 1952, pp. 79-80)

Majalah Watchtower (Menara Pengawal) adalah alat Allah untuk berkomunikasi dengan umatNya di bumi (1939, 1933)

1939 We acknowledge as the visible organization of Jehovah on earth the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, and recognize the Society as the Channel or instrument through which Jehovah and Christ Jesus give instruction and meat in due season to the household of faith. (Watchtower, April 15, 1939 p. 125)

1939 "It should be expected that the Lord would have a means of communicating to his people on the earth, and he has clearly shown that the magazine called The Watchtower is used for that purpose." (1939 Yearbook Of Jehovah's Witnesses, P 85)

1933 Surely Jehovah has an organization on earth, because everything with him is done orderly. For many years many years he has used the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. There is but one class of people that are doing his work on earth today and these we call "the Society", acting under the direction of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and putting forth the Watchtower publications. (Watchtower, May 15, 1933 p. 154-155)

WBTS adalah perusahaan terbesar di dunia karena sejak awal Tuhan telah memakainya sebagai channelNya untuk memberitakan kabar baikNya (1917)

1917 "Following the election Brother Rutherford, addressing the meeting, said in part:...'The Watchtower Bible And Tract Society is the greatest corporation in the world, because from the time of its organization until now the Lord has used it as His channel through which to make known the Glad Tidings'." (Watchtower, Jan. 15, 1917, p. 22, quoted in, The Finished Mystery, Studies in the Scriptures, VII, p. 144).


Watchtower adalah Nabi Allah

Di dalam beberapa kutipan di bawah ini jelas sekali bahwa mereka mengklaim organisasi tsb (WBTS) adalah ‘nabi’ yang dipilih Allah untuk berbicara kepada umatNya.



Kutipan dari publikasi WBTS

Mereka yang dikenal di seluruh dunia sebagai Saksi-Saksi Yehovah adalah nabi-nabi.

1986all of whom are prophets, or witnesses for God.  In fact they are known throughout the world as Jehovah’s Witnesses. (Awake 8 June, 1986, p 9)

Di bumi ini ada kelas nabi yang harus menyelesaikan tugasnya sebelum perang Armagedon bisa dimulai

1982 At this late date there is a mere remnant of this “prophet” class yest on earth.  The “war of the great day of God the Almighty at Har-Magedon could not start before this composite “prophet” ends his work.” (Watchtower 1Oct 1982, p 27)

Yehovah tidak ingin umatNya disesatkan oleh nabi palsu, dan Yehovah memiliki seorang ‘nabi’ untuk memperingatkan umatNya.  ‘Nabi’ ini bukan seorang manusia, melainkan suatu organisasi (badan) yang terdiri dari laki-laki dan perempuan, dan pada hari ini mereka dikenal dengan nama Saksi-Saksi Kristen Yehovah. (1972)

1972 "They Shall Know That A Prophet Was Among Them" … However, Jehovah did not let the people of Christendom, as led by the clergy, go without being warned that the League was a counterfeit substitute for the real kingdom of God. He had a 'prophet' to warn them. This 'prophet' was not one man, but was a body of men and women. it was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as international bible students. today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses." (Watchtower April 1, 1972 p. 197)

Bangsa-bangsa akan mengetahui adanya seorang ‘nabi’ dianatar mereka, suatu ‘nabi’ kolektif, suatu grup ‘nabi’ (1972)

1972 …This would indicate that Jehovah's Witnesses today make their declaration of the good news of the kingdom under angelic direction and support. (Rev. 14:6; Matt. 25:31;32) and since no word or work of Jehovah can fail, for he is god almighty, the nations will see the fulfillment of what these witnesses say as directed from heaven. … Yes, the time must come shortly that the nations will have to know that really a 'prophet' of Jehovah was among them. Actually now more than a million and a half persons are helping that collective or composite 'prophet' in his preaching work and well over that number of others are studying the Bible with the 'prophet' group and it's companions" (Watchtower April 1, 1972 p. 200)

Nabi Yehovah adalah mereka yang mendeklarasikan nama Yehovah dan memberitakan ‘akhir jaman’ kepada kekristenan

1972 What is required of God’s messanger.  Therefore when it came time for the name of Jehovah and his purposes to be declared to the people, along with God’s warning that Christendom is in her “time of the end,” who qualified to be commisioned?  Who was willing to undertake this monumental task as “Jehovah’s servant”?  Was there anyone to whom Jehovah’s heavenly “chariot” could roll up and whom it could confront?  More accurately, was there any group on whom Jehovah would be willing to bestow the commission to speak as a “prophet” in His name, as was done toward Ezekiel back in 613 B.C.E.? (Watchtower Maret 15, 1972 p.189)

Fakta menunjukkan bahwa Allah telah memilih Saksi-Saksi Yehovah sebagai nabiNya, dan Yehovah-lah yang akan menaruh firmanNya kedalam mulut mereka (1959)

1959 "Whom has God actually used as his prophet?.... Jehovah's witnesses are deeply grateful today that the plain facts show that God has been pleased to use them.... Jehovah thrust out his hand of power and touched their lips and put his words in their mouths." (Watchtower, January 15, 1959, p. 40-41)


Allah bernubuat langsung melalui mereka

Mereka percaya bahwa Allah berbicara menjelaskan firmanNya dan memberitahukan serta menjelaskan nubuat-nubuatanNya melalui mereka.



Kutipan dari publikasi WBTS

Yehovah membukakan nubuat-nubuatan melalui penerangan Roh Kudus (1981)

1981 "Prophecies open up to us as Jehovah's holy spirit sheds light upon them, and as they are fulfilled in world events or in the experiences of God's people." (Watchtower, December 1, 1981 p. 17)

Majalah Watchtower memampukan orang untuk melihat apa yang ada di masa depan (1980)

1980 'A Watchtower enables a person to look far into the distance and announce to others what is seen. Likewise, this magazine, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, aids the reader to see what the future holds'. (this statement featured on the cover each issue of the Watchtower in late 1970s through 1980's)

Tuhan telah menubuatkan akan adanya ‘sisa’ murid Kristus yang diurapi yang telah memberitakan nubuat ke segala bangsa (1976)

1976 "The holy spirit, which Jehovah prophesied that he would pour out in the last days, has not ceased to operate, for the remnant are still baptizing disciples of Christ in the name of that spirit.... The announced purpose behind God's pouring out of his spirit upon all sorts of flesh was that the recipients thereof might prophesy. The facts substantiate that the remnant of Christ's anointed disciples have been doing that prophesying to all the nations for a witness in favor of God's kingdom. Logically, then, they must be the ones upon whom God's spirit has actually been poured out. That spirit is behind their worldwide preaching. Why argue about it?" (Holy Spirit-The Force Behind the Coming New Order!, 1976, p. 148)

Yehovah bernubuat melalui WBTS, Yehovah ada dibalik semua nubuatan itu, dan banyaknya detail yang dinyatakan Yehovah membuktikan bahwa merekalah ‘hamba yang setia dan bijaksana’ [dalam Mat 24:45] (1964)

1964 "As Jehovah revealed his truths by means of the first-century Christian congregation so he does today by means of the present-day Christian congregation. Through this agency he is having carried out prophesying on an intensified and unparalleled scale. All this activity is not an accident. Jehovah is the one behind all of it. The abundance of spiritual food and the amazing details of Jehovah's purposes that have been revealed to Jehovah's anointed witnesses are clear evidence that they are the ones mentioned by Jesus when he foretold a "faithful and discreet slave" class that would be used to dispense God's progressive revelations in these last days." (Watchtower, June 15, 1964, p. 365)

Yehovah adalah penafsir nubuatNya sendiri, WBTS hanyalah channel untuk mempublikasikan penafsiran Yehovah yang diberitakan melalui Kristus (1952)

1952 "Jehovah as the great interpreter makes known the meaning of his revelations in his due time, and speculation by men cannot bring to light the true meaning of prophecy before time. Jehovah has provided a channel, the faithful and discreet slave class, who are given spiritual food at the proper time, and this spiritual food includes among other things the understandings of the prophecies in the course of their fulfillments. (Matt. 24:45 NW) Jehovah's witnesses themselves are not nor can they be interpreters of prophecies. but as fast as the superior authorities Jehovah and Christ Jesus reveal the interpretations through their provided channel that fast do God's people publish them" (Watchtower, April 15, 1952, p. 253)

Yesuslah yang menafsirkan nubuat-nubuatNya kepada saksi-saksiNya (1943)

1943 The Lord by Christ Jesus interprets his prophecies to his witnesses. (Watchtower, Nov. 1, 1943 p. 293)

Hanya Yehovah yang merupakan penafsir tertinggi dari firmanNya, Kristus adalah jurubicaraNya, dan WBTS dipakai Allah untuk mempublikasikan penafsiranNya (1943).

1943 "The claim of any individual or religious organization to be the interpreter of Gods sacred Word is false and misleading. No creature or organization on earth can truly presume to sit as the supreme tribunal of interpretation of the holy bible...Jehovah God is therefore the only Supreme Court of Interpretation of His inspired Word. … This does not signify that the faithful remnant or society of Jehovah's anointed witnesses are an earthly tribunal of interpretation, delegated to interpret the Scriptures and its prophecies. No; Christ Jesus the King has not entrusted that office to them. The supreme court still interprets, thank God; and Christ Jesus, the Courts official mouthpiece of interpretation, reserves to himself that office as Head of Jehovah's faithful and wise servant class. He merely uses the servant class to publish the interpretation after the supreme court by Christ Jesus reveals it. How does the Lord God make known the interpretation? By causing the facts to come to pass visibly which are in fulfillment of the prophecy or dark saying or misunderstood scripture. Thereafter in due season he calls such fulfillment or clarification of prophecy and scripture to the attention of his faithful and wise servant class. Thereby he makes them responsible to make known the meaning of such scriptures to all members of the household of faith and to all person of goodwill. This constitutes giving them the meat in due season. (Watchtower, July 1, 1943, p. 202-203)

Majalah Watchtower adalah tidak ada tandingannya di bumi, karena pengarang Alkitab itu sendiri yang sekarang menafsirkan nubuat-nubuatNya melalui majalah tsb. (1943)

1943 "The Watchtower is a magazine without equal in the earth, and is conceded this rank by all that have been faithful readers thereof during its more than sixty years of publications.... This is not giving any credit to the magazines publishers, but is due to the great author of the Bible with its truths and prophecies, and who now interprets its prophecies. He it is that makes possible the material that is published in the columns of this magazine and who give promise that it shall continue to publish the advancing truths as long as it continues to exist for the service of the interests of his Theocratic Government. (Watchtower, April 15, 1943, p. 127)

Barangsiapa yang menganggap majalah Watchtower hanya mempublikasi pendapat dan ekspresi manusia, dia tidak perlu membuang waktu untuk melihatnya, tetapi siapa yang percaya bahwa Wtachtower adalah alat Allah untuk berkomunikasi kepada umatNya, harus mempelajarinya. (1942)

1942 "Those who are convinced that The Watchtower is publishing the opinion or expression of a man should not waste time in looking at it at all, because a mans opinion proves nothing except when that opinion is based wholly upon the Word of God. Those who believe that God uses the Watchtower as a means of communicating to his people, or of calling their attention to his prophecies, should study the Watchtower with thankfulness of heart and give Jehovah God and Christ Jesus all the honor and credit and give neither honor nor credit to any man." (Watchtower, Jan. 1, 1942, p. 5)

Yesuslah yang memberikan pengertian terhadap nubuat-nubuat yang dipublikasikan dalam Watchtower (1942)

1942 Christ Jesus has caused the understanding of the prophetic dramas and pictures to be clear and set forth in the Watchtower publications. (Watchtower, Dec. 15, 1942 p. 376)

President Franz di pengadilan ditanya : Siapa Editor utama majalah Watchtower?  Dia menjawab: Allah Yehovah (1940)

1940 Court's Question to Franz: "Who subsequently became the Editor of the magazine, the main editor of the 'Watch Tower' magazine?" Franz's Answer: "Jehovah God." (Fred W. Franz on the witness stand under oath, New York King's County Clerks' Court Record, 1940, vol. II, p 795)

Organisasi Yehovah di bawah Kristus adalah channel untuk membawa penafsiran ilahi bagi firmanNya (1938)

1938 "Jehovah's word is not of private human interpretation. He is his own interpreter. He causes light to be shed one Scripture text by others elsewhere in the Bible bearing on the same subject. He also brings to pass the fulfillment of Bible prophecies by definite events and then he calls the attention of his witnesses to such fulfillments in clarification of prophecy. He has appointed Christ Jesus the head of his visible organization and his associate interpreter for the organization, an interpreter, one among a thousand. (Job 33:23) So Jehovah's visible organization under Christ is a channel for bringing the divine interpretation of his word to his devoted people." (Watchtower, June 1, 1938, p. 169)

Penafsiran nubuat berasal dari Yehovah, dan Dialah yang menyiapkan mesin-mesin, proses pencetakan dan semua material untuk menyatakan beritanya kepada dunia Kristen, dan ini dilakukanNya melalui ‘hamba yang setia dan bijaksana’. (1938)

1938 "The resolutions adopted by conventions of God's anointed people, booklets, magazines, and books published by them, contain the message of God's truth and are from the almighty God, Jehovah, and provided by him through Christ Jesus and his under officers. This shows the grand and glorious organization working in exact harmony, as indeed it must work. These instruments being provided by Jehovah, and placed in the hand of the remnant, the remnant or 'servant' class is commanded to use the same. … the interpretation of prophecy, therefore is not from man, but is from Jehovah; and Jehovah causes events to come to pass in fulfillment of the prophecy in due time. It is His truth and not man's; and when men attempt to give the honor and glory for the message of truth to a man or men, such make fools of themselves. Jehovah provides the machinery, the printing presses, and all material for the purpose of preparing his fiery message that must be poured out or scattered upon 'Christendom', and this is done by his 'faithful servant' class." (Watchtower May 1, 1938 p 143)

Melalui ijin dan arahan Yehovah, Kristus memberikan pengertian atas nubuat Allah kepada hamba-hamba setiaNya (1937)

1937 "The Watchtower is issued twice each month and brings to its readers the current report which the Lord, in the exercise of his loving-kindness, manifests in the unfolding of his prophecies to those who are devoted to him....the Watchtower being the means the Lord is pleased to use to transmit his message of truth to the people, it is a real comfort to the remnant and the other sheep of the Lord to have this given to the regularly twice each month." (1937 Yearbook, p. 82)

1937 This foretells that Jehovah's prophecies cannot be interpreted by men, but interpretation if from Jehovah...Christ Jesus at the temple is Jehovah's great Servant and Interpreter, and by God's permission and direction he gives to the faithful ones an understanding of God's prophecies and his coming to the temple. Those who attempt to run ahead of the Lord and try to interpret prophecies to suit their own ideas never get the proper interpretation thereof . (Watchtower, Feb. 15, 1937 p. 52)

Allah telah membukakan arti dari nubuat-nubuat dan sejak 1931 Saksi Yehovah telah mendistribusikan berita itu kepada umat (1937)

1937 Shortly after 1918 Jehovah began to make known to his servant the meaning of some of his prophecies . (Watchtower, Nov. 1, 1937 p. 330)

1937 The faithful will not be deceived by any such sophistry. God has revealed the meaning of these prophecies to his people... Since 1931 Jehovah witnesses have, in obedience to God's commandment, made a wide distribution of God's message to the people. There has been a wide distribution of such Biblical explanations as contained in the books Vindication, Preparation, Preservation, Jehovah, Riches, Choosing ("Separating the Nations"), Uncovered, Protection, and many others. (Watchtower, Nov. 15, 1937 p. 349)

1937 "The Watchtower is issued twice each month and brings to its readers the current report which the Lord, in the exercise of his loving-kindness, manifests in the unfolding of his prophecies to those who are devoted to him....the Watchtower being the means the Lord is pleased to use to transmit his message of truth to the people, it is a real comfort to the remnant and the other sheep of the Lord to have this given to the regularly twice each month." (1937 Yearbook, p. 82)

Allah telah mengaruniakan beritaNya dalam bentuk buku-buku, dan buku-buku tsb tidak mengandung pendapat seorang manusiapun (1936)

1936 "The Lord has graciously provided for the publication of his message in the form of books, that the people many be informed of the truth....those books do not contain the opinion of any man." (Riches, 1936, p. 384, 385)

Tidak ada satu pendapat manusiapun yang dinyatakan dalam (majalah) Watchtower (1933, 1931)

1933 "This is proof that the interpretation of prophecy does not proceed from man, but that the Lord Jesus, the chief one in Jehovah's organization, sends the necessary information to his people by and through his holy angels." (Preparation; 1933; p. 28)

1931 Jehovah God has made Known to his anointed ones in advance what these scriptures mean. (Watchtower, June 1, 1931 p. 160)

1931 The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of any of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in the Watchtower. (Watchtower, Nov. 1 1931 p. 327)

Kronologi [yg mendasari nubuat WBTS tentang kedatangan Yesus ke-2, Armagedon, dll] ini bukan berasal dari manusia melainkan dari Tuhan. (1922)

1922 "This chronology is not of man, but of God. Being of divine origin and divinely corroborated, present-truth chronology stands in a class by itself, absolutely and unqualifiedly correct...." (Watchtower, July 15, 1922)

Dalam semua peringatannya, Russel mengakui bahwa semua datang dari Tuhan melalui pencerahan Roh Kudus (1917)

1917 "In all his (Russell's) warnings he claimed no originality. He said that he could never have written his books himself. It all came from God, through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit." (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 7, p. 387.)


Sikap yang dianjurkan oleh Watchtower terhadap anggota-anggotanya

Watchtower bersikap terbuka, boleh memeriksa klaim kebenaran mereka

¨      1985 "But that does not relieve each individual Christian of the responsibility to dig deeper into Gods Word, for the purpose of getting the full depth of the thoughts explained. This involves looking up the scriptures cited. It means reading the footnotes in Watchtower articles, some of which refer the reader to an older publication that provides a fuller explanation of a certain passage or prophecy. It requires digging deeper, putting forth effort to locate that older publication and then studying the pages referred to." (Watchtower, June 15, 1985, p. 12)

¨      1979 "However, all person who have love for the truth are invited to examine this claim that Jehovah's Witnesses really do have the truth. In doing so, they should imitate what those persons in the first century did who listened to the preaching of the apostles: They received the word with the great eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so." (Watchtower July 1, 1979, p. 25)

¨      1968 If a religion is not in accord with what the Bible teaches, then it is not in harmony with truth. it is not the true religion. (Rom. 3:4) You have nothing to fear in examining your beliefs by the standard of Gods Word, for if you have the true religion you can only be reassured. And if what you believe is not in keeping with the Bible, then you should welcome the truth, because it leads to eternal life. John 17:3 (Watchtower, July 1, 1968, p. 389)

¨      1968 "We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with Gods Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination. It should be the sincere desire of every one of us to learn what Gods will is for us, and then to do it." John 8:32 (The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life, 1968, p. 13)


Watchtower bersikap tertutup, siapa mempertanyakan ajaran mereka, dikecam

Belajar Alkitab sendiri tidak akan berhasil tanpa bimbingan WBTS

¨      1990 We have the opportunity to show love for our brothers who take the lead in the congregation or in connection with Jehovah's visible organization worldwide. This includes being loyal to "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45-47) Let us face the fact that no matter how much Bible reading we have done, we would never have learned the truth on our own. (The Watchtower; 12/1/1990; pp. 19)

¨      1981 "We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the scriptural guidance we need outside the 'faithful and discreet slave' organization.'" (Watchtower, February 15, 1981, p.19)

¨      1981 Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do. (The Watchtower; 12/1/1981; pp. 27)

¨      1973 Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book. (Watchtower; July 1, 1973; p. 402)

¨      1967 "The Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah's visible organization in mind." (Watchtower, Oct 1, 1967, pg. 587)

¨      1965 "He does not impart his holy spirit and understanding and appreciation of his Word apart from his visible organization." (Watchtower, July 1, 1965, pg. 391)

¨      1951 But if each of us were left to himself just because he has a copy of the Bible and were to direct his movements independently as he thought he understood the Word, what? It is likely, or possible, that there would be a great deal of confusion or working in competition among us. Hence, besides individually possessing God's Word, we need a theocratic organization. Yes, besides having God's spirit of illumination, a Christian needs Jehovah's theocratic organization in order to understand the Bible. (The Watchtower; 6/15/1951; pp. 375)

Dilarang berpikir sendiri dan dilarang mempertanyakan ajaran Watchtower

¨      1983 "Avoid independent thinking...questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization." (Watchtower, Jan. 15, 1983 pg. 22)

¨      1983 "Fight against independent thinking… Yet there are some who point out that the organization has had to make some adjustments before, and so they argue: ‘This shows that we have to make up our own mind on what to believe.’  This is independent thinking.  Why is it so dangerous?  Such thinking is an evidence of pride… If we get to thinking that we know better than the organization, we should ask ourselves: ‘where did we learn Bible truth in the first place?  Would we know the way of the truth if it had not been for guidance from the organization?  Really, can we get along without the direction of God’s organization?’  No we cannot!" (Watchtower, Jan. 15, 1983 pg. 27 )

Dilarang membaca tulisan non-Watchtower

¨      1986 "Have No Dealings With Apostates, ... For example, what will you do if you receive a letter or some literature, open it, and see right away that it is from an apostate? Will curiosity cause you to read it, just to see what he has to say? You may even reason: `It won't affect me; I'm too strong in the truth. And besides, if we have the truth, we have nothing to fear. The truth will stand the test.' In thinking this way, some have fed their minds upon apostate reasoning and have fallen prey to serious questioning and doubt." (Watchtower, March 15, 1986 p12)

¨      1993 "connecting a computer to an electronic bulletin board can open the way to serious spiritual dangers. Just as an unscrupulous individual can place on a bulletin board a virus-a program designed to corrupt and destroy computer files-apostates, clergymen, and persons seeking to corrupt others morally or otherwise can freely place their poisonous ideas on bulletin boards. Unless a bulletin board, even one labeled "JW Only," is properly supervised, with its use being limited to those who are mature, faithful servants of Jehovah, it could expose Christian users to "bad associations." (1 Cor. 15:33) The Society has received reports that such so-called private networks have been used not only to speculate regarding spiritual matters but also to give bad advice, spread gossip and false information, plant negative ideas, raise questions and doubts that subvert the faith of some, and disseminate private interpretations of Scripture. On the surface, some information may appear to be Interesting and informative, and yet it may be laced with poisonous elements. Christians look to "the faithful and discreet slave" for timely spiritual food and for clarifications." (Watchtower, August 1, 1993, p17).



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