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Isamu Alva Dyson
Isamu A.Dyson
Gender: Male
Birthdate: March 27, 2015
Birthplace: Earth
Childhood Planet: Eden
Lineage: Japanese-Caucasian
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 69.7 kg
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Pilot
Affiliation: UN Spacy
Identification Number: SD-064015J
Rank: First Lieutenant
Project Team: Super Nova, YF-19 Team
Chronic Disease: Cedar Pollen Syndrome
Interest: Girl Hunt
Special Ability: Reckless Fun
An ace UN Spacy pilot with an astronomical kill ratio and a gutsy independent streak,Isamu has been reassigned by the UN Spacy to New Edwards Test Flight Center as the test pilot for the YF-19 prototype variable fighter. Here on Planet Eden, he will challenge his vaunted prowess and confront some troubling memories from his youth.