"Ma's Two Layer Cake Recpe"

Preheat oven to 375°F.

Sift the flour once then measure. Add the baking powder and salt sift & together. Cream the butter and sugar in mixer until soft and fluffy. Seperate the eggs and add the yolks to the batter one at a time, beating well. Remove the bowl from the mixer and add the flour and milk alternating between the two by hand until they are all in the mix.This is best because over beating after the flour has been added makes a less tender cake. Add the vanilla and mix well. Beat the egg whites until stiff & place on yop of the batter and carefully fold them into the batter. Lifting it up from the bottom and over. DO NOT BEAT. Place batter evenly between 2 8"-9" cake pans well buttered and floured. and bake the cakes at 375° for 25-30 min or until toothpick comes out dry Enjoy!

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