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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 10:

The Question:

Why is the maximum running time of a compact disc always 74 minutes?

The answer:

The team of engineers at  Sony Corporation who were working on developing the CD technology had as their boss a Sony executive whose favourite musical piece was Beethoven's 9th Symphony. He was constantly complaining about the limitations of the conventional magnetic tape technology which did not allow him to listen to the Symphony at one stretch like it was at a concert and that he had to keep changing the sides of the tape  in between. So, the engineers worked on trying to fit the entire Symphony on one side in a CD. And thus the length of Beethoven's 9th Symphony - 74 minutes also ended up becoming the maximum running time of the CD.

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 10:

No of respondents: 1

No. of correct answers: 1

The Respondents:

1. Ameesha
    Her Answer: To fit Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

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