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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 17:

The Question:

In 1840, an Irish stowaway whose first names were Abel Joshua, landed in Madras. The local Wesleyan Book Depository took him on as a librarian but business being bad later sold its stock to him. Four years later he established something which has become ubiquitous in India today. What?

The answer:

The Higginbothams' Chain of bookstores. Abel Joshua Higginbothams was appointed bookseller to his Royal Highness on the Prince of Wales' visit in 1875. In 1889 he became Sheriff of Madras.

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 17:

No of respondents: 5

No. of correct answers: 5

The Respondents:

1. B. Sreeram
    His Answer: He founded the Higginbothams chain of book shops.

2. Prashanth Prabhu
   His Answer: Higginbotham's Book stores

3. Vinay Vasisht
   His Answer: Higgin Bothams ??

4. Gaurav Johri
   His Answer: Higginbotham's

5. Jyothiprakash
   His Answer: Higgin-Bothams.

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