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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 44:

The Question:

Two popular comic pairs, one from the world of cinema and one from the world of comics have made their appearance in Asterix comics. Name both the pairs and the respective Asterix titles they appeared in.

The answer:

a] Thompson and Thomson of Tintin Comics in Asterix in Belgium
b] Laurel and Hardy in Obelix and Co.

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 44:

No of respondents: 2

No. of correct answers: 2

The Respondents:

1. Deepa Muthukrishnan
    Her Answer:  1) Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in Obelix & Co
                           2) Thomson and Thompson(from Tintin) in Asterix in Belgium.

2. Ameesha
    Her Answer: Laurel and Hardy in "Obelix & Co" and Thomson and Thompson(from Tintin) in
   "Asterix in Belgium".

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