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Answers of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 5:

The Question:

This word has its origins at the Oxford University, where, at the time of applying for admissions, students had to mention whether they hailed from Nobility. If they did, they were placed under a category called 'Sine Nobiliate'. Which word came into the English language from this practice?

The answer:

The answer can be found in the question itself. The word that arose from this practice is 'Snob' from 'Sine Nobiliate'. The usage of the word today quite aptly describes the behaviour of the royal brats at Oxford.

Results of Gopal's Weekly Quiz - 5:

No of Respondents: 3

No. of correct answers: 3

The Respondents:

1.  Name: Shivakumar B.K.
    His Answer:
    The word is 'Snob'

2. Name: Sachin Martin Rasquinha
    His Answer:

3. Name: Satish Gopalakrishnan
    His Answer:

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