Master Pac_Shadow

Gor Scribe
Member of TNA Alliance / CoS

Brundisium - Port city on Thassa. 100 pasangs south of Vosk Delta (on the mainland). A large walled city, a saltwater port located south of the Vosk Delta on the shores of Thassa.


One of the largest and busiest port cities of Gor and a commercial metropolis with 11 towers; it is 100 pasangs south of the Vosk Delta on the Thassa. The Genesian Road links it with other coastal cities. Brundisium served as the staging point for the Cosian invasion of Ar. Initially an ally of Ar but was conquered by Cos during the Cos/Ar war.

Luthur Schrolls


A large walled city, a salt-water port located south of the Vosk delta on the shores of Thassa. Its port facilities rival even those of Cos and Tyros, and much of the merchandise and supplies which are transported into the landlocked northern interior come through Brundisium.

Through the treachery of her former Ubar, the city of Brundisium, though officially allied with Ar, served as the staging point for the great Cosian invasion of Ar, which took place several years ago. Needless to say, Brundisium and Ar are no longer allies. It is similar to any of the walled seaports of ancient Earth Greece.

In Brundisium, when a Free Woman has been found displeasing, she may be denied footwear, she may also be forced to wear a skirt almost as short as that of a slave (optionally it may also be slit at the sides to greater show her legs), also she may denied the use of sleeves in her clothes, they may also not be permitted to bind their hair having to wear it loose, they may also not be permitted to weat a veil.

- Players of Gor - pg 286/287


Gorean Map