The Griffin Daily Snooze
February 13, 2002                                                                                                                      The Griffin Daily Snooze
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Big Black Cow Taste of the Best
     Big Black Cow's effort to win Best of the Best contest in The Griffin Daily Excuse consist of owner Stark Fooseball getting employees to fill out multiple entry forms. 
     "He made me sign three ballots," said one employee, "and he said he would fill them out for me, since I was on the clock." 
     "I told him I wouldn't do that," said another employee, "but he told me that I wouldn't get my check, if I didn't sign like he axed me to." 
     "He said I gots to sign 'em." stated a third. 
     "Its a total rip!" Mammy, from Mammy's Place, stated.  "He's trying to get free advertising by cheating." 
     Mr. Fooseball made no comment to the GDS, but the Big Black Cow has won the Taste of The Best contest many consecutive years.  It makes one wonder.
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Big Black Cow, AKA:  Hungry Heifer