Diary June, 2009 ~ This 'Footloose' was an opportunity
for me to reminisce about my youth because we were driving to
Bavaria, so I persuaded Dave to stop off in Bonn on the
way. I lived and worked in Bonn in the '70's, and I had
a hankering to go back. I'm not sure that's always a
good idea; we stayed in Mehlem, beside the Rhine in the shadow
of the Drachenburg - so familiar to me - and went looking for
my old 'haunts'. I discovered that Bonn-Bad Godesberg
had changed almost out of all recognition - the Embassy I
worked in as an archivisit/cryptographer was gone; so too was
the British Embassy where my sister worked for 18 years.
Gone, vanished. I got talking to an elderly German lady
in Mehlem, and together we reminisced about the good times,
when Bonn was the capital of West Germany, and she seemed
pleased to find someone who remembered. It rained all
day in Bonn, so we just carried on down the autobahn to
started our walk in Kallmunz, a pretty, traditional town that
sits on the river Naab, beneath its own medieval castle
ruin. We met Bernhard, a charming local amateur
historian with a distinct sense of humour, who is also an
actor and artistic director for a theatre that performs inside
another ruined castle! He walked with us up to the
Kallmunz castle, bringing with him the keys to the tower,
which gave us some great views of where we were walking
to. The walk was not difficult, and we found most of our
five castle ruins easily, looking for the cute little knight
figure that is nailed to the trees or stuck on various obvious
surfaces in the villages. It's a landscape with a lot of
history, and I particularly enjoyed the intact pocket castle
Wolfsegg. It reminded me of another one on the Moselle -
Burg Elz - but that's another story! I always feel that
if you sit quietly in a corner of these places, a real sense
of its history comes through - if you close your eyes you can
almost hear those cooking pots rattling; or the clanking of
metal in the Knights' chamber. I always did have a good
in Germany is always a pleasure and because it wasn't school
holidays, we mostly had the countryside to ourselves. I
was impressed with the amount of cycle trails, and even more
with the numbers of older people pedalling away. The
walk beside the Danube was more structured, with proper paths,
and as we neared the city, the foot and pedal traffic became
heavier. The first glimpse of the twin towers of the Dom
is inviting, because you know it isn't that far. We
reached the Roman gates of the city and ended the walk there,
mainly because it was getting late, but it was the start of
the city walk which was of necessity going to be quite
knew Bavaria was an ancient kingdom, and I was prepared for
medieval relics, but I completely forgot that Regensberg is
far older than the Middle Ages. The Roman remains were
such a bonus; and the former Forester Rheinhold was an
entertaining and informative
guide, displaying the distinctive Bavarian sense of humour.
He clearly loves his job, and really wanted us to learn as
much as we could about his city. Olivia also, felt a
very strong attachment to Regensberg; she came from the
Canaries and never went home again! I understood what she
meant when she said she felt that 'the walls can tell you
stories' - the atmosphere in Regensberg felt calm and
confident, as if it had nothing to prove. The centuries
of being an imperial free city, of all that debating and
negotiating and diplomacy seem to have seeped into the
walls. I really enjoyed the Snuff Museum - the smells
were so alien. So many words to describe this one sense
- there were pleasant aromas, a strong stench in one part,
almost a stink in another room! And in the last room,
definitely more of a fragrance or a scent - how can one
product produce all these variations? I wasn't sure about
taking snuff - I was nervous I was going to completely fluff
it and get it all over my nose, face and end up choking!
I opted for the menthol one, with no nicotine, and felt rather
uncomfortable having this white powder on the side of my thumb
and then sniffing it! But my goodness, it certainly
cleared the old nasal cavities! It was amazing - but I dread
to think what kind of 'hit' the snuff takers of old got from
the nicotine laden mixes. Our guide Elle was very
knowledgeable, but that's not surprising when you discover
that her grandfather worked there, and she used to come as a
this programme, all we seemed to do was eat! The
chocolates were delicious, and I hope everyone noted that I
restrained myself and did not buy a sackful! The
dampfnudeln were another matter - I was quite sure they would
be stodgy and difficult to digest - how wrong can you be? So
light and delicious that we actually had a plate each, and Uli
was very funny. He does speak English, but was shy to do
it on camera. He nattered away to us off-camera, and
when he couldn't think of the word he wanted in English, he
just shouted out to his customers to supply it for him.
A real character, and one we almost didn't get to meet - all
of us - Olivia, Uli and Dave and I - completely forgot that
the day we arranged to film him was Corpus Christi and
therefore a holiday. We turned up at the Turm to find it
shuttered and barred, and we thought that perhaps he'd changed
his mind, as has happened in the past! But no, he was up
for it, and even gave us a cd of him singing his own
composition with a local band. And of course, we had to
sample the famous Regensberg skinny sausages at the oldest
'kitchen' in the city - and you can't have those without the
local beer, now can you? You also can't film a beer
garden without partaking of the cuisine or the brew - it would
be rude. So perhaps we should have done it the other way
round - walked the castles trail after visiting the city, to
walk off those extra pounds! Our side trip to Walhalla was
interesting if slightly surreal - it's a massive, very
grandiose structure on the side of the hill - another of
Ludwig II's extravagances. It is dedicated to
commemorating famous Germans throughout history. Be
warned that the cruiser leaves you there, there are no
facilities and there isn't anything else to do but visit the
building and it's quite a climb up the cliff. Lovely
views of the Danube though.
can't visit Bavaria without going to Königswinkel; it's de
rigeur to visit Neuschwanstein, after all. But goodness,
it was SO busy. There are some wonderful walking trails
in the foothills of the Alps there, but everyone seemed to be
congregated around the tourist town between the two castles.
Bernhard did warn us, but the weather was so superb it felt
like the whole world had come. I was frankly terrified
of the Marienbrücke
- not only was it spanning a sheer drop, but it was quite
narrow and people just kept coming onto it; it was an absolute
scrum and still people were crowding on. I had my
fingers crossed the whole time Dave was on it - 'elf and
safety would have had a fit! But it's a magical place, no
doubt about it, and being a royal seat, reminds you that
Germany had two royal houses and was not a unified country
before the First World War.

your experience
...or e-mail
Debra at: